TDKR!!!!! (again) =^)
Shown below via robdtoys are in-hand images for the new DC Multiverse 7" The Dark Knight Returns Superman Vs Batman 2-Pack which features figures of Superman and Blue Armored Batman. In the images below he also shows some comparisons of both the single release and 2pk versions of the Batman figure.This 2-pack is available for pre-order from our sponsors and EntertainmentEarth.
Well another rumor came to life. Wish they would have done something different with Superman like a new better head sculpt lol. And I still cannot believe they will not paint his belt bucks red lol. The new paint job on this armored Batman is really cool. But I don't think I will get this 2 pack just for that.
Supes face expression while accurate to comic book art seems odd as a choice for head, would work better as alternate head, I'm not sure how to feel about single elbow joints but overall sculpt is pretty good.
Good thing Bats doesn't even have a sonic sound wave gun! Hand to hand is the only way! Slap fight incoming!
Good 2pack for the TDNR fans....
Like Me ;^)
Looking at Superman's swole face Bats already winning the fight
Like the look on Clark's face. It's nice to have as an option for those that didn't get the law earlier. I'd have preferred one where Clark was black and blue though.