On 6/13/2022 at 10:34 AM, XaeroGravity said:Lol. Unfortunately acetone wouldn't work since the elbows are molded in black
I thought so too until I saw review of BradTheDCUniverseGeekandelbows are in fact painted black.
Decent 2 pack ;^)
4 hours ago, SpiderS said:They should include acetone or a coupon for acetone so one can get elbows in the correct color.
Lol. Unfortunately acetone wouldn't work since the elbows are molded in black
oh man the back of the box has Batman the correct way, what a disappointment. i wonder what went wrong, clearly at some point he was meant to look like back, but factory messed up? cheaper to not have to paint the gloves?
sees like a stupid thing to complain about, but it really makes a big difference in my opinion
They should include acetone or a coupon for acetone so one can get elbows in the correct color.
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