This looks amazing! wow, I have been trying to stay away from getting every Spawn Variant that comes out, but this one I can't pass up way too awesome.
8 hours ago, Reno said:I believe that this is just Al Simmons as Omega Spawn from the Image United crossover where he was the main villain. There was another Omega Spawn at one point that was a robot, but I'm pretty sure this isn't that. I recall Todd doing a figure of the robot years ago. Any true Spawn fans, please correct me if I have any of that wrong. Thanks!
Yeah lot more to his story, but it's just another blah Blah Spawn universe thing, he was basically the most powerful early Hellspawn, he was almost as powerful as Malebolgia, he had a bunch of clones, but they were weak, he went and rampaged hell and mucked everybody up, he tried taking over earth, but got bored went to conquer space, Al Simmons opened some space rift and it sucked him back to earth, he got all angry and decided to take over earth again because he was mad Al brought him,back, he got some cult to make him a new ship to go back to space, he did some other stuff to bug people, there was a battle Plague Spawn and other Spawns hurt Omega Spawns feelings and he ran away and cried...yeah more Blah Blahs
yeah in the Animatedy Adventures Spawn Stories there was a robot Spawn Named Omega Spawn, but they are different.
I believe that this is just Al Simmons as Omega Spawn from the Image United crossover where he was the main villain. There was another Omega Spawn at one point that was a robot, but I'm pretty sure this isn't that. I recall Todd doing a figure of the robot years ago. Any true Spawn fans, please correct me if I have any of that wrong. Thanks!
We saw the figure start to see release overseas this past weekend, but not McFarlane Toys has officially announced their new 7" scale Omega Spawn Megafig. Still no word on when it will be available here in the US or go up for pre-order.
He looks cool but Im still wondering if hes considered a mega fig as that box seems way oversized for him
Now this guy looks really cool. I'm not familiar with him but I like the design.
This is a really cool sculpt. I would love to see what a customizer could do with a different paint scheme on this guy.
Following the news earlier this morning, more images have surfaced on social media for the unannounced Omega Spawn figure coming from McFarlane Toys.
4 hours ago, Admiral_Brockbar said:Seems like a lot of open space in that almost looks like megafig packaging. Odd
It is overkill on that packaging, looks to to be a megafig I'm thinking as well. This should be a regular priced figure. Looks fantastic through.
Seems like a lot of open space in that almost looks like megafig packaging. Odd