The Batman Who laughs looks good, but I already got the regular version and I'm happy with that one.
If they release Rambo as a figure, I will buy it...??
??Lab - BuykerLab takes a look at the Mortal Kombat 11 Batman Who Laughs and Shadow of Spawn Action Figures from McFarlane Toys.Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Is this the 1st time we've acutally gotten a normal-ish looking Spawn in this line? No weird colour variation, design variation, or "Bloody" version, or weapons like swords, axes, etc.? Just a normal colour looking Spawn figure with the chain accessories?
Either way, will strongly have to consider getting this Spawn only because it's a normal looking Spawn with chains, not a weird variant. I think the Chains is what sells it to me.
That looks pretty good although not entirely accurate to comics, it is very much accurate to the MK game skin. I wonder if we will see this figure in Spawn line with the comic book accurate limbs.
1 hour ago, Jace976 said:On the one hand, I'm glad these are still coming out. On the other, Todd is being Todd. Another Spawn - another Batman-focused character and we still don't have the main lineup finished yet. No Kano, Jax, Sonya, etc. I really love what he's doing with the actual MK characters so I'm tolerating these...just barely. If I'm being realistic, I doubt we'll get all the actual MK cast. We rarely do when someone picks up the license. Credit where credit is due, he does keep these at a reasonable price point, and I think he's put out more of the MK cast than most licensors though. Time will tell.
The only way you/we stand a chance of getting every character is if he (and other companies) put out variants/repaints of pre-existing molds/tools. Tooling is insanely expensive which is why there's reuse and complete reissues (for those who don't know this) and the way a line can go deeper into a line is by having it financed by continued variants and reissues. McFarlane has this down to a fine art with his stubborn with the whole masked/unmasked and/or bloody/not bloody and of course those gray versions, so he knows how to get the most out of a tool.
So cool. I want this!
On the one hand, I'm glad these are still coming out. On the other, Todd is being Todd. Another Spawn - another Batman-focused character and we still don't have the main lineup finished yet. No Kano, Jax, Sonya, etc. I really love what he's doing with the actual MK characters so I'm tolerating these...just barely. If I'm being realistic, I doubt we'll get all the actual MK cast. We rarely do when someone picks up the license. Credit where credit is due, he does keep these at a reasonable price point, and I think he's put out more of the MK cast than most licensors though. Time will tell.
Shadow Spawn looks good...though I prefer his boot was on the other leg like the comics.