On 12/9/2022 at 8:09 PM, RickytheRockstar said:i dunno, i had those thoughts before she had a cape, or when she was shown unpainted. like Satam said maybe it's the size of her head that's throwing everything off for me
Could be.
I think Wonder Woman looks fine although the head looks a little off. But Im enjoying this line overall so Im. Down to get these 3.
That's kinda weird Wonder Woman design, if they are going for the retro she should have different boots or at least a white stripe instead of the gold.
21 hours ago, Batfreak87 said:She's not- I think because her cape is red and her mid section is also red, that might be where the confusion is coming from. She has that hourglass figure.
i dunno, i had those thoughts before she had a cape, or when she was shown unpainted. like Satam said maybe it's the size of her head that's throwing everything off for me
I might pick up deathstroke. Not really liking the ww. Probably pass on nightwing
The small head on Wonder Woman is making the other proportions look out of whack.
1 minute ago, RickytheRockstar said:i had the same thoughts, i'm not sure what it is but from the first look we got at her she looked a bit pot bellied to me
She's not- I think because her cape is red and her mid section is also red, that might be where the confusion is coming from. She has that hourglass figure.
11 minutes ago, Batfreak87 said:weight? She's not chunky in the mid-section, I think you need glasses.
i had the same thoughts, i'm not sure what it is but from the first look we got at her she looked a bit pot bellied to me
7 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Wonder Woman looks like she put on some weight, looking chunky in the mid section, not very impressed to be honest.
weight? She's not chunky in the mid-section, I think you need glasses.
They look nice but yet again, even this line can get themselves a regular standard-ish version of Wonder Woman and yet the multiverse 7 inch line has yet to reveal one for itself, which I feel is a shame.