I think this is probably their best joker to date.
14 hours ago, RickytheRockstar said:the wrist joint being purple bothers me, whys it not white? (or off white...whatever color the gloves are...)
McFarlane does things that make no sense all the time. I've personally gotten tired of asking "why?"
12 hours ago, RickytheRockstar said:the wrist joint being purple bothers me, whys it not white? (or off white...whatever color the gloves are...)
Hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out, that is bizarre. I don't think he's wearing gloves, though, I think that's just the color of his hands.
the wrist joint being purple bothers me, whys it not white? (or off white...whatever color the gloves are...)
Asoka the Geek takes a look at the new DC Multiverse 7" Gold Label DC VS Vampires Joker figure from McFarlane Toys. Here in the US this figure will be sold as a Walmart exclusive.
With all these Jokers it would be nice to get another Harley or two.
I'm confused at McFarlane's choices of figures under the "DC vs Vampires" label. Just like Batman, Joker was barely even existent in this series. Just call it Vampire Batman and Vampire Joker but neither of these figures have anything to do with the relatively recent comic series called DC vs Vampires. They're just the characters that Todd thought he could alter slightly and would be most likely to sell regardless if they were at all accurate to the story he's supposedly representing. And Walmart exclusives just suck, period.
DC Multiverse Walmart Exclusive The Joker: DC VS Vampires Gold Label 7" scale figurefromMcFarlane Toys.
asokathegeektakes a look at theThe DC Multiverse Kingdom Come Batman Action FigurefromMcFarlane Toys.Check out images for this figure below in ourGALLERYand be sure to share your own thoughts about it in theCOMMENTS SECTION.
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Nice Pamper, Kyle. Whelp, it is what it is, McFarlane once again opens the repaint floodgate. Nothing new, no surprise. I was done with McFarlane a month ago. I was also in the same mind set as @glhshelbyfor a minute. Mac had me under the spell with the prices and some well done figures and when he started doing "other" characters, but after a couple of really bad figures I have no faith on the consistency of the line other than in it's Batman related figures.