Gotta love it when the figure and the artwork on the card are completely different from each other. The card has the version everyone wants but that would require a lot of new tooling, so we get adult Impulse that's as tall as everyone else. The weird extra long legs are really apparent in that group shot of all 3 speedsters, and it just looks wrong. I love the line, but this oddball proportion thing was a mistake.
Shown below via jwmp_show are some in-hand images of the new DC Multiverse 7" Gold Label Impulse figure which here in the US is being released as a Target exclusive.
Not bad, I feel like like he should be a little shorter though. I assume the body is re use.
I'm all about this, I just hope he's not too tall.
The DC Multiverse 7" Target Exclusive Gold Label Impulse figure from McFarlane Toys is now available for pre-order on the Target website.
Ooo, looks awesome! ??
Can we hope for max mercury
This is a must buy for me. I've had that same DC Direct Impulse that came out in the year 2000 in my DC Comics figures as my representation of Bart ever since it was first released and he's always been just a little too tall and not all that well articulated. It's certainly time for an upgrade!!
Impulse? Yes, please!I find I'm most excited for figures in this like that come from the 90's: Impulse, Az-Bat, Parallax, Kyle Rayner. Even the Eradicator and Superboy which aren't strictly their 90's versions. Glad this is from Target so I have a chance at it.