Happily I was successfully able to order Beast Boy to be delivered to my home from their warehouse. I hope the switch back to allowing this is permanent. Being forced to order from a local store for other recent exclusives hadn't been working very well. I'll be happy to replace the Collect to Build Beast Boy with this Gold Label figure.
Shown below via RobDToys is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Titans Beast Boy BAF Figure from McFarlane Toys.You can purchase this figure from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.
Shown below via RobDToys is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Titans Beast Boy BAF Nightwing figure from McFarlane Toys.You can purchase this figure from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.
Maybe it's an angle thing. Donna's face seems like she's almost snarling
Shown below via RobDToys is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Titans Beast Boy BAF Donna Troy figure from McFarlane Toys.You can purchase this figure from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.
He looks cool. I really like this whole wave. Does anyone know what his tattoos mean? I wonder if poison is a reference to his past addiction.
Shown below via RobDToys is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Titans Beast Boy BAF Arsenal figure from McFarlane Toys.You can purchase this figure from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.
Shown below via RobDToys is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Titans Beast Boy BAF Raven figure from McFarlane Toys.You can purchase this figure from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.
It was so much better when Walmart would allow you to order these online for delivery from the warehouse.
I understand that they want these exclusives in the stores to drive more foot traffic, but I'm not confident that it really even matters.
I just hope that they don't start doing this with Legends exclusives too... Hasbro doesn't do as many walmart exclusives as McFarlane does but they do have animated Kraven and comic Star-Lord coming up soon.
I've very rarely ever seen an exclusive figure on the pegs at Walmart and I go there for all of my grocery shopping at least once per week and always look. Of course I live in a town with a population of 80k in a larger county of about 700k so it is absolutely possible that they just sell out every time in between my weekly visits.
Why is Walmart such an abject cluster-you-know-what with these things?
"These sold out so we'll go ahead and list them at an incorrect price, because we know the scalpers that we allow to use our website are going to list them at an obscene price anyway."
It's getting to the point where I'm starting to wonder if this line is worth pursuing anymore.