McFARLANE COLLECTOR EDITION brings to market character driven action figures designed and produced exclusively for the core collector.
With a special focus on a rich and diverse catalog of characters, McFARLANE COLLECTOR EDITION allows the most dedicated fans to complete their desired universe.
For collectors, by collectors. Coming Summer 2023.
Complete? Collectors? I wonder could it be that McFarlane is making new 6 inch line for DC and Spawn? I know it's wishful thinking but still.
Love the sound of it. He has his misses, but so much of his stuff is awesome. I think he is getting "in front" of leaks...a couple days late.
Rumor is First Appearance figures for Superman, Green Lantern and Abyss are Wave 1. More high end. I'm hoping we see him revisit some Spawn characters and designs from the 90s as well. I'm happy paying more for more - it wouldn't be an insane number of purchases anyhow.
3 hours ago, RobertD said:Got a good laugh out of me with that.
I think this is mostly a tease for acquired licenses that haven't been announced yet. Probably pretty random stuff, along the lines of Princess Bride. Either that or this is an tease for higher-end "premium" figures, but I suspect the former.
See I'm thinking this is the figures he doesn't actually think will sell outside of the collector niche market.
More Spawn Please.
A while back, Todd had some teases for a much more detailed (and very different) Medieval Spawn figure than the one that is going to retail, and he was talking about doing it on Kickstarter. Then...nothing. I wonder if it's going to be a part of this.
44 minutes ago, Nosferatuman62172 said:Isn't this what he's supposedly already doing?
Got a good laugh out of me with that.
I think this is mostly a tease for acquired licenses that haven't been announced yet. Probably pretty random stuff, along the lines of Princess Bride. Either that or this is an tease for higher-end "premium" figures, but I suspect the former.
Isn't this what he's supposedly already doing?
Interesting, wonder what this could be. Eagerly awaiting more details!