15 hours ago, rono said:I think this line has pretty much reached an end since they have abandoned the classic TV show's characters, including villains like Mad Hatter, Bookworm, FalseFace, Clock King, Siren, & Shame. I had hoped we'd get these villains since other toy companies had made them, but apparently McFarlane thinks otherwise. I haven't a clue as to why they are basing this line on obscure comics & animated TV shows. The interest in this line was for the 1966 Batman TV show. They just need to pull the plug.
Of course if I worked for McFarlane, I could keep it going a few more years with Casually dressed Bruce & Dick, Alfred, plus the villains I mentioned previously, then make an Eli Wallach Mr. Freeze, Lee Merriweather Catwoman, John Astin Riddler, and a Frank Gorshin green suited Riddler. A few more villains like Black Widow, Archer, Louie the Lilac, Marsha-Queen of Diamonds, & Minstrel would have been nice too. Oh well.
It probably has to do with likeness rights.
I think this line has pretty much reached an end since they have abandoned the classic TV show's characters, including villains like Mad Hatter, Bookworm, FalseFace, Clock King, Siren, & Shame. I had hoped we'd get these villains since other toy companies had made them, but apparently McFarlane thinks otherwise. I haven't a clue as to why they are basing this line on obscure comics & animated TV shows. The interest in this line was for the 1966 Batman TV show. They just need to pull the plug.
Of course if I worked for McFarlane, I could keep it going a few more years with Casually dressed Bruce & Dick, Alfred, plus the villains I mentioned previously, then make an Eli Wallach Mr. Freeze, Lee Merriweather Catwoman, John Astin Riddler, and a Frank Gorshin green suited Riddler. A few more villains like Black Widow, Archer, Louie the Lilac, Marsha-Queen of Diamonds, & Minstrel would have been nice too. Oh well.
Ah man as a sucker for GITD figures and his totally being a Batman Scareglow I want this, but I just bought the regular version, I just love this figure looks damn fun, don't even care who the character is, it's just a Skeletony guy always gonna get me. Maybe I just buy this one as well.
Yeah, I have completely lost interest in this line. In fact I cancelled all my preorders for this current wave.
I didn't mind them doing comic/new characters here and there (like Two-face), or the lazy repaints (Scuba Batman & Robin, etc.) - I bought them all to support the characters like Egghead and Tut.
But to have a wave of 6 figures and not a single one actually from the show, combined with the fact that when interviewed at ToyFair last week McFarlane seemed to a) not know/care much about this line and b) thought it was a good thing they were "moving on" from known characters, was just too much for me.
I wish they had kept going - if there had been at least one new classic TV character per wave, I would have continued to buy it all. I definitely wanted more - the playsets were so cool, the prices were decent, and it wasn't a difficult line to collect. The only figure I didn't have up until now was the unmasked Robin, because I refuse to pay $200+ for it especially when it actually looks nothing like Burt Ward.
I pretty much consider the line over - I just can't believe they never did Bruce/Dick/Alfred since they released a playset for them. I'll keep an eye on it if and when they do any of the needed characters, but other than that - just not interested in supporting all these random figures that have nothing to do with '66.
I hope we get back to characters from the tv series soon. Im really not that interested in anything from the comics.