On 12/13/2023 at 1:16 PM, toynewman said:That's fine by me because I don't need diaper crotched, gangly legged G.I. Joe, Dungeons & Dragons and Power Rangers figures from McFarlane. LOL
Ha I def don't need McFarlane Joes or Power Rangers (Since I'm done with that collection), but I might be interested in some more D&D stuff if they were to do some characters we have not seen yet from other companies, I mean as long as they are 7'' scale and not those tiny silly things.
8 minutes ago, RobertD said:This is almost definitely going to remain at the little tiny 3" scale, which to my mind are just the most pointless, overpriced, doomed little things (which I've never understood who the audience for it is). Super7 currently holds licenses for 7" scale Transformers, Power Rangers and G.I. Joe, and NECA's got D&D. Usually a company won't (and often contractually can't) license out the same scale to different companies. So unless those contracts are approaching their end, expect to see just some tiny little Grimlocks and Roadblocks and not much else.
That's fine by me because I don't need diaper crotched, gangly legged G.I. Joe, Dungeons & Dragons and Power Rangers figures from McFarlane. LOL
On 12/12/2023 at 10:54 AM, hainrs said:Page Punchers is two different scales and you only get 2 figs with the 2.5"/3" scale. I hate those figures, but there's also the 7" scale PP line, so we'll see if that happens. I didn't see anything that was official info stating it was only the smaller scale. The article mentions this, but that was from the author and wasn't clear if that was the only scale they were going with. If it is then this is a huge waste. Also, PP is actually a DC Direct brand but the 7" versions are the same as the normal DC Multiverse figs.
This is almost definitely going to remain at the little tiny 3" scale, which to my mind are just the most pointless, overpriced, doomed little things (which I've never understood who the audience for it is). Super7 currently holds licenses for 7" scale Transformers, Power Rangers and G.I. Joe, and NECA's got D&D. Usually a company won't (and often contractually can't) license out the same scale to different companies. So unless those contracts are approaching their end, expect to see just some tiny little Grimlocks and Roadblocks and not much else.
3 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:True didn't really take that into consideration, Disney does own Marvel, not Hasbro, so it would have to be a Hasbro owned IP, but yes also would be interesting to see if Hasbro continues to go forward with some of their current licenses for say Marvel or Star Wars, with all of their current financial troubles, maybe soon enough Marvel will end up in someone else's hands, but that seems unlikely Hasbro would let that License go.
They just renewed both the Marvel and Star Wars licenses last year, but both brands have also been operating in the red since then. The only two collector brands that have been profitable for Hasbro according to the last several investor presentations are GI Joe and Transformers. Considering that Marvel and Star Wars cost Hasbro so much and apparently bring in so little, if that trend continues, it's actually very likely they may not renew again when the time comes.
Page Punchers is two different scales and you only get 2 figs with the 2.5"/3" scale. I hate those figures, but there's also the 7" scale PP line, so we'll see if that happens. I didn't see anything that was official info stating it was only the smaller scale. The article mentions this, but that was from the author and wasn't clear if that was the only scale they were going with. If it is then this is a huge waste. Also, PP is actually a DC Direct brand but the 7" versions are the same as the normal DC Multiverse figs.
I might be interested if they're going to do D&D cartoon stuff. I'd be interested in those done at the smaller scale.
11 minutes ago, JayC said:No, Hasbro doesnt own the Marvel license, Disney does. Same for Star Wars. This only applies to licenses Hasbro owns which includes brands such as GIJoe, Transformers, Power Ranger san D&D.
Hasbro has been pretty clear about moving in this direction where they are putting less focus on manufacturing and more on licensing. So that does beg the question of whether or not Hasbro will actively compete for the Marvel and Star Wars license when the current contract comes to an end.
True didn't really take that into consideration, Disney does own Marvel, not Hasbro, so it would have to be a Hasbro owned IP, but yes also would be interesting to see if Hasbro continues to go forward with some of their current licenses for say Marvel or Star Wars, with all of their current financial troubles, maybe soon enough Marvel will end up in someone else's hands, but that seems unlikely Hasbro would let that License go.
7 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Hmmm, so is this for Marvel? Todd you finally got your wish granted and now you can play in the Marvel Sandbox, but that's just speculation, but makes sense I mean this could be D&D or Power Rangers... But Marvel works for the Page Puncher thingy, anyways Page Punchers are horrid really, little overpriced poorly painted, articulationless plastic happy meal toys...so w/e
No, Hasbro doesnt own the Marvel license, Disney does. Same for Star Wars. This only applies to licenses Hasbro owns which includes brands such as GIJoe, Transformers, Power Ranger san D&D.
Hasbro has been pretty clear about moving in this direction where they are putting less focus on manufacturing and more on licensing. So that does beg the question of whether or not Hasbro will actively compete for the Marvel and Star Wars license when the current contract comes to an end.
Hmmm, so is this for Marvel? Todd you finally got your wish granted and now you can play in the Marvel Sandbox, but that's just speculation, but makes sense I mean this could be D&D or Power Rangers... But Marvel works for the Page Puncher thingy, anyways Page Punchers are horrid really, little overpriced poorly painted, articulationless plastic happy meal toys...so w/e
I'm assuming that this is just for the 3" version, of course - although it would have been more interesting if it was for 7" versions. I bought a couple of the DC 3" page punchers (Green Lantern and Nightwing) when they hit deep clearance for under $3 each and was extremely underwhelmed. The obvious Hasbro brand missing here is Marvel, of course - but that's certainly not surprising.