On 4/20/2024 at 8:14 AM, Monstrous said:exactly. so the "alittle over 100 employees" that you claim the entire company has was proven false by this lol
That's... not how proof works. You skipped the part where you did any legwork. Go Google it, man, you'll find the same information I did. It's honestly sad conversing with you.
On 4/20/2024 at 8:29 AM, Monstrous said:lol so then 95% of all movies would warrant inclusion in the line by your logic and you now have nothing to complain about. go watch big lebowski again, pay attention before the movie begins where it gives the reasons for the movies rating. there is a V.
Oh wow, a guy throws a bowling ball at another guy, there's a mild scuffle, and earlier one of the nihilists threatens Lebowski by dropping a clawing, desperate ferret into his bathtub! And of course, who could forget Walter destroying a car with a baseball bat! That's violence, right! What a crazily violent movie those things make it! Totally on the same level as something like T2! Hell, I'm starting to think it was maybe a stealth sequel; it was T3 before T3 was T3! Plus, it takes place in L.A., and T3 takes place in L.A., so that proves it! Because apparently we're pretending we don't know what the word proof means! I mean, there's a V on the rating card! What a super-well made point you have! A V for goodness sake! A V!!!
Lol. Anyway. If you need it spelled out for you, I'm not taking you seriously, because you don't say anything that warrants taking seriously. I mean, you just typed with a presumably straight face that The Big Lebowski is a "violent" movie, because some deeply mild violence exists in it, and that was your actual argument. If you can't see the difference between that and the sort of movie where characters are running around killing each other left and right, then you're beyond help. And if you honestly don't have anything more meaningful (or at least better thought-out) to contribute, then I think probably I'm done here. Your nonsense has become so boring that I've had to start making my own fun, clearly.
20 hours ago, RobertD said:You're actively and purposely misrepresenting what's been said, which is something of a pattern with your posts. I said they were "horror and violent movie characters" which YOU HAD CORRECTLY QUOTED PREVIOUSLY. Like, you literally typed it out. Jebus. I guess the next thing you'll say is that those aren't violent movies, LOL.
lol so then 95% of all movies would warrant inclusion in the line by your logic and you now have nothing to complain about. go watch big lebowski again, pay attention before the movie begins where it gives the reasons for the movies rating. there is a V.
so now you can be happy that the new line is following what you believe the original line to have been.
20 hours ago, RobertD said:You know you can look up company sizes, right? This is pretty basic stuff, my dude.
exactly. so the "alittle over 100 employees" that you claim the entire company has was proven false by this lol
15 hours ago, Monstrous said:and clearly its you thats unfamiliar with the characters and franchises. you are now THE only person that has ever classified any shaft movie as a horror film. and escape from ny is definitely not a horror film either. neither is terminator. so yeah im sure and its only you that is very unfamiliar with these films and their characters.
You're actively and purposely misrepresenting what's been said, which is something of a pattern with your posts. I said they were "horror and violent movie characters" which YOU HAD CORRECTLY QUOTED PREVIOUSLY. Like, you literally typed it out. Jebus. I guess the next thing you'll say is that those aren't violent movies, LOL.
15 hours ago, Monstrous said:and i'd love to see where you got the info about the company having only "alittle over 100 employees". 5 offices, 11 warehouses, 3 design studios. but somehow they have only 100 employees. lol, please rejoin the rest of us in reality.
You know you can look up company sizes, right? This is pretty basic stuff, my dude.
35 minutes ago, Atlantis said:Not so. As pointed out in the Mythic Legions example, the people that said No to 4" figures but Yes to 6" weren't already literally "customers", as the line hadn't even been produced. Happily 4HM listened to them. That's not negativity, that's feedback, its saying "here's how you can take my money".
No, I and apparently others don't have interest in a statue, but as I clearly stated, if he made an articulated figure, I'd be all over it. So THAT I WOULD have interest in. If that's "bringing you down" I honestly can't see how, because that is a better figure, and is something you know you would definitely buy. No one's stopping you from buying the statue.
4h required your money, they made what was requested. mcfarlane toys does not require your money. they require target and walmart and amazons money. they make what they request. youre not mcfarlane toys customer. but feel free to dm their director of sales and director of strategy. they make all the decisions.
and mythic lehions was crowdfunded lol. this is not.
and its not feedback when you havent bought and state you refuse to buy. but its cool, its not for you. head to x and beg neca to get the license, you might get your wish. hell, you yourself can start a gofundme and get exactly what you want made.
and no, me personally, im very happy to pay $20 for this as opposed to the $38 neca would charge so i can pose it the same way on my display. but to each their own. as i aged and promoted and got more money i personally got into statues and so my display evolved. thats me. you like action figures more. thats you. but you dont speak for the fandom and you dont know what anyone other than yourself actual wants and will buy.
22 hours ago, Monstrous said:"and to give "customer feedback" you actually have to be a customer. you clearly stated you dont purchase non articulated figures. so it is just plain negativity...."
Not so. As pointed out in the Mythic Legions example, the people that said No to 4" figures but Yes to 6" weren't already literally "customers", as the line hadn't even been produced. Happily 4HM listened to them. That's not negativity, that's feedback, its saying "here's how you can take my money".
No, I and apparently others don't have interest in a statue, but as I clearly stated, if he made an articulated figure, I'd be all over it. So THAT I WOULD have interest in. If that's "bringing you down" I honestly can't see how, because that is a better figure, and is something you know you would definitely buy. No one's stopping you from buying the statue.
7 hours ago, RobertD said:LOL, you sure about that? I honestly can't tell if you're just trying to troll here, or are just unfamiliar with the characters or their franchises.
Listen man, if you simply don't know or are just willfully misunderstanding that that line was born as a horror franchise showcase, and over the years gradually expanded beyond that, then I don't know what to tell you. But introducing Robocop six years after the line debuted does not retroactively change the meaning of the line's title. You either get that or you don't.
This is about as bad-faith an argument as it gets. You know without question I wasn't writing as if I were speaking to him, or had an expectation of him reading any of this. If I had written it as "Maybe Todd, YOU will put out something a little more tepid next time..." then you might have a point, but no. "even in reply you post like you know him personally" -- how so? I used his name in my response because we're now talking about him directly, not his company, because you wanted to pretend that I was acting like I expected him to read this, for some reason.
What I think I find the most concerning, and frankly more interesting, well beyond what we've been discussing, is your constant discounting of Todd's influence on the company that he co-owns. You act like he has such little creative control or input, claiming that McFarlane Toys is this massive company, while the reality is they only have a little over 100 employees. Your local Walmart likely has more people working there. You say things like:
and it raises questions like... it is? It's "fact"? How do you know that? What even makes you think that? Straight-up I've never seen anyone more defensive about any company on these boards than you are about McFarlane Toys, to the point where you seem to take offense to anyone even invoking Todd's name instead of properly naming the company, I and can't help but wonder where that comes from.
well seeing as how the hollow plastic is identical to sportspicks, yeah im sure. its imports dragon 3d printing on these. so his partner is clearly overseeing the production. fact.
and clearly its you thats unfamiliar with the characters and franchises. you are now THE only person that has ever classified any shaft movie as a horror film. and escape from ny is definitely not a horror film either. neither is terminator. so yeah im sure and its only you that is very unfamiliar with these films and their characters.
and i'd love to see where you got the info about the company having only "alittle over 100 employees". 5 offices, 11 warehouses, 3 design studios. but somehow they have only 100 employees. lol, please rejoin the rest of us in reality.
15 hours ago, Monstrous said:john shaft, snake plissken, and sarah connor are not "horror and violent movie characters",
LOL, you sure about that? I honestly can't tell if you're just trying to troll here, or are just unfamiliar with the characters or their franchises.
Listen man, if you simply don't know or are just willfully misunderstanding that that line was born as a horror franchise showcase, and over the years gradually expanded beyond that, then I don't know what to tell you. But introducing Robocop six years after the line debuted does not retroactively change the meaning of the line's title. You either get that or you don't.
13 hours ago, Monstrous said:you mentioned one of the owners of a massive company by first name, as if you knew him personally or were speaking to him directly. in other companies threads you do not mention any owner by first name. even in reply you post like you know him personally.
This is about as bad-faith an argument as it gets. You know without question I wasn't writing as if I were speaking to him, or had an expectation of him reading any of this. If I had written it as "Maybe Todd, YOU will put out something a little more tepid next time..." then you might have a point, but no. "even in reply you post like you know him personally" -- how so? I used his name in my response because we're now talking about him directly, not his company, because you wanted to pretend that I was acting like I expected him to read this, for some reason.
What I think I find the most concerning, and frankly more interesting, well beyond what we've been discussing, is your constant discounting of Todd's influence on the company that he co-owns. You act like he has such little creative control or input, claiming that McFarlane Toys is this massive company, while the reality is they only have a little over 100 employees. Your local Walmart likely has more people working there. You say things like:
16 hours ago, Monstrous said:its fact that hes not even remotely involved in this line.
and it raises questions like... it is? It's "fact"? How do you know that? What even makes you think that? Straight-up I've never seen anyone more defensive about any company on these boards than you are about McFarlane Toys, to the point where you seem to take offense to anyone even invoking Todd's name instead of properly naming the company, I and can't help but wonder where that comes from.
9 hours ago, Monstrous said:you mentioned one of the owners of a massive company by first name, as if you knew him personally or were speaking to him directly. in other companies threads you do not mention any owner by first name. even in reply you post like you know him personally. my apologies for the misinterpretation.
Everyone online refers to McFarlane Toys the company as 'Todd' and 'he/him'. It does come off as hes actually sculpting & painting these, but its just shorthand.
I do think Todd isn't very involved with the toy line. It's more art directors and/or line managers making day to day decisions with the actual work being done by freelancers. I'm sure does Todd does sign off at some point in the process though. But maybe more of a formality or whatever.
Have you ever seen any of the videos where hes unveiling toys? He doesnt seem to be (at least to me) overly familiar with whatever it is that hes showing.
Interesting take on movie maniacs. Could it be that they just repurposed the name to mean movie fans, but the name for the original line was very much meant for iconic horror (or I guess R-rated at least lol) movie characters?
39 minutes ago, Atlantis said:It isn't meant to be "literal". His name is on the product. Good or bad, its a reflection on him. Todd's been in the toy biz long enough to know that collectors prefer articulated figures (especially at that price) over statues. That thing looks good! I can guarantee if he did that, it would sell out....he wouldn't even have to look at soft goods. Ching ching!
As far as the "negative" comments go, that's called Customer Feedback. This is how retail works. They're letting him know what's good, what's not, what could be better, what will get us to BUY.
As an example, when Fourhorsemen first proposed their Mythic Legions line, they were going to do 4" figures. Lots of people were interested in their Kickstarter, but pushed for a 6" scale.
Their first wave was 34 figures and they sold out. Done nothing but bangers ever since. Some of the most sought after (and after market expensive) figures ever. The Four Horsemen listened to their customers. Win Win.
not quite the same. four horsemen is a very small studio selling direct to consumer and only manufactures what is purchased. mcfarlane toys sells to retailers that then sell to you. companies like mcfarlane toys actually hire companies like four horsemen to do their design work.
and clearly someone is buying these. this is what, wave 5? im definitely getting this, huge fan of the movie.
and to give "customer feedback" you actually have to be a customer. you clearly stated you dont purchase non articulated figures. so it is just plain negativity. i dont collect transformers or motu. i dont post in those threads. no interest, so no need to post. im not in those threads bashing products others may like. you clearly said you have no interest in this, so why try to bring others down and bash a product that it isnt marketed towards you?