Thanks so much for the heads up, Jay! I was able to pre-order both figures super easy with no stress. That's such an improvement over how it used to be with Walmart exclusives. It's Target that has become the more stressful of the two now with their near instant sellouts of things like Carnage and Warbird.
Actually Shazam looking cool
It would be to much to ask that Sportmaster came with as many accessories as a Casey Jones figure.
The new DC Multiverse Walmart Exclusive Max Mercury and Shazam (DC vs Vampires) figures from McFarlane Toys are now available for pre-order for $19.97 each on the Walmart website.
Nobody can tell me that Max Mercury isn't the actor Scott Speedman (actor from Underworld, etc).
Love the hair on vampireShazam.
FIRST LOOK at the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Walmart Exclusive Gold Label Shazam (DC vs Vampires) 7" Scale Figure which launches for pre-order exclusively at Walmart next month.
I could go for Max Mercury if I see him. He's not one of those essential characters that I'd have to hunt down, but he looks decent enough and I wouldn't mind adding him to the collection.
Max Mercury will be a must purchase for me. I've still got the old DC Direct figure. Fortunately Walmart exclusives have been much easier to get recently. I'm expecting that he and DCvV Shazam will probably come out at the same time.
FIRST LOOK at the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Walmart Exclusive Gold Label Max Mercury (The Flash) 7" Scale Figure which launches for pre-order exclusively at Walmart next month. Stay tuned for more!