- DC Theatrical Deluxe 7IN WV1 - Superman With Krypto (Superman Movie)
- DC Theatrical Deluxe 7IN WV1 - Lex Luthor With Baby Kaiju (Superman Movie)
- DC Theatrical Deluxe 7IN WV1 - Ultraman (Superman Movie) - Note this is the guy in black suit seen tackling Superman in the trailer. They show a better look at him in the theatrical release of the teaser trailer which differs a bit from the one released online.
- DC Multiverse 7IN - Superman Movie - Superman
- DC Multiverse 7IN - Superman Movie - Metamorpho
- DC Multiverse 12IN - Superman Movie - Superman
- DC Superman Movie Megafig - Kaiju
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Figures WV12 Superman Movie Metamorpho
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Figures WV12 Superman Movie Green Lantern Guy Gardner
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Figures WV12 Superman Movie Mr. Terrific
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Figures WV12 Superman Movie Ultraman
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Figures WV12 Superman Movie Superman
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Vehicle WV5 Superman Movie T-Craft
- DC Direct - Super Powers 5IN Playset - Fortress Of Solitude (Superman Movie)
On 1/9/2025 at 7:31 AM, Superdude98 said:Yeah, I figure that's the most likely option, but I'm still holding out hope
I'm actually surprised it already hasn't been made as a repaint of the Conner Kent Teen Titans figure.
On 1/7/2025 at 3:55 PM, Emnems80 said:My guess would be the Jim Lee designed armor. For me I would like both versions. I just feel it will be the armor since the new Superman movie suit looks a lot like it.
Yeah, I figure that's the most likely option, but I'm still holding out hope
5 hours ago, Steven3 said:I misunderstood, sorry, I thought it was a typo, because McFarlane used to do a platinum edition.
No apologies needed for anything, I wasn't jumping on your back, just answering your question. McFarlane still cranks out the Platinums, now more than ever, really, this just isn't that.
19 hours ago, Superdude98 said:Superman VS Godzilla isn't really a shocker, I was expecting it since they announced Batman VS King Kong. Cowboy Batman sounds fun. But the main thing that really caught my eye was New 52 Superman. If that's the Jim Lee designed armor, I'll probably let it pass me by, but if it's the jeans and T-shirt look from Morrison's Action Comics, it'll be a must have for me.
Edit: Also, I'm predicting that Hal Jordan armor suit (RETURN OF SUPERMAN) figure will probably be a Hal Jordan built on the new Green Lantern body, with removable armor. Probably the grey in his hair, since that's how he looked in that storyline. I'll probably pick that up if I'm correct
My guess would be the Jim Lee designed armor. For me I would like both versions. I just feel it will be the armor since the new Superman movie suit looks a lot like it.
26 minutes ago, RobertD said:I have no idea what a "Platina" is, but Patina is correct. Those are the repaints they do where they're painted as if they're bronze statues (for some inexplicable reason).
I misunderstood, sorry, I thought it was a typo, because McFarlane used to do a platinum edition.
3 minutes ago, Steven3 said:That SPAWN #311 (PATINA), that's supposed to be PLATINA, right?
I have no idea what a "Platina" is, but Patina is correct. Those are the repaints they do where they're painted as if they're bronze statues (for some inexplicable reason).
The Cowboy Batman might be Jonah Hex remade (we'll see), I'm looking forward to the Cyborg Superman and Eradicator hopefully it'll be good. Will the New52 Supi be a new body or just a repaint? (That Alfred is really needed?) That SPAWN #311 (PATINA), that's supposed to be PLATINA, right?
Classic Eradicator and Cyborg Superman (surely one of the two(!) will look 'classic' enough) will be must-haves for me.
I'm honestly shocked they've held off this long from doing a gimmick Demon figure of any kind, it's one of the few sculpts from the early days they haven't re-used/recolored/re-released yet.
I'm actually kind of bothered by the notion that Creepy Robin getting Jokerized is probably going to work for the sculpt, and will likely look more interesting than the original.
Who wants to bet that Cowboy Batman will get re-released somewhere down the line double-packed with a horse, regardless of how much of a pegwarmer this first one winds up being?
5 hours ago, Atlantis said:I was lucky to get that. Chrome vacu plating still holds up. Its not as articulated as the others in the line though (and they had limited articulation even then).
Nice! I came across one at an antique mall once where the vac metal was pretty much worn out all over and even that one commanded a hefty price lol.
Where is Modern Harley already?