The Batman who laughs has been hitting the gym
All I know is Crystal Ball sold out in under 20mins, because I woke up 20mins late, immediately tried putting him in my cart from my wish list, it wouldnt let me check out when I repeatedly tried, and it was marked sold out on Pulse when I checked that next. ? Hopefully they make make more available later, because that is duuuumb.
I was refreshing Walmart site starting around 9:45. Right at 10AM, bam. Got my pre-order in.
Also why I keep confusing Crystal Ball with Zanzibar...? lol
I only ordered She-Ra. I'm hoping she looks better in hand than in the pictures, but it's worth the risk.
Crystal Ball has really come a long way from being the consensus worst ARAH figure to being a sell out.
Shown below is the new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman (Dark Nights: Death Metal) Jokerized Gold Label 7" Action Figure is available for pre-order at Walmart with a suggested retail price of $24.99.
The Jokerized Death Metal Batman is up now at Walmart
DC Multiverse Batman (Dark Nights: Death Metal) Jokerized Gold Label 7" Action Figure
Got Crystal Ball, but I couldn't find that Masterverse She-Ra on the Canadian site, which made me sad...but that's Canadian Walmart for yeah, at least they put Crystal Ball up at a normal time, and didn't make me wanna scream, better be the same tomorrow for the ML Spirit Spider.
Shown below is the NECA - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze Keno with Scooter is available for pre-order at Walmart with a suggested retail price of $55.99.
Crystal Ball is now sold out.
Shown below is the new Hasbro Star Wars The Black Series Revenge of the Sith Retro Package Figures featuring Tactical Ops Trooper and Kit Fisto are now available on with a suggested retail price of $24.97 each.