2 hours ago, rono said:Does Deadshot have any weapons? The DC/Warner Brothers' decision to drop guns from their action figures is ridiculous.
That seems to have been undone in the past year, as multiple McFarlane DC Multiverse figures have come with guns recently. Each variant of Adam Strange comes with a laser pistol, and Deadshot looks to have his wrist guns (three pairs, with and without blast effects).
Does Deadshot have any weapons? The DC/Warner Brothers' decision to drop guns from their action figures is ridiculous.
15 minutes ago, SpiderS said:Supergirl looks really good, her hair is stand out for sure, I only wish they could give her new lower legs and get rid of these wonky knees from Catwoman they keep reusing. Adam Strange is a welcome addition to the line although just a simple but understandable reuse of Blue Beetle body I'm really curious too see that Deadshot figure up close, in this case they really seem to put a lot of effort. I have to admit that even these angry comic book Batman figures look somewhat interesting.
I wish they would stop using Catwoman's zip-up top. So many female McFarlane figures have a zipper on their stomach that goes nowhere.
The head sculpt on this isn't quite what I expected. I'm going to buy it (and probably a lot of it), but I think Helen Slater with a leg swap is going to look better.
Supergirl looks really good, her hair is stand out for sure, I only wish they could give her new lower legs and get rid of these wonky knees from Catwoman they keep reusing. Adam Strange is a welcome addition to the line although just a simple but understandable reuse of Blue Beetle body I'm really curious too see that Deadshot figure up close, in this case they really seem to put a lot of effort. I have to admit that even these angry comic book Batman figures look somewhat interesting.
21 hours ago, toynewman said:Shown below is a look at the new DC Multiverse Batpod and Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) Gold Label 7in Action Figure and Vehicle 2-Pack from McFarlane Toys. No word on how this will be available here in the US.
Is this Batman any different than the previous HK Sky Dive Platinum Edition?
That motorcycle Batman looks really cool, but it must be very expensive and rare.
I don't normally promote anything or anyone but I found a YouTuber who already has some Mcfarlane figures that you can only see in pictures, so you can see the details better (hope you don't mind.) https://www.youtube.com/@FigureForm45
Presumably Supergirl and the other Page Punchers will also go up Tuesday.
Why are there 10-15 DC figures spoken about and none of them have a preorder date listed? Has the bottom fallen out at Mcfarlane? I'm getting a feeling like he doesn't give a **** anymore. ??????
I want that Supergirl, but, honestly, maybe more for her legs. The head sculpt might be worse than Helen Slater Supergirl.