Written by Judd Winick
Art and Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen
Cover by Matt Wagner
The identity of the Red Hood has been revealed – now a new story arc begins! But what other villains lurk in the Gotham night? Shocking revelations and age-old enemies make Part 1 of “Family Reunion” a can’t-miss!
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by David Lapham and Jon Lewis
Art by Ramon Bachs & Nathan Massengill and Jeff Parker
Cover by Lapham
In Part 5 of the 12-part “City of Crime,” Batman’ must find Mr. Freeze’s hideout before a young girl and a priest die! But can Batman contend with an army of inhuman freaks looking for a fight? Plus, “Exit Menu” by Jon Lewis and Jeff Parker!
On sale April 6 • 40 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by A.J. Lieberman
Art by Al Barrionuevo & Bit
Cover by Cliff Chiang
Poison Ivy is desperate to cure herself of her abilities before anyone else gets killed. Batman is eager to help, but Hush wants her killer powers to remain. And as the power struggle rages, more bodies are turning up!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Paul Jenkins
Art by Jae Lee
Cover by Sean Phillips
“…man is not truly one, but truly two.”
— R.L. Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Never has that been better demonstrated than in Batman’s conflicted foe Two-Face, the subject of the new 6-issue miniseries BATMAN: JEKYLL & HYDE by writer Paul Jenkins (Peter Parker: Spider-Man)! Expressing the dual nature of the villain, the miniseries will feature visuals by two distinct artists: Jae Lee (Inhumans) illustrates issues #1-3, while Sean Phillips (SLEEPER) draws issues #4-6!
JEKYLL & HYDE is a story of duality that examines how one man can seemingly harbor
two souls, each bent on the other’s destruction. But who is more honest: the man who acknowledges his dark side or the man who suppresses it?
Don’t miss this terrifying tale of Two-Face’s past and present, as he battles with himself — and the Batman! For a signed edition, see the Dynamic Forces of Previews
On sale April 20 • 1 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US Edited by Mike Carlin

Written by Bill Finger, Gardner Fox, and others
Art by Bob Kane, Dick Giordano, Alan Davis, and others
Cover by Jim Balent & Bill Sienkiewicz
A spine-tingling new collection spotlighting the greatest moments of the Scarecrow! Featuring eight stories spanning more than 60 years, from WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #3 (1941) to BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #23 (2002)!
On sale April 27 • 176 pg, FC, $19.99 US
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Dustin Nguyen & Richard Friend
Cover by Matt Wagner
Reoffered to coincide with BATMAN: SCARECROW TALES TP! This collection features the terrifying story originally presented in BATMAN #626-630, pitting Batman against the Scarecrow and the Scarebeast! Plus, a bonus sketchbook section by Dustin Nguyen.
On sale April 27 • 128 pg, FC, $12.95 US • RELIST

Written by Andersen Gabrych
Art by Alé Garza & Jesse Delperdang
Cover by Dustin Nguyen
Deathstroke is back! Batgirl has been a thorn in the Penguin’s side since she arrived in Blüdhaven. Now Gotham City’s dirtiest bird is bringing in the biggest gun at his disposal to remove her once and for all. His name is Deathstroke — and he never misses his target!
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by J. Torres
Art by David Lopez & Fernando Blanco
Cover by Cliff Chiang
Part 1 of a new 2-part adventure! Batman is on the run from the law. And what looks like a series of petty crimes committed by Mr. Freeze quickly becomes a much more serious situation, once Batman learns Freeze has nothing to live for…
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US
Written by Matt Wagner
Art and cover by Wagner
Reoffered to coincide with BATMAN: JEKYLL & HYDE #1, this
tale spotlights the maniacal Two-Face! Enraged by his own isolation, Harvey Dent attempts to create a country of deformed men.But when a simple blackmail investigation leads Batman to discover his former ally's mad scheme, Two-Face's pursuit of power is quickly ended.
On sale April 20 • 96 pg, FC, $9.95 US • RELIST

Written by Sam Hamm
Art by Denys Cowan & Dick Giordano
Cover by Walter Simonson
A stunning new edition of a classic trade paperback collecting
DETECTIVE COMICS #598-600 written by Batman screenwriter Sam
Hamm! Bruce Wayne discovers a series of murders linked to
WayneTech in this tale that leaves him in a wheelchair!
On sale April 20 • 160 pg, FC, $14.99 US

Written by Devin Grayson
Art and cover by Phil Hester & Ande Parks
Featuring the new NIGHTWING creative team of writer Devin Grayson and artists Phil Hester & Ande Parks (GREEN ARROW)! Dick has left Blüdhaven, and the only people he can trust are those who’d kill him if they knew his secrets. He’s in over his head, alone, and it’s only going to get more dangerous!
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Matteo Casali
Art by Brad Walker & Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover by Paul Gulacy & Palmiotti
Catwoman’s efforts to stop a serial murderer targeting prostitutes has led her to a Brazilian mobster running illegal dog fights out of the East End. But the trail ends there, and Selina now has two threats to stop — before Holly gets killed!
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Stefano Gaudiano
Cover by Michael Lark
Allen and Montoya have traveled to Keystone City to save Officer Andrew Kelly, who’s been transformed into a terrible monster. But their efforts may be for naught, as Kelly continues to evolve into something increasingly horrific — and unstoppable.
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US
Written by Bill Finger, Dennis O’Neil, and others
Art by Bob Kane, Neal Adams, Frank Miller, and others
Cover by Alex Ross
In time for the release of the Warner Bros. Pictures film Batman Begins, a collection of some of the Dark Knight's finest adventures! This volume contains stories from DETECTIVE COMICS #33 (1939), BATMAN #5 (1941), BATMAN #62 (1950), and more!
On sale April 13 • 192 pg, FC, $19.99 US

ROBIN #137
Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Giuseppe Camumcoli & Sandra Hope
Cover by Pop Mhan
Like Batgirl, Robin has had a target on his back since he moved to Blüdhaven, courtesy of the Penguin. Now, Tim Drake must face down the Rising Sun Archer and the Dark Rider! But who’s lurking in the alleys, and why does he have an interest in the Boy Wonder?
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund
Get ready for a spectacular 3-part story that brings together the Man of Steel and Captain Marvel! “Lightning Strikes,” which runs through the core Superman titles in April, is written by award-winner Judd Winick (BATMAN, OUTSIDERS, GREEN ARROW) and features art by Ian Churchill (SUPERMAN/BATMAN #19, The Coven) & Norm Rapmund!
In Part 1, the wizard Shazam makes Captain Marvel aware of a great evil awakened in Metropolis and seeking Superman. On its path to the Man of Steel, it drives the citizens of Metropolis to insanity. How can Superman stop the madness? Will he need the help of Captain Marvel and the power of Shazam?
On sale April 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund
Part 2 of the 3-part “Lightning Strikes” bringing together Superman and Captain Marvel by the team of Winick, Churchill & Rapmund! Superman confronts the evil force plaguing Metropolis. What will Superman do when some of those closest to him turn against him?
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund
The thrilling conclusion of the 3-part “Lightning Strikes!”
The final confrontation among heroes! The great evil turns Superman against Captain Marvel. ICan any force on Earth stop this?
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines
The original superstar team of Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness return for what's sure to be the most talked-about story of the year! This issue kicks off the stunning 6-part “With a Vengeance,” as Superman and Batman confront The Maximums! Can the World's Finest pair take on a squad of revenge-seeking Super-Heroes who are on the hunt for the murderer of one of their teammates? Things are sure to heat up fast, because the two people at the top of their suspect list are Batman and Superman! For a signed edition, see the Dynamic Forces section of Previews.
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Dennis O’Neil, Jim Shooter and others
Art by Curt Swan, Dick Dillin, Dan Jurgens and others
Cover by Alex Ross
A thrilling collection of some of the greatest races between the Man of Steel and the Scarlet Speedster, from SUPERMAN #199, THE FLASH #175, WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #198, WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #199, DC COMICS PRESENTS #1-2, and more!
On sale April 13 • 208 pg, FC, $19.99 US

Written by Brian Azzarello
Art and cover by Lee Bermejo
The miniseries teaming acclaimed writer Brian Azzarello with red-hot artist Lee Bermejo continues! Lex Luthor doesn’t like problems, but it’s clear he loves to solve them. And it’s his top-secret solution to ridding Metropolis of his biggest problem — Superman — that may see Luthor triumph once and for all!
On sale April 6 • 2 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Andy Diggle
Art and cover by Pascal Ferry
Adam Strange's star-spanning adventure comes to its deadly conclusion! But the end of Adam's struggle is only the beginning of the greatest threat the universe has ever seen. Get ready for the opening salvos of the Rann/Thanagar War, which continues in a major miniseries later in 2005!
On sale April 27 • 8 of 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by John Arcudi
Art and cover by Patrick Gleason & Christian Alamy
A rush of applications for GeneTech’s water-breather gene therapy leads to chaos! Aquaman goes to the JLA to gain leverage against GeneTech, but finds the group in the middle of its own problems as the Themyscira crisis heats up! And Malrey is badly hurt in battle with Conger!
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Dan Jolley
Art by Leonard Kirk & Robin Riggs
Cover by Dave Johnson
It’s the end of the line for Travis Clevenger as DC’s brutal new hero finds himself outmatched by the martial-arts master Zeiss. While a small town bursts into flames around him, can the ’Hound triumph one last time? No punches are pulled in this blood-soaked final issue!
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Joe Bennett & Jack Jadson
Cover by Adriana Melo & Will Conrad
A new era begins with the debut of art team Joe Bennett (HAWKMAN, Captain America & The Falcon) & Jack Jadson and cover artist Adriana Melo (ROSE & THORN)! Huntress has gone AWOL, and you’ll be shocked at where she turns up! Who’s taking her place next to Canary on a dangerous mission to Singapore? None other than Wildcat, as “The Battle Within” begins!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by John Byrne & Will Pfeifer
Art by Byrne & Nekros
Cover by Byrne
The action-packed new series heats up as Etrigan is no longer under Jason Blood’s control! Now he’s on a rampage, using his supernatural powers to wreak vengeance on everything from mystical forces to mere muggers…and the sheer diabolical force with which he goes after them will shock you!
On sale April 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Bob Haney and Robert Kanigher
Art by Joe Kubert, Alex Toth, Ramona Fradon and others
Cover by George Roussos
A classic new Archive Edition collecting THE BRAVE & THE BOLD #50-56 and 59 (Nov 1963-May 1965), featuring the unforgettable pairings of Green Arrow & The Martian Manhunter, The Flash & The Atom, and more! Plus, an introduction by Michael Uslan.
On sale April 6 • 224 pg, FC, $49.99 US
Written by Bob Haney, Jack Kirby and Dave Kaler
Art by Carmine Infantino, Steve Ditko, Kirby, and others
Cover by Dick Giordano
Reoffered to coincide with THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD TEAM-UP ARCHIVES VOL. 1, a "lost" 80-Page giant presenting classic team-ups of Martian Manhunter & Green Arrow, Batman & the Flash, Captain Atom & Nightshade, and more!
On sale April 6 • 80 pg, FC, $5.95 US • RELIST
Written by Darwyn Cooke
Art and cover by Cooke
Darwyn Cooke's epic chronicle of DC's Silver Age concludes in this volume collecting issues #4-6 of the miniseries! It’s a mystery in space as Superman, the Suicide Squad, and the Challengers of the Unknown encounter a frightening extraterrestrial lifeform! This volume also features sketchbook material by Cooke!
On sale April 6 • 208 pg, FC, $19.99 US
Written by Darwyn Cooke
Art and cover by Cooke
Reoffered to coincide with DC: THE NEW FRONTIER VOL. 2, a volume containing the first three issues of the classic miniseries that
takes readers on a journey from the end of the Golden Age to the genesis of a bold new heroic era in the late 1950s!
On sale April 6 • 208 pg, FC, $19.95 US • RELIST

Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Justiniano & Walden Wong
Cover by Walter Simonson
Spinning out of the events of March’s DC COUNTDOWN, a reality-bending 6-issue miniseries from writer Bill Willingham (ROBIN, FABLES) and artists Justiniano & Walden Wong (THE HUMAN RACE)!
Ragman finds himself at the magical core of the DCU, where he finds himself aligned with an unlikely ally: The Enchantress! Together, they must face down a foe who has sworn to wipe out all magic…The Spectre! For a signed edition, see the Dynamic Forces section of Previews.
On sale April 20 • 1 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US Edited by Joey Cavalieri

Written by Bob Harras
Art by Marcos Martin & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Martin
Guest-starring the JLA! Breach’s battle in South Africa against
the agents of Kobra has attracted Superman, Batman and Martian Manhunter to investigate. But friction and mistrust between the
heroes and Breach leads to blows — and allows a tragedy to occur.
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by John Byrne
Art by Byrne & Doug Hazlewood
Cover by Byrne
Guest-starring Metamorpho! More about Nudge and Grunt’s bizarre life together before the Doom Patrol is revealed! Plus, witness the origin of the Chief, as Niles Caulder’s past comes back to haunt
him — literally!
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Howard Porter & Livesay
In Part 2 of the 6-part “Rogue War,” The Flash continues his efforts to prevent Captain Cold and his Rogues from tearing apart Chicago! But a wrench is thrown into the works, and the true war is about to explode! Meanwhile, Linda is visited by an old but unwelcome friend…
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Dan Jolley
Art and cover by Jamal Igle & Rob Stull
Cover by Matt Haley
With the original Firestorm alive in the mindscape, Jason is in the battle of his life against the augmented Multiplex and Typhoon! It all comes to a head as the mysterious villain who’s pulled them all together is revealed!
On sale April 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Darwyn Cooke, Ethan Van Sciver, Dave Gibbons, Patrick Gleason, Prentis Rollins, and others
Cover by Carlos Pacheco & Jesus Merino
Darwyn Cooke (DC: THE NEW FRONTIER) teams with REBIRTH writer Geoff Johns for the lead story of an extra-sized Special setting the stage for the debut of May’s GREEN LANTERN ongoing series! In the lead story, Hal Jordan relives some of the most meaningful flights in his life, joined by an unexpected partner. Rounding out the issue are the prelude to GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH (by Johns, Van Sciver and Rollins) previously found only in the pages of Wizard; plus profiles of Hal Jordan, his enemies, allies, and more! For a signed edition, see the Dynamic Forces section of Previews.
On sale April 20 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US

Written by Christos N. Gage
Art by Steven Cummings & Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover by Mike Zeck & Jerry Ordway
It’s a showdown against half the villains of the DCU as the
5-part miniseries reaches an explosive conclusion! The bad news? They want Deadshot dead! The good news? The fight is on his turf!
On sale April 6 • 5 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Phil Hester, Manuel Garcia, Ande Parks and Steve Bird
Cover by Marcus Martin & Alvaro Lopez
A thrilling new trade paperback collecting GREEN ARROW #32 and #34-39! Green Arrow must marshal the most unlikely army of all to save Star City — and the world — from a demonic threat. But the consequences may be worse than the problem!
On sale April 27 • 160 pg, FC, $12.99 US
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Phil Hester & Ande Parks
Cover by Matt Wagner
Reoffered to coincide with GREEN ARROW: CITY WALLS, a trade collecting GREEN ARROW #26-31! When Green Arrow discovers corporate corruption in Star City, he goes after those responsible. The last thing he expects is a fight with a 3-ton ogre!
On sale April 27 • 144 pg, FC, $12.95 US • RELIST

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Tom Fowler & Rodney Ramos
Cover by James Jean
Arsenal has been kidnapped by the assassin Drakon! The only way Green Arrow can save Arsenal is to find the people paying for the killer’s work. And even Ollie will be surprised to find out the true identity of the man behind the curtain!
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Joe Bennett & Ruy Jose
Cover by Ryan Sook
Hawkman is missing, and Hawkgirl is on the hunt for those responsible! Things go from bad to worse when the master hypnotist Thought Terror arrives with revenge on his mind! Plus, a final page that must be seen to be believed!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Ben Raab
Art by Justiniano & Walden Wong
Cover by Justiniano
The unique miniseries continues as young Ulysses has joined the conspiracy of wildly powered individuals whose sworn duty is to protect the human race from outside mutations! But he may have been recruited for more reasons than he realizes…
On sale April 20 • 2 of 7 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

IDENTITY CRISIS #1-7 Final printingS
Written by Brad Meltzer
Art by Rags Morales & Michael Bair
Covers by Michael Turner & Peter Steigerwald
The best-selling IDENTITY CRISIS returns for a final run of single issues before this autumn’s much-anticipated collected edition! These
new printings feature the original cover art with black borders.
IDENTITY CRISIS #1. Beginning the final series of printings of this sought-after miniseries! A murder mystery takes flight in this stunning issue!
Final Printing • On sale April 6 • 48 pg, FC, $3.99 US
IDENTITY CRISIS #2. In the aftermath of devastating loss, the JLA revisits a deep, dark secret of their collective past.
Final Printing • On sale April 6 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
IDENTITY CRISIS #3. It’s a knock-down, drag-out battle between Deathstroke and the JLA as murders continue to rock the DCU!
Final Printing • On sale April 13 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
IDENTITY CRISIS #4. Lois Lane finds herself the target of a threat! Who can possibly know this much about the super-heroes’ loved ones?
Final Printing • On sale April 13 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
IDENTITY CRISIS #5. Another hero suffers a personal loss as the stakes are raised!
Final Printing • On sale April 20 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
IDENTITY CRISIS #6. From the start, he’s been on the case, sifting through clues. He’s the World’s Greatest Detective — now it’s time for Batman to prove it.
Final Printing • On sale April 20 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
IDENTITY CRISIS #7. It’s the shocking conclusion to the most talked-about comic book event of the year!
Final Printing • On sale April 27 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US

JLA #113
Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by Ron Garney & Dan Green Cover by Garney
Part 7 of the 8-part “Syndicate Rules!” A divided JLA must face the full power of the most dangerous weapon ever devised by the Weaponers of Qward, with the CSA waiting to destroy the survivors. But a sudden threat to the Crime Syndicate's own world may change the game completely...
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US

Written by Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis
Art and cover by Kevin Maguire & Josef Rubinstein
Part 3 of the 6-part “I Can’t Believe It’s Not the Justice
League!” Booster Gold has accidentally banished half of the “Super Buddies” to Hell for all eternity, and now it’s time for them to learn their fate — from none other than The Demon!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

JSA #72
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Don Kramer & Keith Champagne
Cover by Alex Ross
Alex Ross contributes a stunning cover for the conclusion of the the 5-part “JSA/JSA!” The teams come together to stop Degaton’s horrible plans. But what “secret weapon” must they face, and how will the JSA of tomorrow help save the JSA of yesterday?
On sale April 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Joe Kelly
Art and cover by Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen
In the wake of their battle with Aftermath, the Elite must regroup! One team member is a double agent. One is dead. One has been locked up for murder. And another has lost her mind. Now Manchester Black has brought Eve to London…to wipe it off the face of the Earth!
On sale April 6 • 10 of 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson & Art Thibert
Cover by Kitson
The red-hot new series by Mark Waid, Barry Kitson & Art Thibert continues! On the edge of the universe, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl come across a deadly super-powered team that may be the harbinger of a threat that will being the entire United Planets down.
On sale April 27 • 40 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Javier Pina & Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover by Jesus Saiz
Red-hot artist Manuel Garcia (Mystique) steps in for a 6-issue story arc as Manhunter goes up against the mind-bending powers of Phobia — and someone begins stalking Manhunters from the past!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Shawn Moll & Kevin Conrad
Cover by Doug Mahnke
Guest artists Shawn Moll and Kevin Conrad come aboard for “Lockdown” — a story only acclaimed writer Judd Winick could tell! The Outsiders are trapped in their own headquarters as they try to uncover the traitor in their midst. What happens when seven trapped super-heroes stop being polite and start getting real?
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Jesus Saiz
Cover by Jose Ladrónn
Spinning from the events of DC COUNTDOWN and IDENTITY CRISIS, a crackerjack thriller by Greg Rucka (ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, WONDER WOMAN) comes to life in the brooding, gorgeous art of Jesus Saiz (MANHUNTER) in a 6-issue miniseries featuring covers by Jose Ladrónn that can't be missed!
Every hero and villain in the DCU is under the gaze of an unbelievably powerful spy satellite. It's a technological marvel that answers to only one person — and he's got plans for it that are completely unknown to the superspy organization he controls: Checkmate!
In a world where men can fly and melt metal with their eyes, there's now an army created specifically as an answer to them: a One Man Army Corps. Batman and an old ally are about to learn the chilling truth behind the OMAC Project — but will they work with or against each other?
On sale April 27 • 1 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US Edited by Joan Hilty

Written by Chuck Dixon
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens
In the pulse-pounding series finale, Richard Dragon is forced to battle his deadliest enemy — and the love of his life! With the lords and minions of Hell looking on, DC’s greatest martial artists partake in the ultimate battle: Richard Dragon versus Lady Shiva — to the death! Final issue.
On sale April 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Rick Veitch
Art and cover by Tommy Lee Edwards
The finale of the critically acclaimed miniseries! Vic Sage uncovers the gruesome murder at the Science Spire construction site, only to be ambushed by Minos and his heavily armed cohorts! But what of the plans for the Science Spire and its connection to Superman?
On sale April 20 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Howard Chaykin
Art by Chaykin
Howard Chaykin goes it alone in SOLO #4! Taking a page from William Gaines' E.C. Comics, Chaykin delivers six spine-tingling and thought-provoking tales guaranteed to entice and entertain!
Chaykin revisits the old West in "Tall in the Saddle;" heads to the future in the science-fiction epic “Upgrades;” plays a World War II jazz tune in “The Last Time I Saw Paris;” shows the terror of urban violence with “Bad Blood;” and infiltrates the spy genre with “Breaking and Entering.” Chaykin even guest-stars in his own story, the autobiographical yarn simply titled “Horrors.” Turn the pages if you dare — it's time for Howard Chaykin to go SOLO!
On sale April 27 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US

Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by Frazer Irving
Grant Morrison is joined by artist Frazer Irving (Necronauts, THE AUTHORITY) for another amazing bimonthly 4-part miniseries in the SEVEN SOLDIERS saga!
Deep in the bowels of a subterranean city, young dissenter Klarion and his cat familiar Teekl have been hand-picked as potential recruits to the Submissionary Order, a group made up of brutal lawgivers who maintain order with the help of their familiars. But Klarion's nature is to rebel against the powers-that-be, which isn’t a good idea in such a tightly controlled society — one in which people who don't conform are swiftly judged and burned at the stake!
On sale April 20 • 1 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US Edited by Peter Tomasi

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Ryan Sook & Mick Gray
Cover by Sook
The mind-bending SEVEN SOLDIERS saga continues with another intriguing bimonthly 4-issue miniseries by puppet-master Grant Morrison and artists Ryan Sook (ARKHAM ASYLUM: LIVING HELL) & Mick Gray (PROMETHEA) that introduces Zatanna! The sorceress attempts to boost her profile by taking part in a reality TV show that sees her undergoing a rigorous detox on a lush island near Themyscira! Here, Zatanna tries to get her head together and figure out what to do with her life. She's come to an emotional impasse as her magical powers are waning, resulting in an obsession with finding her father's lost magical journals hoping they contain the secrets she needs of his black art.
On sale April 6 • 1 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US Edited by Peter Tomasi

Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Ariel Olivetti
Cover by Alex Ross
The miniseries that has everyone talking concludes with
a bang! Space Ghost’s most desperate enemy forms a pact with the creature who’s sworn to destroy the entire human race! Can Space Ghost protect the galaxy without being destroyed by his need for revenge?
On sale April 20 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Mike McKone & Marlo Alquiza
The 3-part IDENTITY CRISIS follow-up tale “Lights Out” concludes as a legion of Teen Titans engage in a final battle with Doctor Light! But Cyborg’s contingency plan may fall apart before it’s even put together, and the new Speedy learns firsthand what it means to be a Titan when she discovers Doctor Light’s secret!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Rags Morales & Michael Bair
Cover by J.G. Jones
The IDENTITY CRISIS art team of Rags Morales & Michael Bair joins writer Greg Rucka for Part 1 of a 3-part story that takes Wonder Woman from the streets of New York to the Land of the Dead!
In “Tartarus,” the goddess Athena sends Wonder Woman on a journey to retrieve something believed lost to the Olympian Gods forever. Joined by Wonder Girl and Ferdinand the minotaur, Wonder Woman must face unimagined peril to complete her mission. But should she succeed, what will Diana ask in return from the all-seeing Goddess of Wisdom? Plus, a hint of the fate of Donna Troy is revealed as an exciting new chapter in the saga of the Amazing Amazon begins!
On sale April 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.25 US