DC Comics for October 2005 (DC Universe)

by NMX
July 25, 2005
Written by Steve Niles
Art and cover by Scott Hampton
Acclaimed writer Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) joins distinctive painter Scott Hampton (BATMAN: NIGHT CRIES) for a 3-issue Prestige Format miniseries that uncovers the investigation of grisly murders outside Batman’s usual territory…in the Gotham suburbs! Commissioner Gordon calls on the Dark Knight for help in solving the mystery, although Batman has never delved into the suburbs of Gotham before. But the series of murders is so shocking that Batman must respond, despite being in unfamiliar territory!
On sale Oct 5 • 1 of 3 • Prestige Format •†48 pg, FC, $5.99 US Edited by Joey Cavalieri

Written by Frank Miller
Art and cover by Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Creative titans Frank Miller, Jim Lee & Scott Williams continue their striking new vision of the Dark Knight in this tale of young Dick Grayson’s transformation from orphaned acrobat into the Batman’s first sidekick: Robin, the Boy Wonder!
On sale October 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by David Lapham
Art by Ramon Bachs & Nathan Massengill
Cover by Lapham
Part 10 of the 12-part “City of Crime!” Bruce Wayne forgoes cape and cowl to investigate the mysteries of Gotham’s seediest neighborhood, Crown Point. Plus, Gordon’s back in town to help Robin uncover the Ventriloquist’s secrets…only Scarface ain’t talkin’.
On sale Oct 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by A.J. Lieberman
Art by Al Barrionuevo & Bit
Cover by Claudio Castellini
Batman and Hush race to find the former Clayfaces and unravel the mystery of the shapechangers! Just when Hush thought he had control over this new Clayface, he’s proven wrong. Dead wrong! And when is one Clayface too many?
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen
Cover by Jock
An INFINITE CRISIS tie-in! The Villains United want a piece of Gotham, and Black Mask is just the man to deliver it. Batman has his hands full with the criminals of Gotham, but before he can neutralize Deathstroke and company, Red Hood plans to take matters into his own hands!
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by J.H. Williams III & Dan Curtis Johnson
Art and cover by Seth Fisher
The conclusion of the 5-part “Snow,” featuring Batman’s first confrontation with Victor Fries — a.k.a. Mr. Freeze! And what “conclusion” will Batman draw from his experiences with a strike force?
On sale Oct 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by Dave McKean
In celebration of the 16th anniversary of the critically acclaimed Batman story that helped launch the U.S. careers of Grant Morrison and Dave McKean, DC Comics is proud to present a softcover edition of the ARKHAM ASYLUM ANNIVERSARY EDITION, reprinting the now-classic confrontation between the Dark Knight and his archnemeses the Joker, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and more in the black heart of Gotham City's house for the criminally insane.
This graphic novel is well known for its psychological intensity and probing portraits of Batman and the Joker, as well as groundbreaking art that influenced scores of artists by introducing a new school of storytelling and technique to comics. This special edition also includes Morrison's complete original script annotated by both himself and editor Karen Berger, many of his original thumbnail breakdowns, step-by-step samples of how the story and art came together and much more!
On sale October 5 •†212 pg, FC, $17.99 US • MATURE READERS

Written by Andersen Gabrych
Art by Pop Mhan & Jesse Delperdang
Cover by Tim Sale
Don’t miss the debut of new penciller Pop Mhan (ROBIN) and cover artist Tim Sale (BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN)! Encased in ice by Mr. Freeze and held hostage by Nyssa, Batgirl is offered a choice: regain her destiny with the legendary League of Assassins or die a slow, frozen death!
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Andy Helfer
Art by Tan Eng Huat
Cover by Pat Lee
Batman seeks clues about the mysterious plague unleashed on Gotham in the depths of the subway system and has a close encounter with an express train! Meanwhile, the Carrier makes an alliance that could lead to even more trouble for Gotham.
On sale Oct 19 • 3 of 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Tim Sale
Reoffered to coincide with Loeb & Sale’s CATWOMAN: WHEN IN ROME HC, this volume collects their earlier acclaimed collaboration taking place during Batman's early days of crimefighting. This collection tells the story of a mysterious killer who murders his prey only on holidays.
On sale Oct 5 • 368 pg, FC, $19.99 US • Relist

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Doug Mahnke, Tom Nguyen and others
Cover by Matt Wagner
Shocking revelations and age-old foes make this new collection — featuring BATMAN #635-641 — a must-have! Batman is confronted with a hidden face from the past — it’s the return of the Red Hood! With Black Mask controlling the Gotham underworld, what role will Red Hood have when all is said and done?
On sale Oct 26 • 176 pg, FC, $9.99 US

Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Tim Sale
The Eisner Award-winning team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale returns to further the exciting adventures they began in BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN and followed in BATMAN: DARK VICTORY! Collecting the 6-part series that guest-starred Batman and a host of Gotham’s most colorful and dangerous villains, WHEN IN ROME chronicles Catwoman’s mysterious trip to Italy and her dealings with the deadly Falcone crime family. It's an incredible tale of Gotham’s sexiest cat burglar!
Advance-solicited; on sale November 2 • 160 pg, FC, $19.99 US

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Adam Hughes
Some of the nastiest villains in the DCU have laid siege to the East End, and Catwoman is the only thing keeping them from running riot! But now that she’s dead center in their sights, even Batman won’t be able to
talk her off a path that leads straight into the heart of danger!
On sale Oct 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Greg Rucka & Ed Brubaker
Art by Kano & Stefano Gaudiano
Cover by Sean Phillips
The conclusion of the “Dead Robin” storyline! The cops have a dead kid in a Robin outfit, and the evidence is pointing inescapably toward Batman. But how can they catch the Dark Knight? Plus, the leak within the GCPD is revealed!
On sale Oct 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Devin Grayson
Art by Cliff Chiang & Ande Parks
Cover by Phil Hester & Parks
A VILLAINS UNITED tie in! Dick Grayson is working for…Deathstroke the Terminator? Nightwing is no more — Dick Grayson’s in a new outfit, and he’s got a brand-new bag of dirty tricks. And those who thought
he was simply “going undercover” are in for a rude awakening…
On sale Oct 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

ROBIN #143
Written by Bill Willingham
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens
An OMAC PROJECT tie-in! As the dreaded OMACs scour Bl¸dhaven for all costumes, Robin finds himself in the unenviable position of trying to save the newly resurrected Darla Aquista — the very girl who swore to use her demonic powers to rid the world of Robin!
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Mark Verheiden
Art and cover by Ed Benes
The world is going to hell as the CRISIS begins — this is too big a job even for Superman! But what has changed that scares those closest to the Man of Steel?
On sale October 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Gail Simone
Art by John Byrne & Nelson
Cover by Dan Jurgens & Wayne Faucher
The Spectre has come for Satanus, Metropolis’s resident demon! On All Hallow’s Eve, the dead will rise to protect their dark master — and Superman is caught in the middle! But Lois has her own demons to confront when her dead father returns…
On sale October 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Greg Rucka
Art and cover by Karl Kerschl
While Superman deals with a full-on Omac assault, Lois discovers an alarming connection between her would-be assassin and the Dark Knight! Meanwhile, Luthor is back in Metropolis to build a new power base…starting with the Parasite!
On sale October 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Joshua Middleton
Continuing the pulse-pounding tale of the first meeting of the Last Son of Krypton and Earth's Mightiest Mortal by Judd Winick (OUTSIDERS, BATMAN) and Joshua Middleton (Nyx)! Superman and Shazam have joined forces to defend Fawcett City Museum from creatures unleashed by mysterious cult members. But in the confusion, the cult manages to slip away with some precious artifacts that will help them summon an even greater evil force. And what roles do Lex Luthor and Dr. Sivana play in the cult's plans?
On sale October 5 • 2 of 4 • 40 pg, FC, $3.50 US

Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund
Supergirl knows that someone other than Batman has been spying on her — and now it's time to find out who! But when her investigation leads to the Outsiders, there’s no stopping the Girl of Steel! Plus, is romance blossoming for Kara Zor-El?
On sale October 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines
As superstars Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines rocket “With a Vengeance” toward its conclusion, the fate of the universe hangs in the balance unless the World's Finest Team — The Dark Damsel Detective and The Woman of Steel, that is — can stop it! There's nothing more incredible than the debut of Batwoman and Superwoman! Guest-starring Superlad!
On sale October 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Jerry Siegel
Art by John Forte, Wayne Boring and Curt Swan
Cover by Jamie Hernandez
Reoffered to coincide with SUPERMAN IN THE FORTIES, this hilarious collection reprints stories from ADVENTURE COMICS #285-295, featuring 15 nonsensical tales of Bizarro's twisted heroics and insane interactions with Bizarro-Lois, Bizarro-Lex Luthor, and more!
On sale Oct 19 • 192 pg, FC, $14.95 US • RELIST

Written by Jerry Siegel, Bill Finger, Don Cameron and others
Art by Joe Shuster, Wayne Boring, Jack Burnley and others
Cover by Shuster
The latest in DC's decade-by-decade celebration of the best stories featuring the Man of Steel collects stories from ACTION COMICS #1, 2, 14, 23, 64, 93, 107, SUPERMAN #1, 23, 40, 53, 58, 61, SUPERBOY #5, the Superman daily newspaper strip, Look magazine and WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #37, covering his 1938 debut through the 1940s!
On sale Oct 19 • 192 pg, FC, $19.99 US

Written by Otto Binder, Jerry Coleman, Bill Finger, and others
Art by Wayne Boring, Curt Swan, Kurt Schaffenberger, and others
Cover by Boring
Reoffered to coincide with SUPERMAN IN THE FORTIES, this volume collects SUPERMAN (first series) #65, 79, 80, 96, 97, and 127; ACTION COMICS #151, 242, 252, 254, and 255; WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #68 and 75; SHOWCASE #9, SUPERMAN’S GIRL FRIEND LOIS LANE #8; ADVENTURE COMICS #210; and SUPERMAN’S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #13!
On sale Oct 19 • 192 pg, FC, $19.99 US • Relist

Written by Jerry Siegel and various
Art by Curt Swan, Wayne Boring, Neal Adams and various
Cover by Swan
On sale Oct 19 • 240 pg, FC, $19.95 US • Relist

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Phil Jimenez & Andy Lanning
Covers by Jim Lee & Sandra Hope and George PÈrez
It’s finally here: the comics event so massive that it built over the first half of 2005, through COUNTDOWN, DAY OF VENGEANCE, RANN/THANAGAR WAR, VILLAINS UNITED and THE OMAC PROJECT! Prepare for the dawn of the DCU’s darkest day in INFINITE CRISIS,
a 7-issue miniseries written by Geoff Johns (GREEN LANTERN, JSA) with art by Phil Jimenez (OTHERWORLD, Uncanny X-Men) & Andy Lanning (OTHERWORLD) and covers by George PÈrez (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS) and Jim Lee (BATMAN, SUPERMAN) & Sandra hope! Surrounded by their most fearsome enemies, the world’s greatest heroes are divided within and without.
DC’s icons — Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman — are joined by Nightwing, Supergirl, Donna Troy, Superboy, Robin, Wonder Girl, Green Lantern, the Flash and more as they face their most dire hour. What happens next will destroy friendships and lives, dictating the direction of the universe for the next generation!
Years in the making, the greatest event to hit the DCU in over two decades is about to explode — don’t miss out! Retailers please note: This issue will ship with covers by Lee & Williams (50%) and PÈrez (50%).
On sale October 12 • 1 of 7 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US Edited by Eddie Berganza

Written by John Arcudi
Art by Andy Clarke & Leonard Kirk
Cover by Patrick Gleason
An OMAC PROJECT tie-in! Black Manta begins the water-breather gene therapy that will transform him forever! Aquaman must ask Geist to save Mera’s life, but when the OMAC is activated by Brother Eye, it’s Aquaman’s life that may be lost!
On sale Oct 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by John Byrne & Will Pfeifer
Art by Byrne & Dan Green
Cover by Byrne
What is manipulating Etrigan to face challenges throughout a succession of strange worlds and time periods?
On sale Oct 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Joe Bennett & Jack Jadson
Cover by Adriana Melo & Will Conrad
The two masterminds behind DCU’s heroes and villains meet at long last, as Oracle and the Society’s Calculator face off!
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Bob Harras
Art by Javier Pulido & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Marcos Martin
Major Zanetti thought he knew everything about his new powers. He thought wrong. While he goes on the hunt for invading Rifters, Talia al Ghul shows the extent of her control over two of the DCU’s most dangerous groups: H.I.V.E. and Kobra!
On sale Oct 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by John Byrne
Art by Byrne & Doug Hazlewood
Cover by Byrne
With the Chief missing and presumed dead, the surviving Patrollers learn more of the mysterious origin of Negative Man — and his unexpected connection to Vortex. Meanwhile, a face from the past returns to threaten the comatose Nudge and her family.
On sale Oct 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Stuart Moore
Art by Jamal Igle, Rob Stull, Patrick Olliffe and Simon Coleby
Cover by Matt Haley
An OMAC PROJECT tie-in! Following the events of VILLAINS UNITED, a de-powered and weakened Firestorm seeks help at S.T.A.R. Labs San Francisco, which is under attack by a mysterious, unseen menace. Enter OMAC — its mission: kill the Nuclear Man!
On sale Oct 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Joey Cavalieri
Art by Val Semeiks & Livesay
Cover by Art Thibert
A exciting new creative team comes aboard as THE FLASH speeds toward . . . the end? The past always seems to catch up with the Fastest Man Alive, and as Infinite Crisis approaches, Wally West reflects on his life with his wife and kids and sees that the end may be near.
On sale October 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Ethan Van Sciver
Mutilated by the events of REBIRTH, Black Hand returns to wreak horrifying vengeance! Meanwhile, the bizarre experiments of a new alien race come to light with their current prisoner: Green Lantern. And how does this all connect with the Rann/Thanagar War?
On sale October 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns & Dave Gibbons
Art and cover by Patrick Gleason & Christian Alamy
The 6-issue miniseries following the adventures of the Green Lantern Corps continues! The first assignment for two rookie Lanterns may be their last. Plus, Kyle Rayner meets an old love, and the biggest Green Lantern of all comes under attack.
On sale October 19 • 2 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Ron Garney & Bill Reinhold
Cover by James Jean
“Heading Into the Light,” Part 2 of 4. On the trail of Dr. Light, Green Arrow and Black Lightning are sidetracked by an attack by Mirror Master and Killer Frost! It’s a wall-to-wall slugfest, but is their appearance a coincidence or part of a more sinister plot?
On sale Oct 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Art and cover by Joe Bennett & Ruy Jose
The Hawks’ year of mystery, madness and mayhem comes to it's startling and violent resolution in a battle not to be missed! Questions will be answered, blood will be spilled and only Hawkman knows the truth behind the plot to destroy him! Guest-starring the JSA.
On sale Oct 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

JLA #120 & 121
Written by Bob Harras
Art by Tom Derenick & Dan Green
Covers by Daniel AcuÒa
Don’t miss the first two chapters of “World Without a Justice League,” written by Bob Harras (Avengers, BREACH) with art by Tom Derenick (BIRDS OF PREY) & Dan Green (JLA) and covers by Daniel AcuÒa (Claus & Simon), shipping biweekly in October! There has been a great Crisis of Conscience, and the JLA as we know it is no more. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are at odds…now it’s time for Aquaman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary to bring the League back to basics. But this World Without a Justice League may be just what an old villain with some new tricks has been hoping for!
And in #121, the remaining founding members of the JLA attempt to recruit new teammates, but will they want to be a part of a League that has resorted to some questionable tactics of late? Nightwing must decide to help re-form the JLA or support his mentor in keeping the team disbanded!
JLA #120 on sale October 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US
JLA #121 on sale October 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Warren Ellis
Art and cover by Gary Erskine
In part 3 of a 4-part story, Jack Cross heads to Guantanamo Bay to personally cross-examine an inmate with ties to a plan to use a terrifying weapon of mass destruction!
On sale Oct 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Butch Guice
Cover by Michael Stribling
Part 4 of the 6-part “New Maps of Hell.” Batman and The Flash team up to try to close the gateway to Hell, stopping more nightmarish creatures from coming to Earth, only to place the entire Justice League face-to-face with evil incarnate!
On sale Oct 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

JSA #78
Written by Keith Champagne
Art by Don Kramer & Champagne
Cover by Alex Ross
A DAY OF VENGEANCE tie-in! The JSA desperately seeks Dr. Fate to help them find the missing Jakeem and Thunderbolt. Meanwhile, as the Spectre's rampage continues, the team's greatest enemy has found the opening he needs to destroy the JSA once and for all!
On sale Oct 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
The story you've waited years for comes to a mind-boggling conclusion! Power Girl’s origin is finally revealed, and it promises to redefine the Mistress of Might and uncover truths that will serve as a prelude to Infinite Crisis and beyond!
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Jim Krueger & Alex Ross
Art by Doug Braithwaite & Ross
Cover by Ross
The unbelievable bimonthly 12-part maxiseries created by Alex Ross (KINGDOM COME), Jim Krueger (Earth X) and Doug Braithwaite (Paradise X) continues! The Riddler leads Batman into a mystery within a mystery through his compulsion to speak the truth through riddles. Does he hold the key to the reason the villains are helping mankind? Plus, Aquaman falls victim to one of the DCU’s most nefarious criminals! Featuring painted art by Ross over Braithwaite’s layouts!
On sale October 19 • 2 of 12 • 40 pg, FC, $3.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Matthew Clark & Art Thibert
Cover by Daniel AcuÒa
A Day of Vengeance tie-in! The Fearsome Five return to settle the score with the Outsiders, boasting a new recruit of unbelievable power — and the crisis rocking the magic realms raises the stakes to an unimaginable level!
On sale October 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Carlos D’Anda, Karl Kerschl, Dan Jurgens, and others
Cover by Doug Mahnke
The thrilling third collection of the hot title collects OUTSIDERS #16-23! This volume includes the 3-part “Most Wanted” story arc featuring television personality John Walsh, as well as an IDENTITY CRISIS tie-in story guest-starring Batman!
On sale Oct 19 • 192 pg, FC, $14.99 US

Written by Bob Haney and Gardner Fox
Art by Ramona Fradon, Jack Sparling, Mike Sekowsky and others
Cover by Sal Trapani
This massive black-and-white volume collects all Metamorpho’s Silver Age adventures, from THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #57-58, 66, 68, METAMORPHO #1-17, and JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #42! Guest-starring Batman, the Justice League of America, the Metal Men and more!
On sale Oct 5 • 560 pg, B&W $16.99 US

Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson & Mick Gray
Cover by Kitson
On the eve of galactic destruction, with the dream of a United Planets dissolving into hopelessness, only an all-out brawl between the Legion and the agents of Terror Firma can halt the coming invasion —-provided a key player in the war finds within herself an unexpected power!
On sale Oct 26 • 40 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Javier Pina, Steve Sadowski, Andrew Pepoy,
Sean Phillips and Fernando Blanco
Cover by Jesus Saiz
To become Manhunter, Kate Spencer broke into an evidence locker and stole a powerful super-suit — but she had no idea where it came from! The suit’s secret history comes to life in this stand-alone issue!
On sale Oct 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Scott Beatty
Art by Keron Grant
Cover by Ed McGuinness
Featuring a cover by Ed McGuinness (Superman/Batman)! With the evil Witchazel, Monkey-in-the-Middle, and Dino-Mite hot on his heels, things are looking pretty bad for Mikey DevantÈ — especially since the Coalition of Crime thinks he really is the son of Vulcan!
On sale Oct 5 • 5 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Jack Cole
Art and cover by Cole
Another amazing volume of peak-period Plastic Man stories by Cole at his zany best! This volume collects PLASTIC MAN #7-8 and Plastic Man’s adventures from POLICE COMICS #66-71. Plas and Woozy travel way out West, meet Stretcho the India Rubber Man, visit Hollywood, tail a homicidal hat and more!
On sale Oct 26 • 240 pg, FC, $49.99 US

Written by Dave Gibbons
Art and cover by Ivan Reis & Marc Campos
The war takes an ugly, brutal turn as two worlds and countless lives are ripped asunder, setting the stage for the galaxy's greatest battle and leading into the INFINITE CRISIS!
On sale October 5 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Mike Allred & Lee Allred
Art and cover by Mike Allred
Join Mike Allred, the creator of Madman and The Atomics, as he takes a whirlwind tour of the DCU! First stop: Hourman, as we find out exactly how much super-heroing a hero can do.
The craziness continues as two super-teams are pitted against each other in "Doom Patrol vs. Teen Titans." In "Batman A-Go-Go!",
the Caped Crusader is taken on a kooky psychedelic journey. Allred visits Jack Kirby's Fourth World as Lightray and Orion put Mister Miracle to the test in "Fourth World Wager." Can Scott Free really get out of any trap? And it's all capped off with "Comic Book Clubhouse," featuring just about every DC hero!
On sale October 26 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US

Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by Frazer Irving
Klarion has reluctantly returned to his lost colony of Puritans in Limbo Town, far below New York City, to warn them of an impending invasion. Instead of being welcomed as a savior, he is captured, tried, and sentenced to be burned alive. Can Klarion and Teekl convince the people of Limbo Town that not only their entire way of life is in danger, but their whole world?
A Soldier must die – will it be Klarion the Witchboy?
On sale October 19 • 4 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Ryan Sook & Mick Gray
Cover by Sook
Zatanna and Misty search for the 7 Unknown Men of Slaughter Swamp, only to find themselves face to face with a menace beyond imagination! The unexpected return of an almost unstoppable Golden Age master villain could spell doom for the Mistress of Magic unless she gets her groove on fast. Will Zatanna regain her powers in time for the ultimate magical duel with the ultimate cosmic criminal ? With a storyline leading directly into the epic SEVEN SOLDIERS #1, the answer may not be what you expect!
A Soldier must die – will it be Zatanna?
On sale October 5 • 4 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Carlos D’Anda & Marlo Alquiza
Cover by Tony S. Daniel & Alquiza
The Red Hood pays the Titans a visit to claim his rightful place…over Robin’s dead body! And what does Donna Troy’s return mean for the team?
On sale October 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Dale Eaglesham & Wade von Grawbadger
Cover by J.G. Jones
The red-hot miniseries comes to its deadly conclusion as the secret identity of the mysterious Mockingbird is revealed! This shocking revelation promises to shake the DCU to its core and leads straight into 2005's biggest event: Infinite Crisis!
On sale October 12 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Ben Oliver
Covers by Michael Golden
The thrilling 6-issue miniseries set in Metropolis continues! Seeing the Vigilante in front of you means certain death! But is Dr. Powell really his next target? Unlock the mystery behind the Vigilante in the second issue of this action/psychological thriller by Bruce Jones (Hulk) and Ben Oliver (THE AUTHORITY: HUMAN ON THE INSIDE)!
On sale October 26 • 2 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Rags Morales & Mark Propst
Cover by J.G. Jones
In the aftermath of DC SPECIAL: THE RETURN OF DONNA TROY, Donna seeks out Wonder Woman and finds her and Supergirl in the middle of a fight with VILLAINS UNITED’s Cheetah! But it’s Donna’s meeting with Supergirl that will have surprising ramifications for all three heroines. Is this a harbinger of things to come? Plus, Wonder Woman makes a decision that she’s been building to for months…but will someone else beat her to the punch?
On sale October 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


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