DC Comics for November 2005 (DC Universe)

by NMX
August 15, 2005

Written by Matt Wagner
Art and cover by Wagner
Matt Wagner takes the Dark Knight through his sophomore season in this 6-issue miniseries! Batman has spent his first year fighting organized crime — but nothing thus far in his early career as the Caped Crusader has prepared him for the new menace facing Gotham: super-powered villains! This is the first of two planned Wagner miniseries featuring Batman, each under the heading “Dark Moon Rising.”
On sale November 16 • 1 of 6 •†32 pg, FC, $2.99 US Edited by Bob Schreck


Written by Judd Winick
Art by Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen
Cover by Jock
The Villains United want a piece of Gotham, and Black Mask is just the man to deliver it to them. Batman has his hands full defending the city — but before he can neutralize Deathstroke and company, Red Hood is going to take matters into his own hands!
On sale November 30 •†32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by A.J. Lieberman
Art by Al Barrionuevo & Bit
Cover by Claudio Castellini
Alfred Pennyworth is about to be arrested for murder, Hush is one step from discovering the secrets behind the Clayfaces’ powers, and Batman’s last hope is locked away in a tiny corner of Arkham. A nasty surprise is waiting for the Dark Knight, and Alfred’s role in the murder is revealed!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Will Pfeifer
Art and cover by Chris Weston
Part 1 of the 3-part “Blaze of Glory” by Will Pfeifer (CATWOMAN) and Chris Weston (THE FILTH)! A criminal with something to prove stalks Batman. But despite the crook’s lack of resources, he proves to be not merely elusive, but deadly to the Dark Knight — and all of Gotham!
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by David Lapham
Art by Ramon Bachs & Nathan Massengill
Cover by Lapham
The penultimate chapter of the 12-part “City of Crime!” Bruce Wayne forgoes cape and cowl to investigate the mysteries of Gotham’s seediest neighborhood: Crown Point. Plus, Gordon’s back to help Robin uncover the Ventriloquist’s secrets…only Scarface ain’t talkin’.
On sale Nov 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Andrew Helfer
Art by Tan Eng Huat
Cover by Pat Lee
The amazing maxiseries heats up as the mysterious Carrier continues to spread his lethal plague on Gotham! Batman's on his trail, but too bad there are other people in the city with bigger plans for the Carrier — and for his deadly power!
On sale Nov 16 • 4 of 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Steve Niles
Art and cover by Scott Hampton
The 3-issue Prestige Format miniseries written by horror master Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) with art by Scott Hampton (BATMAN: NIGHT CRIES) continues! What started as an investigation into a bizarre series of murders takes a more wicked turn as Batman is thrown into the most horrific case of his career — outside his usual territory, in the Gotham suburbs!
On sale November 2 • 2 of 3 • Prestige Format • 48 pg, FC, $5.99 US


Written by Andersen Gabrych
Art by Pop Mhan & Jesse Delperdang
Cover by Tim Sale
The dramatic conclusion of “Destruction’s Daughter!” It’s a battle royal in the Balkan palace of the deceased Ra’s al Ghul between Batgirl, Mr. Freeze, Lady Shiva, Nyssa, the League of Assassins, an army of zombies — and that’s not the half of it!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Adam Hughes
Catwoman’s infiltration of a super-villain clique has blown up in her face, and she’s got the wounds to prove it. But while the forces of mayhem look for more blood to spill, they’ve unknowingly attracted the attention of Black Mask! Just wait ’til you see the surprise waiting on page 22!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Steve Lieber
Cover by Sean Phillips
An INFINITE CRISIS tie-in guest-starring Captain Marvel with art by Steve Lieber (Whiteout)! When a catastrophic cosmic event occurs over Gotham, the detectives discover just what being in over their heads really means! For Crispus Allen, it means trying to find his family!
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Devin Grayson
Art and cover by Phil Hester & Ande Parks
Nightwing is gone, and only Dick Grayson remains. He’s been given a new costume and instructed to teach Deathstroke’s daughter everything he knows. But Deathstroke is just waiting for an excuse to have Dick killed…
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

ROBIN #144

Written by Bill Willingham
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens
Robin and the Veteran scramble to save Bl¸dhaven from an all-out OMAC invasion! As the Veteran’s crack team struggles valiantly to toe the line, Robin must break away to save Darla Aquista…even though she’s sworn to kill him!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by Frank Quitely
DC launches the newest addition to its All Star line of comics — where the industry’s top creative talents refine the iconic focus of the world’s greatest super-heroes. Writer Grant Morrison (JLA, SEVEN SOLDIERS) and artist Frank Quitely (THE AUTHORITY,
New X-Men) — the acclaimed team behind JLA: EARTH 2 — are at it once again, this time to strip down the Man of Steel to his timeless, essential elements.
The series kicks off with a 12-issue story arc touching on all the classic aspects of the Superman mythology, starting with a daring rescue of a doomed group of helionauts on the surface of the sun. The massive amounts of solar radiation affect Superman in a way no one could possibly anticipate — except Lex Luthor!
On sale November 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US Edited by Bob Schreck


Written by Mark Verheiden
Art and cover by Ed Benes & Mariah Benes
An INFINITE CRISIS tie-in! Supergirl breaks the news to Kal that she’s heading off into space with Donna Troy. Will their final farewell be cut short by a new and more deadly Blackrock?
On sale November 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Gail Simone
Art by John Byrne & Nelson
Cover by Dan Jurgens & Kevin Nowlan
The Queen of Fables — last seen in JLA — has come for her Prince Charming: Superman! There will be no happy ending for the Man of Steel when he confronts her and a host of Kryptonian fairy tales is brought to life!
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Greg Rucka
Art and cover by Karl Kerschl
Mxy is back! Lois confronts her would-be assassin — and she must do it alone, because Superman has his hands full with a very different Mr. Mxyzptlk! And this time Mxy’s no joke!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines
As superstars Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines rocket “With a Vengeance” toward its conclusion, the fate of the universe hangs in the balance unless the World's Finest Team — The Dark Damsel Detective and The Woman of Steel, that is — can stop it! There's nothing more incredible than the debut of Batwoman and Superwoman! Guest-starring Superlad!
Retailers note: This issue is resolicited. All previous orders cancelled.
On sale November 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RESOLICIT


Written by Jeph Loeb
Art and cover by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund and Michael Turner
After the shocking twist at the end of last issue, what has happened to Supergirl that puts her face-to-face with the JLA in a battle she dare not win? What horrible truth has Lex Luthor uncovered that will change the Girl of Steel forever? Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers by Churchill & Rapmund (50%) and Turner (50%).
On sale November 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Joshua Middleton
Eclipso, the spirit of vengeance, works his magic on Fawcett City. Can Superman and Captain Marvel defeat Eclipso before the city is engulfed in chaos? Meanwhile, Dr. Sivana hatches a plan to strike at Marvel where he's most vulnerable: his human alter ego Billy Batson!
On sale Nov 2 • 3 of 4 • 40 pg, FC, $3.50 US


Written by Devin Grayson, J.D. Finn and various
Art by Ariel Olivetti, Ed Benes, Rags Morales, Joe Prado and various
Cover by Prado
An incredible Special showcasing the Man of Steel! Discover the difference between Superman and Batman (written by Devin Grayson with art by SPACE GHOST’s Ariel Olivetti). Plus: a retelling of Superman’s origin, profiles of Superman’s friends and foes, and more!
On sale Nov 9 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US


Written by Chuck Austen & J.D. Finn
Art by Ivan Reis, Carlos D’Anda, Marc Campos and others
Cover by Ian Churchill
A thrilling new volume collecting ACTION COMICS #820-825! Gog has traveled from the future determined to keep his promise of killing Superman. But before that, the Man of Steel must face some of his deadliest enemies, including the Silver Banshee, Preus, and Doomsday!
On sale Nov 30 • 160 pg, FC, $17.99 US

Written by Chuck Austen
Art by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Marc Campos and others
Cover by Reis & Campos
Reoffered to coincide with SUPERMAN: IN THE NAME OF GOG, this volume collects ACTION COMICS #814-819, plus backups from #812-813! The Man of Steel faces a horde of enemies from Darkseid to Weapons Master. Will he have enough strength to face the villainous Gog?
On sale Nov 30 • 160 pg, FC, $14.99 US • Relist


Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Phil Jimenez & Andy Lanning
Covers by Jim Lee & Sandra Hope and George PÈrez
The biggest comics event of the year is just getting started! The heroes are divided as chaos erupts across the world and the universe — from Paradise Island to the farthest reaches of space. But what strange new force prepares to help? And, more important, why? Plus, a time-lost hero returns in search of an object that will turn the tide of one of the many wars. Guest-starring Supergirl, Alan Scott, Metamorpho, Animal Man, Firestorm, Power Girl and dozens of others! Retailers please note: This issue will ship with covers by Lee & Hope (50%) and PÈrez (50%).
On sale November 9 • 2 of 7 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US


Written by John Arcudi
Art by Leonard Kirk & Andy Clarke
Cover by Patrick Gleason
Koryak returns to Atlantis to beseech the Congress of Sorcerers to cure Mera’s condition by initiating a major incantation. Aquaman is dead set against it, since it may spell doom for Atlantis. Meanwhile, Mera adapts quickly to life in the “surface world” . . . maybe too quickly.
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by John Byrne & Will Pfeifer
Art by Byrne & Dan Green
Cover by Byrne
Etrigan battles the foe he encountered in issue #8, but the price
he pays to stay in the fight may cost him more than it does his deadly adversary!
On sale Nov 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Gail Simone
Art by Joe Bennett & Jack Jadson
Cover by Adriana Melo & Will Conrad
From the pages of VILLAINS UNITED and IDENTITY CRISIS comes the deadly new Calculator — and he's on the hunt for Oracle. It's the ultimate battle of the DCU’s biggest information brokers, with their hand-picked teams caught in the crossfire!
On sale Nov 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Bob Harras
Art by Marcos Martin & Alvaro Lopez Cover by Martin
Breach learns his destiny as secrets from two decades ago come to light in explosive fashion! The Smoking Lady knows more than she’s revealed, but now she’s ready to tell all — including how to stop the Rifters from invading Earth. And all it's going to cost is the life of a good man. Final issue.
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by John Byrne
Art by Byrne & Doug Hazlewood
Cover by Byrne
The Doom Patrol is threatened from all directions as Vortex, Nudge and Grunt give up the last of their secrets. Plus, learn the fate of the Chief! Final issue.
On sale Nov 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Stuart Moore
Art by Jamal Igle & Rob Stull
Cover by Matt Haley
Beginning the storyline that will send Firestorm into his next stage of evolution — as the INFINITE CRISIS hits full force! Merged with an unexpected partner, Jason (Firestorm) Rusch heads out into space with Donna Troy for a rendezvous with his cosmic destiny!!
On sale Nov 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Joey Cavalieri
Art by Val Semeiks & Livesay
Cover by Art Thibert
The extraordinary tale “Finish Line” continues as Nightwing tries to help Wally piece together the clues to who's behind the evil threatening the West family. Is the end near for Wally?
On sale November 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Carlos Pacheco & Jesus Merino
Guest starring Green Arrow! Out of the pages of INFINITE CRISIS explodes a villain who’s had devastating effects on the life of Hal Jordan — and only the combined efforts of Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen can combat this monster!
On sale November 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Geoff Johns & Dave Gibbons
Art and cover by Patrick Gleason & Christian Alamy
The amazing new miniseries continues! Breaking an ancient pact, two veteran Lanterns venture deep into forbidden territory on a life-or-death mission while the Corps' newest recruits find themselves in the very heart of darkness.
On sale Nov 16 • 3 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Judd Winick
Art by Ron Garney & Bill Reinhold
Cover by James Jean
“Heading Into the Light, Part 3 of 4.” On the trail of the unpredictable Dr. Light, Green Arrow and Black Lightning are sidetracked by an attack from Mirror Master and Killer Frost! But is the appearance of some old foes a coincidence or part of a more sinister plot?
On sale Nov 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Art by Ron Randall, Art Thibert & Walden Wong
Cover by Adam Kubert
The Hawk team welcomes a new cover artist — comics superstar Adam Kubert — in an action-packed issue that serves as a prelude to Rann/Thanagar War! Hawkman and Hawkgirl battle Satana’s animal men during a daring heist and Brother Eye unleashes an OMAC on St. Roch as they prepare to leave for deep space! Plus, Hawkman reflects on his last meeting with the Atom!
On sale November 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

JLA #122

Written by Bob Harras
Art by Tom Derenick & Dan Green
Covers by Daniel AcuÒa
“World Without a Justice League” Part 3 of 6! The Key has struck again! While half of what was the JLA investigates the bizarre murder scene, the other half looks to recruit a new member: Supergirl. But the entire group is called to action when OMACs appear on the scene!
On sale Nov 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Kurt Busiek
Art and cover by George PÈrez
Reoffered again, the timeless classic that brought together two of the greatest teams in comics! This oversized, slipcased
two-volume set collects the legendary 4-issue miniseries with a full complement of bonus features!
On sale Nov 2 • 8.125" x 12.25" 288 pg, FC, $75.00 US • RELIST


Written by Justin Gray
& Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Luke Ross
Cover by Frank Quitely
The saga of Jonah Hex — the mysterious bounty hunter and thinking man's killer —†returns to the DCU in an all-new series penned by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti (HAWKMAN) with amazing art by Luke Ross (GREEN LANTERN; Samurai) and a debut-issue cover by fan-favorite Frank Quitely (WE3, BITE CLUB)! Saddle up and ride shotgun with the original bad man of the Wild West during an age of plunder, greed and lawlessness. When a millionaire's only son is kidnapped, Hex is called on to track down and recover the boy. But a simple missing person case turns into a hunt for vengeance as Hex unleashes his special brand of justice on the unsuspecting culprits.
And don’t miss SHOWCASE PRESENTS: JONAH HEX VOL. 1, featuring classic tales of the legendary gunslinger, on page 81!
On sale November 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US Edited by Stephen Wacker


Written by John Albano & Michael Fleischer
Art by Tony DeZuniga, Doug Wildey, JosÈ LuÌs Garcia-LÛpez and others
Cover by Luis Dominguez
Witness the earliest adventures of DC’s legendary gunslinger from ALL-STAR WESTERN #2-8 and #10-11, WEIRD WESTERN TALES #12-14 and #16-33! Jonah Hex had no friends, but he did have two companions: death, and the acrid smell of gunsmoke!
On sale Nov 2 • 528 pg, B&W $16.99 US


Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Butch Guice
Cover by Michael Stribling
Part 5 of the 6-part “New Maps of Hell.” Separated from one another, each member of the JLA is put to the test as they are forced to face their own personal Hell.
On sale Nov 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis
Art and new cover by Kevin Maguire & Josef Rubinstein
A new trade paperback collecting JLA CLASSIFIED #4-9, the critically acclaimed follow-up to FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE JUSTICE LEAGUE! The Super Buddies open for business, but things hit a sour note when former foe Blackguard and his partner Guy Gardner open a sports bar next door to their new “headquarters” in the strip mall downtown!
On sale Nov 23 • 144 pg, FC, $12.99 US

Written by Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis
Art and cover by Kevin Maguire & Josef Rubinstein
Reoffered to coincide with I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S NOT THE JUSTICE LEAGUE, this collection features the best-selling 6-issue miniseries that reunited the 1980s incarnation of the team! The heroes are convinced by Maxwell Lord to become a team for hire, but no sooner do they re-form than they're captured by Roulette.
On sale Nov 23 • 144 pg, FC, $12.95 US • RELIST


Written by Warren Ellis
Art and cover by Gary Erskine
Concluding a 4-part story with a showdown in San Francisco! Jack’s confrontation with a cell that has pirated a weapon of mass destruction beyond imagining comes to a head at a California demonstration!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

JSA #79

Written by Keith Champagne
Art by Don Kramer & Champagne
Cover by Alex Ross
Amid the ruins of Dr. Fate's tower, one half of the JSA fight for their lives against Mordru, free from his imprisonment in the Rock of Eternity. Meanwhile, the rest of the JSA battle to save the Fifth Dimension from the iron grip of...Jakeem Thunder!
On sale Nov 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Jen Van Meter
Art by Patrick Oliffe & Ruy Jose
Cover by Joe Bennett & Ruy Jose
"Honor Among Thieves," Part 1 of 3, spotlighting the Injustice Society! While the JSA investigates the appearance of the mysterious Prometheus key in their headquarters, the Wizard approaches Icicle with a grave request that will change their fortunes forever!
On sale Nov 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson & Mick Gray
Cover by Kitson
The first year of Legion of Super-Heroes wraps up in a finale that must be seen to be believed! The pieces have been put in place over the last 12 months and now the threat to the universe stands revealed, leaving the team — and the 31st century — in shambles.
On sale Nov 23 • 40 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson, Leonard Kirk, Dave Gibbons and others
Cover by Kitson
An amazing collection featuring LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #1-6 and the preview story from TEEN TITANS/LEGION SPECIAL #1! A bright, defiant, energized team of super-powered teenagers from different worlds forms a team of passionate activists crusading to leave their mark on a society that has forgotten how to fight for change!
On sale Nov 16 • 200 pg, FC, $14.99 US


Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Javier Pina & Fernando Blanco
Cover by Jesus Saiz
After the events of "Manhunted,” Kate and Chase have a much-needed sit-down about Kate's extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, the tabloid noose tightens and Dylan takes action! Plus, an appearance by DEO Director Bones!
On sale Nov 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Jesus Saiz & Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover by Jae Lee
Collecting the acclaimed first five issues of the hot new series!
When a case she’s lost leads to the murder of innocents, prosecutor Kate Spencer rages into the night, tracking the perp who’s eluded justice in the courts. She’s found her true calling. She is the Manhunter. And she likes it!
On sale Nov 9 • 128 pg, FC, $12.99 US


Written by Judd Winick
Art by Matthew Clark & Art Thibert
Cover by Daniel AcuÒa
The team calls on Katana to aid them against a supernatural onslaught unleashed by the DCU’s magical crisis!
On sale November 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Kyle Baker
Art and cover by Baker
After the buzz created by last issue’s “Edwina Crisis,” hot inker Kyle Baker teams with himself to unleash the second chapter of the “Edwina Crisis!” This single issue explores the period in which Woozy Winks disappeared from the DCU! Hey, find out why Kyle Baker won two more Harvey and Eisner Awards!
On sale Nov 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by various
Art and cover by various
Reoffered to coincide with DAY OF VENGEANCE and OMAC PROJECT TPs, this volume collects the crossover story from THE FLASH #219 and WONDER WOMAN #214 in their entirety, plus the lead story from SUPERMAN SECRET FILES 2004. Plus select pages from nearly two dozen other DCU comics, with new text!
On sale Nov 2 • 96 pg, FC, $5.99 US • RELIST


Written by Greg Rucka, Geoff Johns and Judd Winick
Art by Jesus Saiz, Rags Morales, Ed Benes, Phil Jimenez, Ivan Reis, and various
Cover by Ladrˆnn
Spinning out of IDENTITY CRISIS, COUNTDOWN TO INFINITE CRISIS was a Special that laid the groundwork for events in the DCU for the year to come. Now COUNTDOWN is collected with the hot miniseries that directly spun out of it: THE OMAC PROJECT! This crackerjack thriller by Greg Rucka (ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, WONDER WOMAN) features the moody, gorgeous art of Jesus Saiz (MANHUNTER).
Every hero and villain in the DCU is under the gaze of an unbelievably powerful spy satellite. It's a technological marvel that answers to only one person — and he's got plans for it that are completely unknown to the superspy organization he controls: Checkmate!
In a world where men can fly and melt metal with their eyes, there's now an army created specifically as an answer to them: the OMACs Batman and old ally Booster Gold are about to learn the chilling truth behind the OMAC Project — but will they work with or against each other? This volume includes COUNTDOWN TO INFINITE CRISIS, THE OMAC PROJECT #1-6, and WONDER WOMAN #219.
On sale November 2 • 256 pg, FC, $14.99 US


Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Justiniano, Ron Randall
& Walden Wong
Cover by Walter Simonson
Spinning out of the events of COUNTDOWN TO INFINITE CRISIS and leading into INFINITE CRISIS, the reality-bending 6-issue miniseries from writer Bill Willingham and artists Justiano, Ron Randall, and Walden Wong is collected! In this volume featuring DAY OF VENGEANCE #1-6, ACTION COMICS #826, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #639 and SUPERMAN #216, Superman and Captain Marvel face off against the evil of Eclipso! Meanwhile, Ragman finds himself at the magical core of the DCU, where he ends up aligned with an unlikely ally: The Enchantress. Together with a ragtag team of magic-based heroes they must face down a foe who has sworn to wipe out all magic...the Spectre! Featuring nearly every magical character of the DCU, DAY OF VENGEANCE may mark the end of magic as we know it.
On sale November 2 • 224 pg, FC, $12.99 US


Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by Yanick Paquette
& Michael Bair
The Seven Soldiers saga continues as Yanick Paquette (TERRA OBSCURA) & Michael Bair (IDENTITY CRISIS) join writer extraordinaire Grant Morrison for an amazing new
4-issue miniseries! Obsessed with the idea of becoming a famous super-hero and preserving his beautiful wife’s youth, Professor Lance Harrower invents Smartskin — a steel-hard living fiber which bonds with skin collagen. When his experiments go awry, Harrower is suffocated under a coating of steel skin. His wife Alix survives the horrific accident only to find herself an outcast and a freak. Now jobless, alone, and encased in super-hard, living metal, she is a truly reluctant super-human.
What happens when you get powers and abilities beyond those of mortal men but don’t want them? Find out in “Ballistic: How the Bulleteer Began”!
On sale November 2 • 1 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by Doug Mahnke
Doug Mahnke (JLA) joins Grant Morrison for an amazing new miniseries in the Seven Soldiers saga! A bizarre butterfly store opens its doors in a small American town. Pretty, popular teenagers are mysteriously transformed into self-loathing, awkward nerds. A boy with the power to see human thoughts becomes the unwitting vessel of an ancient curse, and deep beneath the sunny sidewalks, something stirs and wakes and opens ancient eyes.
Witness the triumphant return to the DCU of one of fiction’s most enduring characters as Grant Morrison and Doug Mahnke introduce a steam-powered, gun-totin’, Milton-quotin’ Frankenstein monster you’ll never forget! Meet time’s executioner as he hunts down the impossible menaces that threaten humanity from beyond reality!
On sale November 16 • 1 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Tony S. Daniel & Alquiza
Part 1 of a 2-part story featuring the return of Brother Blood! As a result of the magic wars in Day of Vengeance, the barrier keeping Brother Blood trapped in hell is broken and he’s back … with some former Teen Titans! And just whose side is former Titan Lilith on? And isn’t she dead?
On sale November 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


Written by Geoff Johns & Mark Waid
Art by Mike McKone, Ivan Reis and Tom Grummett
Cover by McKone
The Titans’ weekends are usually a chance to get away from it all. But this time, they’re really gone…to the 31st century! And their return trip drops them off a mere ten years into the future!
On sale Nov 30 • 224 pg, FC, $9.99 US

Written by Geoff Johns and Ben Raab
Art by Justiniano and Chris Ivy, Tom Grummett and Lary Stucker
Cover by Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines
Reoffered to coincide with TEEN TITANS: THE FUTURE IS NOW, this collection explores the origins of Gar Logan! Featuring the 3-issue BEAST BOY miniseries as well as the explosive 3-part story "Wild Kingdom" presented in TEEN TITANS #13-15!
On sale Nov 30 • 168 pg, FC, $9.99 US • RELIST


Written by Scott Beatty
Art and cover by Keron Grant
The combustible conclusion finds Mikey Devante facing his final trial by fire! Outmatched and surrounded by monsters, Mikey makes a fateful decision with the legacy of the Vulcans hanging in the balance: Will Mikey go it alone as a kid sidekick without a superhero mentor, or can he just hang up his costume forever?
On sale Nov 9 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Ben Oliver
Cover by Michael Golden
Delve into the mind of a perfect killing machine and discover what led him to a life driven by a lust for violent justice as the exciting miniseries by Bruce Jones and Ben Oliver continues! With nothing to go on but a “V” of blood as a clue, the police are left chasing a ghost. Can Dr. Powell help the Vigilante before he claims another life?
On sale November 23 • 2 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Rags Morales
Cover by J.G. Jones
As the events of INFINITE CRISIS heat up, Paradise Island comes under attack by OMACs! But even with Wonder Woman’s help, the Amazons must make a fateful decision… one that will change Diana’s life, and mission, forever.
On sale November 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


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