What I would really like to see is Jakks and Mattel both make wrestling figures really close to the same thing.
Jakks would more than likely stick to the RA and DA style. I don't think TNA could sell anywhere near the amount of product that WWE did. To save money they would rely heavily on the molds they already have rather than start a new figure style. I'd also like to see Jakks continue the Classic line still making them RA and DA styles.
From Mattel I would like to see their WWE line be close to Jakks line. Make the figures as close to what Jakks did with RA and DA but still have them be unique. Maybe something between what RA and DA were. I just really want to see figures from Mattel that can stand side by side with my Jakks figures and not be too different.
I also wonder if Mattel can release figures on the scale that Jakks did. Will Mattel just release 3-4 waves a year with 5-6 figures per wave. We would be lucky to get 20 different superstars in one year. I also hope they would make 2-packs.
It would be great if Mattel could do there own Classic line.
It would be a dream if Mattel and Jakks combined were making two Classic lines on top of medern WWE and Modern TNA.
I am praying that both companies make their figures either the same as Jakks was or better. I am just worried at how much Mattel will put into their products.
This was quite shocking news to me. I'm interested to see what Mattel does with the line. Jakks has had it for so long now. It's going to be weird to see a change like this.
Terrific. That means we will get twenty thousand versions of Randy Orton and John Cena and have to check all fifty states for one Rey Mysterio or one Chris Jericho or whoever Mattel short packs.
well, those are some news. i am not gonna buy any of mattel figs because i dont wanna begin my collection from the start. i have a lot of jakks figs and all i hope that jakks is doing a damn macho man and i am done. sure the figs had mostly the same bodys but i dont think that will change with mattel. mattel is doing great with there dc line and i think they will do a great job with wwe but right about now i wont start again.
Im just kind of pissed because I have a collection of like 50 plus DA wrestlers that are still missing quite a few superstars in therms of classics.
I'va always thought the RA figures looked like crap, save a few of the head scans. But I do really like the DA. Its annoying how they cut corners on body types. Like Finlay being thin and ripped but there are ones that work look very good i.e Batista.
Who knows what Mattel will do with them, Their DCU stuff is decent but thats only because they have the 4 horsemen sculpting them and I doubt they'd sculpt the wrestlers.
Pluss Jakks has the realscan stuff and Mattel does not. While the paint usually f...... them up the liknesses were the best thing going for them.
Well, either way, we won't know until 2010. Another whole 2 years away. Jakks, I believe is taking a bigger risk by assuming TNA will still be a popular wrestling line in 2 years.
Sorry, Bandalero, but I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, the new DCU figures are awesome, but I don't think WWE will get the same treatment. I think they'll end up like JLU, every figure will have the same body. I can't imagine them doing anything better than Jakks did. Jakks took very good care of their license.
TNA figures are currently scaled e.g. Petey Williams is no where close in height to say Kevin Nash - Yes I believe there was a manufacturing error with the Styles/Samoa Joe two-pack that have them both as giants, but for the most part TNA figures are in scale with each other.
For years Jakks excuse is that they will not scale their figures to save costs.
TNA figures use more unique body parts in their short series than Jakks does in their 20-30+ series of figures. Are you telling me that Ric Flair has the same body sculpt as say HBK? Practically I know there's no way any toy company can mold the hundreds of body types there are in wrestling - but the fact remains that Marvel at least has taken a stab at it
Jakks signature line is Ruthless Aggression - try doing a boston crab or power bomb with one of those thunder thighs figures - oh they look good in the package? That's fine, but they are wrestling toys and therefore one would assume they could actually do wrestling moves right?
Ok so let's talk production. TNA figures are as accurate and detailed as can be - however Jakks continously paints half of a figure to save on costs - e.g. Brutus Beefcake has no stripes on the back of his tights
- Personally I think Jeremy over at Jakks got too cocky and I'm glad the WWE is changing things up - even if their alterior motive is to put TNA action figures out of business. I think Mattel will do so much better on the quality of toys that Jakks did. They had a nice long run and now they've lost their license.
Sorry, Bandalero, but I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, the new DCU figures are awesome, but I don't think WWE will get the same treatment. I think they'll end up like JLU, every figure will have the same body. I can't imagine them doing anything better than Jakks did. Jakks took very good care of their license.
Actually I see it the other way around - now WWE toys will look a whole lot better than what Jakks had done with them!
Seriously Jakks had 4 or 5 body parts, RA thunder thighs, and the only difference was the head scans? And they didn't paint half of their figures on the backs for cost-saving measures? And the thing that URKED me the most was Jakks total ignorance of scale!!!!! Rey Mysterio should NOT be eye to eye with the Undertaker!!!!!
Cheers for Marvel!
This is great, now the TNA figures will look a whole lot better, then what Marvel toy has done,