All Hell Breaks Loose In The Nation's Capital!
The positive reviews for KISS KISS BANG BANG #1 are pouring in, but if you want to see what else writer Tony Bedard has up his sleeves before the new spy book hits (on Jan. 14th), take a ride on ROUTE 666!
This week, in issue #19, all Hell breaks loose in the nation's capital as Cassie Starkweather takes her traveling spook show to Congress! It seems that the new leader of the world's largest Communist nation is really one of those nasty ghouls that only Cassie can see...and she's determined to make sure the entire world knows!
This is the series that Publishers Weekly says "keeps readers on edge, sometimes chuckling and shivering simultaneously" -- and you'll see why on January 2nd when Bedard, penciler Karl Moline, inker Rick Magyar and colorist Wil Quintana show us what sort of monsters really walk the halls of power!
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