Jazwares, Inc. Mega Man Figure Review
Written by: Mandalorian30
For the 15th anniversary of Capcom's beloved blue bomber Mega Man, Jazwares, Inc. has produced 6 new 6'' action figures, plus 2 10'' figures. Hearing the news of new Mega Man figures got me very excited! I am a huge fan of the video game series, ranging from the NES all the way to the modern systems. I have many of the other Mega Man toys, specifically the Japanese Ban Dai model kits, which are some of my favorites in my collection. When I learned these were being sold at Toy R Us, I rushed to find them. When I finally came across them, I was a little dissapointed in what I saw.....

The figures did not look very good at all! Sitting in their cardbacks, the first thing I thought was "These look very cheaply made". The paint apps weren't the best, the plastic did not look very good of quality, and the characters themselves looked rather goofy. I argued with myself for a while, and finally decided on picking up Mega Man, Mega Man X, and my favorite character, Proto Man. After I got the figures home, I looked them over real good in their packages. I finally ripped them open, and played around a bit. I started to decide that they may not be as bad as I originally thought.

Here's the blue bomber himself, Mega Man. This is actually probably the better of the 3 I bought. They did a pretty decent job of capturing the over all classic look of Mega. Though he looks a little goofy in the face, it still resembles him rather well. One thing that all the figures suffer is heads that are not in proportion with the body. Granted Mega's head is supposed to be a little bigger than normal, something about this just doesn't look right. The joints on the figure are very stiff,and when you move them, they feel like they are going to snap right off. Not very good on the articulation. He comes with a changeable arm cannon, so you can switch between a regular hand. He also comes with a well-known little companion from the game...Eddie!
Eddie, also known as Flip-Top, was in teh original games. He is referred to as Dr. Light's "Cybernetic Suitcase". He would carry helpful items for Mega. I thought it was pretty cool that he came with the figure. Though he doesn't do anything, he is probably one of the coolest features of this figure!
And just so you can see the difference, here is the new Mega Man figure compared to the early 90's Cartoon Series-based Mega Man figure and the Ban Dai Model Kit, which IMO is the best Mega Man figure to date.

Moving on to Proto Man, my favotie character. This was of course the first figure I looked for to grab. boy was I upset when I found this. Ugh! Again with a goofy head sculp. He suffers the same flaws as Mega: Shotty joints and articulation, so-so paint job, and a lousy sculpt.
Just as with Mega, one of the best parts is the little enemy figure Proto comes with. This figure actually has a little spring in it, so it has a little bounce feature.
Here is a look at the new Proto figure compared to the awesome Ban Dai model kit. See the difference?

Last, and certainly least, is Mega Man X. This is probably one of the worst I saw, aside from Vile. MMX features the worst sculpt out of the three I bought! His face is just weird. It's kind of flat in the front, yet strangley large at the same time. His chest armor is horrible, and his joints are just as bad as the other two. X features the same changeable cannon arm, and also comes with a jet pack of some type, and a ridiculously small sword. X does not come with a companion figure.
Here is a final comparison shot for you. The new X figure standing next to the Ban Dai Model Kit.
New Mega Man figures.....a bit of a dissapointment. Since the joints are so bad, you pretty much have to pose them one way, and leave them for display. I fear that playing with these would break them very quickly. Though I have warmed up a little to the look, I still highly prefer my ban Dai model kits!
6 figures available: Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, Mega Man X, Zero, Vile. $5.99 USD at toys 'R Us.
Overall Rating:

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5 being the best and 1 being the worst.
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