This week's TNI Cool Custom figure is of some
Four Horsemen style ThunderCats figures. These figures were done by
Fluxcapacitortoys. Here is how he describes the making of the figures:
"Like many people I was really disappointed by the news that Super7 would not be able to get the Thundercats licence and able to continue the line that Mattel started. All the more because I was just a little too young and missed the original figures in the 80's.
A couple of months ago I decided to start looking for MOTUC figures that would make a good base and landed on Filmation Evil-Lyn for Cheetara and Oo-Lar for Tygra (using the spare head from Bow).
I filed and dry sanded off all the pieces on the figures I didn't need and then followed up with a wet sand. Once that was done, I sculpted the additional pieces with epoxy putty and wet sanded those pieces before spraying the whole figure with a grey undercoat. After that everything is hand painted with acrylic model paint.
It was hard to decide on a color scheme for Tygra as it varied a lot in the Rankin Bass series but landed on this one as it seemed to suit the MOTUC figure better than some of the others."
Check out the images of his work below in our
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