A New Diamond Select Toys Sci-Fi Q&A

by Jay Cochran
November 22, 2010
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses on Sci-Fi questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:

Kushmeer Farakhan
Greetings Chuck! Well with 2011 right around the corner i must ask if there has been a change in the BSG plans. Will we see ANY product next year? Will we see one more pack at least( Roslin/Baltar) to end the line? if DST did decide to go forward, how many more figures can we expect? Will you finish the final five?

DSTchuck: I don’t think there is any change, we have not seen a pick up in demand for Galactica product. However we are watching the progress of the new show they are looking at developing.

David Lee
Hello– Star Trek question here, any hope of a TNG era (First Contact) Phaser Rifle or any Phaser Rifle ? or a Star Trek III Phaser ? Please say ‘yes’ ? Also recommend that such as phaser be set up akin to a laser tag type of game/toy as well…gives it broader appeal IMHO..Thanks

DSTChuck: We do not have any plans right now for any sort of rifle, we’re very worried about the increased cost vs the demand. Our license would not allow for a laser type game, but that does sound cool.

Luis Camones
Hey, I saw that you have the Enterprise-E on display at this years SDCC and I notice something different about it, after a closer look I saw you added a new paint to it. I saw some new aztec decal on this that was left out on the first production of the ship and added detail that was mssing as well. My question is what can you tell us about this new enterprise-e and when will it come out? is it this year or next year? thanks

DSTChuck: Luis you are correct, we are looking at modifying the E to better reflect specific incarnations of the ship, rather than a more general look. Right now I do not have a specific update on the ship date but it will not be in stores until 2011.

Abayomi Allen
I’ve been good this year. When can we get a 2nd go at Captain Benjamin Sisko and Defiant Captain’s Chair? These would for sure sell out quick show some love for DS9 fans

DSTChuck: I am sorry to say right now there is no change in plans in regards to Trek figure releases.

Daryl Bowlin
Actually this is just to correct a previous poster. The lights on the bottom of Saaviks TWOK didn’t flicker wih her voice. They came on when she was transmitting & turned off when she was receiving. The lights on the prop were operated by a push-to-talk button. If you watch Kirstie’s hand you’ll see her grip tighten when she talks & relax when she stops.

DSTChuck: Thanks for all the research Daryl. You know your Trek.

George Miller
Have you ever considered making a replica of Space Station K7 from The Trouble with Tribbles or Trials and Tribble-ations?

DSTChuck: George, I have to be honest I don’t think that has ever been considered. Sorry.

Greg Paradine
I am wondering if the Original series shuttle craft “Galileo” is ever going to be done ?

DSTChuck: Greg, we did look at that for the Minimate vehicle line but the response from buyers was not great. As for a full sized vehicle replica, I do not think it’s on the short list.

Steven Rice
Will there be a reliant or a enterprise C in the future?

DSTChuck: Steve, I think those are two ships we would and are considering when we do our planning.

Sam English
Heya Chuck. I’ve been meanign to ask a few questions for a while so thought I would send them all in today. 1. Star Trek Retro - Just wondering if there are any updated images for the ladies in this wave? Any samples to show how the final hairpieces will look for Chapel & Vina? Do you know if Vinas hair will be shorter like the images released to date, or longer as it was in the show? 2. Star Trek TOS 6″ - It’s been a while since I asked about these, so I was just wondering if you are still chugging along with the Chapel/Rand figures or if you’ve given up for the time being? 3. Star Trek Voyager 6″ - I think Star Trek fans everywhere were shocked when Seven of Nine was cancelled. What is wrong with the world?? Is there really no market for a beautiful blonde well endowed cyborg these days? Do DST have any interest in shopping around a Seven/Janeway set? (only requires a new Janeway head) or perhaps a Seven/Borg Queen set or even a Janeway/Borg Queen set? 2-packs seem to do OK for you with other lines, you seem to like using them for Trek too. I really hope you will atleast try to get Seven out. She would be the crowning glory of DST Trek! (Well, aside from the TWOK figures). 4. Borg Alcove - Someone mentioned at the Trek forums the alcove could possibly be released as a money bank. Is this actually a possibility? Thanks Chuck. You take care of yourself.

DSTChuck: 1. The retro cloth figures after the Pike wave are still in for approval so I can not show any new images, hopefully they will be approved soon.

2. I think the Trek figure line is on hold for now, we’re hoping the recently released two packs will do well and show buyers there is still a strong following out there for Trek figures.

3. I would say that we were very shocked at the tepid reception we received for the Borg wave. We thought it would be just what fans and collectors wanted. While we’re not actively working on Trek figures, when we talk Trek products, I have to be honest we do bring up 7of9 often.

4. We have no done any Trek banks and we have none planned now, but we have thought about doing some banks in the future, but we’ve never discussed the alcove.

Thanks for the questions.

Sam English
Greetings again Chuck. Just had 1 BSG question, & please feel free to ignore if it is none of my damn business! :-D You have to see how the currect 2-packs perform before planning any more, very understandable, but I was just wondering how long you usually give the items to sell before deciding if it is worth doing more or not? My real question is simply with the Boomer & Tigh sets being released a while ago now, do you feel any more confident a Roslin/Baltar set could be a reality, or is it still too soon to tell? Thanks Chuck. Good luck with your new Monsters figures. They look great!

DSTChuck: That’s a good question, I don’t think we have any exact formula, we just kind of watch how its doing, how many of our stock sells each week. Also demand from retailers would help, if retailers that order an item and they blow out, they call our sales guys and ask what’s next. Plus we factor in fan feedback from shows or emails. I wish I had a more concrete answer for you.

Chris Warwick
HOW LONG are we going to have to wait for the Enterprise-B????? Would it be possible to buy the unboxed, undetailed, unassembled ship in the next few months, or have you even started designing it? If it takes too much longer, I will just make my own out of wood. :|

DSTChuck: Sorry Chris, since we had so many delays with the D after we went out the public for orders, we decided to not list a ship for sale until it was ready to ship from the factory. It does increase the risk to us and give a longer gap from your first image to in stores, but based on fan feedback it seemed like the way to go. Hopefully we get the B done before you have to break out the wood and knife.

Alex Rosolowsky
Hey DST, I just wanted to say that I’m really pleased to see that the Enterprise-E is being updated and reissued. Are there any surprises we should look forward to in addition to the new paint scheme? Also, in addition to the new Enterprise-E, I also noticed that the “All Good Things…” Enterprise-D is being reissued, and was wondering if we might see a reissue of the regular Enterprise-D at some point as well. Finally, my last question is about DST’s future with the Trek license, I realize that it might not be possible to answer it, so feel free to skip this if need be. Anyway, I was just wondering if we could look forward to a larger line in 2011 then the one that we had in 2010? Specifically, in addition to the reissued ships, can we expect any new ships (e.g. Enterprise-B, Excelsior, or Klingon Bird-of-Prey,) in 2011, along with any new Trek Tek and new action figures? Thank you in advance for your time. I’m really looking forward to the release of the new Enterprise-E; keep up the awesome work guys.

DSTChuck: I don’t think we’re looking at any big changes to the E other than making the deco more specific. The AGT was releases as an exclusive and in lower numbers than the standard D and the stock on the D in stores has been pretty good from what we have heard, so no re-run for now but of course we’ll consider it as time goes on. I am not really sure if I can say there will be more or less Trek releases on 2010 VS 2011. I will say we’re working on several ships and roll-play items for Trek that we expect to get into collectors hands in 2011.

Roddy DeHart
Could you Please Please PLEASE do Stargate (Im interested in Atlantis) Minimates or Retro figures or something that does not cost as much to produce as figures, just so we can get a Stargate SOMETHING for 2011??

DSTChuck: I have to say we’ve never really looked at adding Stargate to the retro cloth license – on the flip side, we’ve considered that license for Minimates, many times, so you never know.

Don Bussey
Hi Chuck, Based on the sales of Wave 5 and the recent two packs, any chance we will be seeing any other figure releases 2010-2011? Is the Romulan Commander still a possibility? Thanks!

DSTChuck: Don, neither of those products was on fire but they did well enough to not make it impossible for us to do nay Trek going forward. I think Romulan Commander would be on any short list we’d put together.

Mike Phillips
I was psyched about the Star Trek figures advertised to be coming out (Salt vampire, Janice Rand, Kruge & Maltz two-pack, Sisko & Dukat two-pack, Borg Drone #1, Borg Seven of Nine, the limited Half-Borg Crewman, and Seven of Nine. the electronic Borg Alcove, Borg Queen, Nurse Chapel …) Would also be great to get other figures such as GUINAN, TASHA YAR, QUARK and some other characters such as villains. Will we ever see any of these characters? Thanks, mike

DSTChuck: Mike yes I think we did have some cool stuff planned and developed for Trek but for a mix of reasons they had to be taken off the table. We never say never at DST but we’re not working on them right now. I do think we’re pretty done with the TNG and DS9 lines for now.

Duncan McWilliams
Hey thank you for making awesome Ships I got the Enterprise D and I am really chuffed you guys have done an excellent job. I was wondering though do you guys have plan for a Uss Voyager release and a Year Of Hell Battle damaged edition as well ? Im sure it would sell very well I know I would get it straight away. Oh and more thing is there a possibility after the Enterprises are finished could there be a Uss Equinox ? it would be cool with the fissure breathing sounds. Thanks very much and good luck for future developments.

DSTChuck: Right now we are not developing the Voyager or Equinox (though I have to be honest this one would be a long shot), but that said, we only work one item ahead with the ships and roll play. As a result it’s not that we have decided we’re not going to make them or not.


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