A New Diamond Select Toys Minimates Q&A

by Jay Cochran
February 7, 2011
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses on Minimates questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:

Joel Fox
Has AA considered creating a fan poll to create Marvel minimates? I recall one done for the Secret Wars box set. Some of the characters the fans are clamoring for have not been made (yet). Two that come to mind are Banshee and Sunfire to complete the ‘new’ X-Men. AA could do this twice a year (maybe) to get the fans excited again. Reading some of the forums, the diehard fans don’t seem to be excited anymore but resigned to getting a new variation on the same old character when there are so many new ones that could be made. I envision this poll where the fans could select a figure based on four choices to be released. The choices would be specific options and based around the theme of the set. Using Banshee as an example, the choice wouldn’t simply read “Banshee.” It would be AoA Banshee, 90’s Banshee or Giant-Size X-Men #1 Banshee. Thank you and keep up the great work!

DSTChuck: Joel I think for now we’re pretty happy with how the polls are going with the once a year TRU set. Its pretty focused and we start with a set list and the fnas pick their favorites. For now we have no plans to expand on that program. I think with a character set as deep as Marvel we’re never going to get to every character fans has as their favorite- also the case with teams. We do keep a list of teams we have started and other characters in those teams that we refer to from time to time as we have space. I think if you consider AOA versions of a character just a new variation then yes I can see why that might be an issue, however we do not think of them that way. We do make sure to mix in lots of new stuff, for example series 38 has 3 characters we have never done and a fourth we have not touched in 5 years.

Justin Huffman
Why did the Halo Prophets set get cancelled? Can we expect to see these characters released in a future wave?

DSTChuck: The support at retail was just not there and the sales department did not expect any signifigant change to orders. It was thought the set was a bit eclectic. We do plan to mix the Prophets into a later box set or wave of figures- hope is not lost.

Joey Bones
Hey, Great Job on the minimates… I do have a questions.. these ” BATTLE BEASTS” alligators Minimates.. Are they a sample or a new line coming out? Like will there be a Battle Beasts Minimates Toy line, available in Toys R Us, like the Ghostbusters,Marvel etc… Thanks?!

DSTChuck: They are promotion figures designed to generate excitement as well as awareness for an upcoming product line. We have not formally prepared the line and taken it to TRU but yes we are hoping they as well as specialty stores would be interested in taking in the line.

Sam Ford
I have a ton of the questionnaires that come with the Minimate packs. I’ve been saving them for some reason (I should probably send them in) Do these count as points or something, like they do sometimes in collectors clubs? Like, if I send you 1,000 questionnaires, will you send me a free Minimate? :) Also, maybe you should think about putting a small newsletter/faq on the pack of the check list, as opposed to a making-fun-of Spiderman comic.

DSTChuck: Sam, I am sorry to say those little slips are of no “vaule” perhaps it is time to get at least rid of the duplicated before you end up on that TV show “Hoarders” If you fill one out and mail it in, you will be entered into our database and will get electronic newsletters whenever we send them out. The comic on the back in meant for the younger collectors out there to show fun ideas and ways they can play with their figures. I am very sorry if we have hurt Spider-Mans feelings.

Michael McGowan
Hi my name is Michael I would first like to thank you for giving my wife and I another thing to share, she likes mini items, and I like marvel comics, it’s the perfect solution… I guess my question, or questions would be this. Once a line of mini-mates has been shipped to TRU (we’re currently in line 9 right?) is that the last we’ll see of the 8th line of minis? I’m asking this because as a relatively new collector in the past when I was deciding if I should try them out I had some really cool set’s that I passed over. Until I bought the Majik/Warlock set (my first) I didn’t realize how cool these things were. Since I purchased those sets I’ve been feverishly hunting down sets, that I might have bought easily in the past at my local TRU. I’ve driven as far as 4 hours from my house to hunt down the X-men first issue set, and I’m driving a 4 hour round trip venture tomorrow to see if I can find any older sets at other TRU in Michigan. If I knew my local TRU has a possibility of getting older sets in from time to time I would be content to just wait it out for weekly shipments. What’s the verdict? Also It would be cool if you would offer some sort of redeemable points system for the TRU sets, so every once in awhile we could send out for a free mate after so many purchases, I know in the past month I’ve spent upwards of 150- and if would be cool if I could redeem my UPC codes for say a free X-men first appearance Angel I just want you to know that I think the customer base is starting to pick up since you started offering these in TRU, and I’ve been promoting the heck out of these little guys since I bought my first pack, I really hope y’all decide to stick around awhile… Until you guys start offering a pink Tu-Tu as an accessory for Spiderman, Make mine Marvel (Mini-mates) Michael P.S. Tell the guys at Toys R’ Us to re-order the Infinity Gauntlet set, and have them ship a set to Grand Rapids… Thanks hehe…

DSTChuck: Hello Michael! That’s Minimates for you helping relationships two inches at a time! We do not every re-issue Minimates the EXACT same way with the exact same characters. There is a chance the same characters could end up in a four pack if they were in a two pack before – like the ghost included in Ghostbusters series 4 box set. For Marvel characters we do bring back the main characters in slightly different forms on a regular basis so fans can still collect them. I suppose it’s possible as inventory cycles through the TRU system you could find older pieces but there is no way to predict that. We have given thought to some sort of redemption figure, but it’s not something we’re able to co-ordinate and we’d have to get the licensor to go along with it. As for stcikign around a while – we’re 40 series in and are now the longest running collector toy line ever so I think we’re good on that, right? Hmm pink Spidey, maybe we’ll include that in the next comic strip!

Josh Portillo
Do you think you guys could or would do a power ranger or Gi Joe real American hero set or sets of minimates ever.

DSTChuck: To be honest we’ve asked Hasbro about Joe and they are not interested right now, and we’ve never looked into Power Rangers.

B ‘R
Hey guys, I was wondering if you would be doing any figures or mini mates for xmen first class? If so, would you be able to tell us anything about the line?

DSTChuck: Yes and NO! No really I can’t say anything, right now the studio has us sworn to 100% secrecy but hopefully soon!

David Renato Murray
Hi Can you sell blank colors minimates like stikfas and other brands and make Minimate knights? in my opinion it would be a big sell for Minimate fans like me. Well thanks for reading this. Dave.

DSTChuck: No I am sorry David, we have no plans to sell blanks, we do very often give them out at shows and as gifts (bring cookies to a show DST is going to be set up at). We do understand there are many customizers out there but it’s not our intention to sell items for customization directly.

Matt Strawbridge
Will we get a Kang minimate anytime soon to go with the Avengers we already have? Thank you,

DSTChuck: Maybe.

Justin Brushett
I just wanted to say I LOVE what you’ve done with the Ghostbusters Minimates line. And you are really good at answering the questions sent in. I was curious about a couple of things: 1. Did anyone ever think to make a Ray Parker Jr. minimate in the clothes he wore when he & the Ghostbusters were dancing together in his music video? Maybe as an SDCC promo or something like that. 2. With the new Real Ghostbusters line coming, will the uniforms and equipment be remolded for the Ghostbusters themselves. (for example the cartoons didn’t have nametags save for 1 episode and the equipment did look different than the movies) 3.More of a wish than a question: I really hope we get to see the Anti-Ghostbusters from “Citizen Ghost” and the PeopleBusters from “Flip Side”…though I know you can’t comment on future waves and boxsets… just throwin them out there ;) Thanks again for your time. ~Justin

DSTChuck: Justin, that’s nice of you to say , I am sure there are lots of others out there that are not too fond of my answers.

I have not say we’ve never thought about that and I would think we would not have the rights to it but we’d have to ask Sony to be sure.

We’re going to use the same chest piece and packs but the proton wands are all new.

We’re going to try and show two series of RGB at Toy Fair, if we do that you will have a pretty good look into the future for the line.

Secaucus Collector
Ghost Rider 2 is coming to theaters some time next year, is it possible that Ghost Rider wave 15 can be resurrected along with a Ghost Rider 2 Minimates wave? :)

DSTChuck: I don’t think so, from what I have heard all the actors are not the same as the first movie.

Andrew Magazzu
Hey guys at Art Asylum! First off I’d just like to thank you for all the great Minimates work you’ve done over the years. Really top notch! I recently started my collection with the Heroic Age four pack a few weeks ago. Now I’m hooked, and have started hunting down old sets! My question is with the Captain America movie coming out this year, are we going to see some classic Captain America villains? I would love it if two of my all time favorite villains MODOK and Baron Zemo(Modern) would make the cut! Thanks for being awesome!

DSTChuck: Andrew welcome to the club! I do think if history holds the Marvel movies this year will do well and be well received by fans, then you will see some sort of comic based series.

Brandon Weisman
Of course Minimates because they be the best. 1. Remakes: What kind of remakes do you feel you need to make and which will never be remade. Minis like Thing and Juggernaut remade for size, so are there plans to do a bigger Hulk, Rhino, Kingpin, Colossus? 2. Spidey: Is Spidey done for now, any chance we might see Morbius, Tombstone, Madam Web, Hammerhead, Vulcan (Young), Smythe? 3.Personal Faves: Where the heck is 90s Havok? is X-Factor in the mix? any chance of a classic Punisher wearing bandana? Fantomax? Please tell me when and how he’s coming.

DSTChuck: I think we’ll always keep the core of the MU rotating into series in different outfits or styles. As for LARGE versions I guess as it makes sense we’ll mix them in. All in all I am more a fan of the simple stuff but we do know there is a following for MM with all the extras added on as sculpted pieces. Spidey – we’re never done with Spidey. I don’t think we have Punisher in the works all for 2011. YES Fathom X is coming and coming soon.

Dean Andre
Please tell me that the Natalie Portman/Jane Foster MiniMate from Marvel MiniMates Wave 39 Thor movie series isn’t the variant set! I’m sure I’m not the only one that would want to have multiple Natalie Portman MiniMates for various custom creations! And while I’m here, is there ANY chance that DST could license DC characters for MiniMates now that DC Direct is evolving and Warner Consumer Products is taking up the licensing end on many things DC Comics related? I know you get asked this constantly, but I just have to ask again. :)

DSTChuck: Yes Jane is a short pack in the specialty cases. Its our thinking she will not be as popular as some of the heroic characters BUT we did not want to pass up the change to give fnas a Natalie Portman MM if they wanted one. As for DC you have to ask them, we’re well on the record as letting them know we’d love to do something with them.

Russell Ernst
Will you be making minimates based on the Grand Theft Auto video game series? If not can you make me sets that look like the Kubrick sets?

DSTChuck: A couple releases ago we did speak to Rock Star Games and they decided to go with Kubrick over MM so that’s cool…I have many Kubricks in my personal collection.

Sabrina David
Hi. We have purchased two sets of the Iron Man 2 Minimates (Mark IV and Whiplash). Both times iron man’s arm has fallen off. My 6 year old is crying his eyes out. We purchased these sets at Toys R US. Why does this keep happening? I just want one that has working parts.

DSTChuck: I am VERY sorry about that please contact customer service and we’ll see about getting a replacement out to you if you have not had any luck returning it to the retailer you purchased it from. As for why its happening, I can only guess the factory is pulling the parts before they are properly cooled.


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