A New Diamond Select Toys Miscellaneous Q&A

by Jay Cochran
June 6, 2011
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses Miscellaneous questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:

Donald Sinclair
Do you have a target release date for the Star Trek action figures Nurse Christine Chapel and Yoeman Janice Rand in the 7″ line? I am looking forward to this purchase. Thanks!

DSTChuck: I think you mean the action figures, we canceled that series some time ago and while we hope to get back to them at some point, nothing is planned.

Nate Essex
Hello, I’m a huge fan of your minimates line. I love some of the recent AoA characters you’ve done and am very excited about the upcoming release of Sinister. A couple of years back, AFX asked for input from fans about which Box Sets they’d like to see made. I’m not sure if you ever get to check in with the MiniMateMultiverse, but we held a poll then to see which box sets we’d most like to see & thought It was about time to run the poll again. The top 5 results for the most recent poll were as follows: 1# FREEDOM FORCE - Destiny, Avalanche, Pyro & Blob 2# WRECKING CREW - Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver, & Thunderball 3# MAXIMUM CARNAGE - Shriek, Doppleganger, Demogoblin & Carnage 4# ALPHA FLIGHT - Sasquatch, Northstar, Vindicator & Puck 5# THUNDERBOLTS - Luke Cage, Man-Thing, Songbird & Ghost As you can see, there is a big demand for villains amongst Minimate collectors. Are any of these sets or characters in the works at the moment? If not, who can fans petition to have these sets/characters made?

Keep up the good work guys.


DSTChuck: Thanks for being a fan! I am sorry to say we don’t really poll for requests on our lines, we’ve made maybe 2 or 3 exceptions over all the years we’ve been around. The TRU poll is a little different since you’re picking what goes in the set. As for the reasons we do not use polls you can find that in past askDST’s in the archive. Sorry.

Matt Strawbridge
I talk with a lot of minimate collectors over at www.minimatemultiverse.com. Everybody seems to be really hopeful that we’ll see comic book Thor characters released, most importantly the Warriors Three, Enchantress, Executioner and a comic book Odin. Are there any plans to release these characters?

DSTChuck: We’re planning on some comic stuff for Cap, Thor and the X-Men yes. However, not too many since we have to quickly turn our attention to the 2012 Marvel movies.

Jared Fox
First off, I absolutley loved the Thor minimates- they hit the designs perfectly and were just spot on. However, what happened to Hogun and Fandral? it just doesn’t feel right having an incomplete warriors three!

DSTChuck: We had planned to get all of them into the line but one of the buyers – a large chain- hit financial trouble and there was not time to find a new home for them.

Joshua Watson
I was just wondering, what are the odds of seeing minimates based on the Firefly tv series? I would love minimates of Mal and the rest from Firefly and Serenity. Thanks!

DSTChuck: There is virtually no chance of that happening, great movie, cool show but for now it looks like the time has passed.

Matt Strawbridge
So with next years AVENGERS movie coming, do you think you’ll be planning some Avengers-centric series and boxed sets for comic characters? No better time for Kang, Black Knight, Falcon, Mockingbird and TIgra, I’d say. Cashes in on the movie AND satisfies lots of fans who’ve wanted these characters for years!

DSTChuck: Yes, that makes sense but if we do get the license for the movie we’ll be focusing on that. What we have done in the past is enhance the movie line with some comic based box sets and maybe extend the life by doing a comic based wave after the movie come out. Some will depend on the other Marvel movies as well as any other licenses we might sign.

Fernando Fuentes
will the galactus (if he wins the poll) be regular size or MEGA-Mate?! either way, i’m in. :) but i’d love a large one. or a large sentinal. those statues that were put out a few years ago are impossible to find. also, what happened to the cardboard lab playset? any other playsets in the plans? thanks!

DSTChuck: Galuacus when he comes out (poll or later) will be regular sized. We no longer have a Marvel resin license so we can’t do anymore of those 400% pieces. There was very little interest in the playset from a retailer point of view and the cost to manufacture was more than you would think. The carry case did well and I think MM are a stronger brand today than they were even a couple years ago – so never say never.

Constantine Spawn
Hello.First of all i wanna tell you that you are doing a great job.Now the questions: 1)Any plans for Dragonball? 2)Any plans for SPAWN? It’s a very good comic and kubrick tried it.So i think it would work. 3)Any plans for future foundation or any FF related stuff? I think a 4pack with the FF family and another 4pack with the FUTURE FOUNDATION? also you could make their hover car. That’s all. Hope you answer!!!!

DSTChuck: Constantine- we take on all comers in this Q&A so of course I would answer.
• No plans or thoughts for that property currently, sorry.
• We have mentioned it in passing to the folks over there but that’s about it.
• Hmm and FF box set based now that Spidey is on the team- I wonder.

Curt Rapala
Hey Chuck, Over the last decade or so I’ve been a big fan of the Exiles comic book… which as you might know stars a reality hopping team headed Blink & Sabretooth from the Age of Apocalypse stories, as well as an alternate version of Morph who’s the spitting image of AoA Morph. So anyway, all that said, As I sit here holding my new Morph in my hand, and look at him, Blink & Sabretooth… I find myself salivating for more Exiles. In rounding out my Age of Apocalypse mates… I now find that I have half an Exiles team in dire need of completion. I’m dying for a Mimic here… or at the very least a Nocturne! I mean she even played double-duty in 616’s Excalibur. As did Sage and Longshot! Those two would be great, and have 616 appeal too! And Sasquatch! Sculpt a Sasquatch and boom: White paint = Exiles, Orange paint = Alpha flight, that’s two figures for one new sculpt man. You’re saving pennies. Now, I just read in another blog that you’ve already mapped out most of 2011’s releases, so ! if they’re not already on the schedule (as I imagine they aren’t) I’d beg that you at least keep them in mind for 2012 and beyond. Perhaps a nice boxed set. Or at least a two pack or two as some Toys R Us filler. I mean… yes there have been lots of Exiles… but the team only ever has 6 members at one time, and we already have three Iconic ones, and one not so iconic one so… it could be done with a minimum of two figures. (Though I’d love to see more). Mimic and Nocturne as a TRU set, White Sasquatch as Orange Sasquatch’s variant in a regular wave. VOILA! We now have six iconic Exiles. I know they’re not mainstream enough for a major release, but I beg you, please keep it in the back of your mind. Blink, Morph & Sabretooth need their pals! The fate of not just our reality, but all realities depends on it!

DSTChuck: I’m not sure there is enough support for the characters or the box for a wave or a box set BUT mixing them into a wave is possible.

Justin Huffman
Hi Chuck, Wow, all of the TRU exclusives have arrived! Captain America, Marvel Wave 10, X-Men First Class, Sony, Halo Series 2, and Calico Jack… there has never been a better time to be a Minimate Collector! Congrats on Calico Jack, these ‘mates look great, and I hope we see more from this series. Question #1 Now that the deluge of TRU Exclusive Minimates have hit, when can we expect some more pix of the upcoming TRU Wave 11? All we have seen so far are the production samples that were at Toyfair 2011. We’ve gotten the formal solicitation pictures from the tie-in wave 41 that shares some of the same figures. If solicitation pictures for TRU 11 aren’t ready yet, can you at least give us a hint if the Nightcrawler from this wave will differ at all from the one in the Excalibur boxset? It would be great if he came with the gear needed to turn him into Swashbuckling Kurt. Question #2 We all know of the various lines that have been cancelled over the years (Wave 15 Ghost Rider, Godfather, Beverly Hills Cop, Rocky 3, etc.), all we ever got from those lines were the wonderful solicitation pictures. What about the lines that DST have attempted to get licensing for, but for whatever reason it never happened, are there any pre-production artwork or pictures that you can share for Minimate series that never materialized for whatever reason? Question #3 We have seen the silhouette images of the SDCC 2011 AFX exclusive boxset that appears to be Thor related, are there going to be any other SDCC Minimate Exclusives this year, and when can we expect to see formal previews of what is going to be available? Thanks for your time, and keep up the great work!

DSTChuck: Justin, glad you’re happy, sorry it was kind of famine then feast on your wallets. It all worked out perfectly when I planned it on a spreadsheet last year… So glad you like the Calico Jack line – I hope you’re not the only one. Let me see what DSTZach and Steve can do about TRU 11 for you. 2) Not sure that’s something we’d want to give away, they might be licenses we still would go after. If you’re at a convention that’s a great question to come over with cookie in hand and ask! 3) Marking and AFX would be upset if I gave the answer to that, the news is just starting to get out now on what we have planned. Book your ticket and buckle up it’s going to be a BIG MM year at CC!

Alex A
Hello, will you ever consider the Top Cow license for an action-figure line? Characters such as the Darkness, Witchblade, the Angelus, Magdalena, Ian Nottingham but also other artifacts bearer such as Michael Finnegan, Glorianna Silver and Tom Judge would make fantastic figures. All these characters have strong visual identity and both the current Artifacts comic book series and the upcoming Darkness II video game would make the idea worth it. Thank you for answering

DSTChuck: Top Cow figures have been done in the past and we’ve had a great relationship with them though the years. It’s certainly something we’d look at. Action figures can be very expensive to produce so we really have to pick our spots.

Reddan Cristian
What about Uncharted action figures? And I want to say action figures not minimates. I can wait until next year for Ucharted figures.

DSTChuck: We do not have the rights to make figures based on that property.

Andrew LaRue
Hi, I really loved that you guys adapted the R2-D2 bank for your quarter scale line, it’s one of my favorite R2-D2 pieces in my collection. I was just wondering if there were any further plans for quarter scale Star Wars banks? I’d love to see R5-D4 and maybe something even more ambitious such as Han in Carbonite!

DSTChuck: Glad you like it and yes we do plan to do more banks BUT a quarter scale Han in Carbonite might be a little too ambitious for us.

Nathan Anderson
ok, last Q&A you hinted at an Ultron being made in some fashion in Marvel Select. so what’s the deal? before you answer though keep in mind there’s a large group of collectors that are seriously hoping we are getting an actual figure and not just a base that includes Ultron. please, please, please dont disappoint us….

DSTChuck: For now its just the pieces on the base that you have seen BUT , for him to get damaged in a battle with the Avengers he had to be whole at some point – right ? At least that’s my thinking.

Tytus Welker
We haven’t seen any new pics for future releases of Marvel Select figures aside from the 4 movie figures. I know that you only release 9 figures a year so my question is “Will there be any more Marvel Select figures released this year that we haven’t seen yet?” If Magneto, Cyclops, Deadpool & Juggernaut are all 2011 releases then along with Gambit and the 4 movie figures that would put us at 9. Here’s hoping a couple of those count as 2010 releases!

DSTChuck: Did you see the new Disney store figures over at the Blog? There are still more figures we will be announcing soon, including another large scale figure.

Mr Articulate
The new classic Avengers look fantastic! What is the release schedule for these? And since these are listed as Disney Store exclusives, what does this mean for MS at my local comic store?

DSTChuck: It means you will not be able to get those 4 figures at your local comic store. The four figures they are getting are NOT part of the 9 figures we plan to produce in 2011.

Chris Harden
will we ever see a MS ultron and classic avengers villains like loki and moonstone High Evolutionary also chuck will there be a BW variant and a comic version of big Odin

DSTChuck: We have no plans right now for Loki, Moonstone or the High Evolutionary. Sorry.

Seth Fowler
Hi, saw some pics on Fwoosh of potential Gentle Giant 3D renderings for an incredible Captain America action figure for Diamond Select. I know you are releasing the Classic Cap. A figure for Disney stores in September. Could you tell me if that one is by Gentle Giant? Also, GG has shown that they can do incredible work with their Juggernaut, which proves you can have a great sculpt and still maximize articulation. Will you be using them for the majority of your Marvel Select figures in the future? (please say yes)

DSTChuck: I have not seen the pictures you are referring to, but the only Cap figures we are doing are the classic one for Disney and the movie one that goes with the Red Skull. We will use GG on MS going forward but I would not say majority, we’re pretty happy with our other sculpts as well.. I really like the Hawkeye Jean has done.


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