A New Diamond Select Toys Minimates Q&A

by Jay Cochran
January 23, 2012
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses on Minimates questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:

Beta Ray Bill
Hey there DST!!! Lego just announced lord of the rings sets for the hobbit. Why don’t you contact wb for lotr mates?????

DSTChuck: We’ve had some conversations with WB about the Hobbit on a number of categories but nothing is happening right now.

Matt Verburgt
Hello- I heard something mentioned about getting the rest of the heralds of galactus made in some upcoming waves. It seems the box set did well, and I’m sure I heard someone say you guys were gonna try and get at least Firelord made. So I’m just wondering if this is still being planned at all? Also, I’m still waiting to hear from you guys about the second set of Femme Fatales. I’m ( and others) are really hoping this set gets made, so any word on these gals would be appreciated. Thanks! Matt

DSTChuck: The second FF set is done and should have been in stores since 1/11. Yes, in most cases the ones that do not make the TRU 4 pack have ended up in two packs down the road.

Matt Strawbridge
Heya, What say you all about a line of Jaws minimates? Brody, Hooper and Quint along with “Bruce” the shark that’d be roughly the length of one of your keen pirate galleons? The shark’s mouth could open/close to fit people inside him! Thanks a heap!

DSTChuck: Maybe..but no plans right now. Sounds cool though.

Chris Gren
Hi, This might be a random question but I was wondering if you’d ever considered doing a Babylon 5 line of minimates?

DSTChuck: We have not considered that property before.

Matt Strawbridge

Hi, I really like the MAX line of minimates. I was wondering if you’d all thought about doing a generic spaceman in a bubble-headed spacesuit or a deep-sea diver in one of those big, wonky iron helmets? I think both would look fantastic! Plus, it’d be neat to swap parts with Captain America and have a fun, outer-space version!

DSTChuck: The MAX line is really not “generic” people it’s a team and each has their own personality and adds an aspect to the team dynamic. There is not pre-set number of team members though but we’re not thinking about just “army building here”. As the line goes on it’s our hope more of that aspect comes through. That said YES space line would be very possible and appropriate at some point down the road.

Justin B
Hello again. I only have one question this time: with the release of the Real Ghostbusters BoxSet #3 is this the end of the Ghostbusters Minimates line, or is there some planned for 2012? As always, thanks for answering my questions. Justin B

DSTChuck: Justin, for now we have no more plans for GB but we’re not ruling out doing more in the future.

Andrew Nelson

I am five. I like Minimates a lot. I would like you to make Fairly Odd Parents minimates and Spider-Friends minimates. Thank you.

DSTChuck: Sorry Andrew that’s a cool show, but no plans for Minimates at this time. In the past we’ve done some of the characters from Spider-Friends but we do not have the ability to make a line based on it.

Matthew Mosher

Hey guys, I had a question about what type of Minimates you have planned after 2012. Now I love your guys’ Universal Monster Minimates, but I was wondering if you would consider some classic non-Universal horror films as well. Here’s what I’m thinking: 1. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) - A classic like Dracula and Frankenstein before it; this set should include the titular characters with the wonderful likeness of Frederic March, as well as Ivy Pearson and Muriel Carew. 2. The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932) - The definitive film about the classic Chinese supervillain. This set should feature Boris Karloff’s interpretation of the character; as well as Nayland Smith, Sheila Barton, and Fah Lo See. 3. Island of Lost Souls (1933) - The most famous adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau, this set should Charles Laughton’s memorable mad doctor; as well as Edward Parker, the Sayer Of The Law, and Lota the Panther Woman. Please, do not confuse this film with dreadful 1996 Marlon Brando film! 4. The Lodger (1944) - A classic thriller about London’s most infamous resident, Jack the Ripper. This set should include the titular character Mr. Slade, Kitty Langley, Inspector John Warwick, and maybe Robert Bonting. 5. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945) - Oscar Wilde’s classic story brought to the screen, this set should include Dorian, Lord Henry Wotton, Gladys Hallward, and David Stone. Maybe you could include the portrait as an accessory! 6. House of Wax (1953) - The film that made Vincent Price a horror icon for the ages, this set should feature Price’ Professor Henry Jarrod, Sue Allen, Lt. Tom Brennan, and Igor ( a mini Charles Bronson is always a must!). Well, that’s it. I hope you guys didn’t find this frustrating to read, and I seriously hope you guys consider doing these sets. Take it easy guys, and have a Happy New Year!!!

DSTChuck: Cool ideas Matthew, but right now we’re focused on the Universal Monsters range of characters. When we’re done with them something like you suggest might be cool.

Paul W
Hey Chuck Thanks for answering my question in your last minimate Q & A and for pointing out my outdated use of the word “keen”. Verily I shall endeavour to use much more modern wordage from now on! ;-) Anyway, my question is on a similar theme to last time - I’ve read that wave 13 of TRU marvel minimates may not be out until June. I wondered why the much longer than usual gap if so, and also if that is a one-off or a new trend of fewer releases per year? Thanks

DSTChuck: I hope you took the comment on your choice of words with the humor it was intended, no offense was meant. Yes, you are correct; series 13 is a little later than the usual gap. Stuff like that happens in the toy industry sometimes. TRU was backing up on product – not just Miniamtes and asked for the delay. We’ve shown them the 2012 line and there is no slow down in the amount of series they are taking in.

Corther Bean
Where will we ever see a Banshee minimate? he has such a long history with the X-Men, from his team-ups with the Original 5, to being there from the beginning of the All-New, All-Different Team, to leading Generation X! i’m thinking a 2 pack with him and Sunfire during the next X-Men wave, or maybe a TRU companion set with him and Moira (as i doubt we’ll see her any other way…) show us Gingers some love, man!

DSTChuck: You are correct he is probably over-due but several characters are as well so we’ll keep plugging along!

Steve Trimble
Hey guys, I love minimates, especially the BTTF and Real Ghostbusters stuff, and of course, I cannot wait to get the Knight Rider stuff. Any plans on some other 80’s goodness, I would LOVE to see some Teen Wolf stuff. You already have Scott Howard’s head (Michael J. Fox). You could do Boof, Styles, the principal. That would be awesome!

DSTChuck: Teen Wolf could make a cool box set- we’ll have to see.

Jeff Brzozowski
Will there be a Fantastic Four HERBIE in the near future? You did such a great job with Clank and MVC3 Iron Man cannon, I figured it be a natural…….

DSTChuck: I have to say I doubt you will ever see a Herbie Minimate- sorry.

Joshua Knobel

Hello there, Art Asylum! My name is Joshua Knobel. I am a big fan of the Marvel MiniMates sets! I collect a lot of them! It is hard to determine when they arrive though. But I always look forward to getting new ones! Just wondering. Do you have plans for the big wave 50 of Marvel MiniMates? thanks for your time! Take care and happy 2012!

Joshua, keep checking the artasylum.com blog for ship dates, we’re trying to do a better job of updating it at least once a month. I also update ship dates on my Twitter feed when I find out about them ahead of time. You know I don’t know if we’re going to do something special for series 50 in 2013, I have not thought about it but I guess we should- I’ll have to ask Zach.

Doug Wolford
Please don’t shortpack Wesker, Amaterasu or MODOK in TRU wave 3. It’s hard enough getting Minimates right now that scalpers would easily find which packs to flip on eBay if they are shortpacked.

DSTChuck: Doug, sorry you are having trouble tacking down the exclusives, we do make a strong # of them , they just must get grabbed by collectors right away (strange that the comic store short packs seem easier to come by but are made in smaller qty). When we started the short packs they were one per case and we changed to two based on feedback so it is something we continue to monitor.

Chris Simpson
Big fan of the Knight Rider Minimates! Will we see a 5 pack of figures like other lines have had? Are more repaints like Battle Damage Kitt & Karr, Stunt Show Spectacular Kitt, Season 1 Karr with Rev, or Season 4 convertible Kitt on the drawing board? Is Goliath with Garth in the works? Make these and you have my money!

DSTChuck: We have no plans to vary from our current configurations of Miniamtes packaging – so no 5 packs. We’ll have to see how the current editions sell before we look at more repaints but thanks for the pledge!

Laurie Eichorst

Your Minimates Knight Rider cars are a terrific series of toys; my boys enjoy them very much! My husband and I hope you’ll visit other popular series with classic cars like Dukes of Hazzard, Starsky & Hutch and The A-team! Star Trek mini shuttles?

DSTChuck: Man there are for SURE lots of cool vehicles that are possible – time will tell.

Jason Montano
Chuck, I really like the clear stands that you have been including in the Capcom vs. Marvel 3 two-packs and was wondering if DST had any plans on selling these stands individually? Perhaps in bags of 5, 10 or 20. It seems like most collectors have to resort to either using Lego base plates or Display Putty in order to keep their collections from falling down. These stands are a welcome solution to this problem. Thanks for you time. Jason

We’ve talked about maybe selling stand at shows or on the web store but never got past the chat stage. Glad you like the bases – we were so happy to be able to do them!

Brian Kettler
Any chance of seeing more police in the MAX line? There already exists a police motorcycle helmet from the Terminator 2 line, I’d love to see it re-used with a minimate police motorcycle. Given the size of the motorcycle, it could be in a 2-pack with only one figure and limited gear. For the vehicle line, a police car would also be great!

DSTChuck: Yes I think we’d like to do more police at some point, again SO many cool ideas out there. Same with cool vehicles like boats etc..

Adam Swanson
You had the license with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and released some really great Minimates figures. You had a 3rd series set for release. We saw pictures of the completed figures with new packaging and then their release was cancelled. These figures were Ringwraith 1 & 2, Twilight Witch-king (clear) with Strider, Eowyn with Morgul Lord Witch-king and Lurtz with Twilight Witch-king. The Hobbit is coming! Will you obtain a new license deal & will we ever see a series 3 release and new Hobbit Minimates? I for one would love to get them all! Thanks. Adam

DSTChuck: I would see no way we’d be able to go back and make that old wave – sorry.

Mikael Francisco
Any plans to release a McFarlane/Campbell/Bagley-styled Spidey Minimate anytime soon? I missed out on the 5-pack and am having a hard time tracking it down. Thanks guys, and more power to you!

DSTChuck: More Spidey ideas – I love it! And on that note see you again in a week!


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