2 hours ago, abnuggler said:Hopefully these wont have that many QC Issues I havent kept up with hoe DTS is doing lately but I saw several reviews of bad QC issues on the first figures from their GBWaves, I also passed on the movie figures partly because of shelf space and partly because I wasnt totally sold on the likeness of the figures to the actors, but the cartoon was a bigger part of my childhood than the movies so I already have both waves preordered, I just wish that instead of the Stay Puft Ghost they would have made a more catoon iconic ghost that is in better scale to a single packed figure like the boogieman or Samhain (Id also theydrarher make the Stay Puft a BAF like the diorama pieces they pack in with the figures).
I saw a couple reviews early on showcasing QC issues on some of the figures... But, when I finally picked a few up, they were fine. I agree about Stay Puft. It wouldve been cool to get Samhain or something, since there are so many versions of Puft out there.
Hopefully these wont have that many QC Issues I havent kept up with hoe DTS is doing lately but I saw several reviews of bad QC issues on the first figures from their GBWaves, I also passed on the movie figures partly because of shelf space and partly because I wasnt totally sold on the likeness of the figures to the actors, but the cartoon was a bigger part of my childhood than the movies so I already have both waves preordered, I just wish that instead of the Stay Puft Ghost they would have made a more catoon iconic ghost that is in better scale to a single packed figure like the boogieman or Samhain (Id also theydrarher make the Stay Puft a BAF like the diorama pieces they pack in with the figures).
^ For what they are, and for what they mean to me, I will overlook that, and then some. These legit cannot release soon enough!
Still disappointed ?The Real Ghostbusters are using movie sculpts over toon accurate bodies. I get that it is a cost saving measure but it is stopping me from picking them up.
This line is one of the best things that DST has ever made. The only reason that I didn't pick these is shelf space. I love GB. Both movies and the cartoon, but if I started to collect this I would have picked every figure, built the diorama and would be going for the second diorama.
No other company has managed to make such good GB figures at this price and with all these details.
Imagine if they had the idea of some sort of BAF of Stay Puft. Make it a huge one. That would be just awesome.
As soon as funds be had, Ill be all over these like Slimer is to hot dogs!?