Ive yet to really go beyond picking up their Star Trek figure offerings... Which, to me, are the best in the business. Even after seeing the more recent MacFarlane versions of Kirk and Picard. As well as their Ghostbusters figures, which are absolutely fantastic, in my opinion. (I cannot wait for those Real Ghostbusters figures!) And yet, all the whileI do find myself looking at their Marvel Select line on occasion. But, Im not thrilled that they dont scale well with Marvel Legends, from what Ive seen. So, Im still kind on the fence, there.
I wish diamond select would put out more Gotham figures
Oh yeah I always refer to them in my head as one in the same. Don't know why.
3 minutes ago, TOYZ said:First one I'm getting is the Mafex Iron Spider. Just saw recently that is has a Tom Holland head sculpt. It'll definitely replace the Marvel Legends I have ?
We were talking a Tamshii Nations Figuarts.
Medicom Mafex construction and quality control is not up to Bandai Japan's standard.
I'd still recommend Mafex Homecoming Spider-Man.
2 minutes ago, LimitedEdition said:I cannot recommend them enough. Top quality construction.
First one I'm getting is the Mafex Iron Spider. Just saw recently that is has a Tom Holland head sculpt. It'll definitely replace the Marvel Legends I have
Just now, TOYZ said:Yeah I've seen them on BBTS.
I cannot recommend them enough. Top quality construction.
31 minutes ago, LimitedEdition said:Tamashii has some excellent MCU releases if you're looking for six inch.
Yeah I've seen them on BBTS.
39 minutes ago, TOYZ said:I'm saying that Hot Toys is more of a priority brand for me right above Marvel Legends. I do plan on collecting Mafex MCU and DCEU figures.I just started collecting a year ago so didn't have a lot of time to expand my collection anyway.
Tamashii has some excellent MCU releases if you're looking for six inch.
2 minutes ago, LimitedEdition said:So you're moving to collect exclusively Hot Toys ?
I'm saying that Hot Toys is more of a priority brand for me right above Marvel Legends. I do plan on collecting Mafex MCU and DCEU figures.I just started collecting a year ago so didn't have a lot of time to expand my collection anyway.
7 minutes ago, TOYZ said:Hot Toys doesn't let me collect anything. I could fit in Mafex if I want DCcharacters sometimes.
So you're moving to collect exclusively Hot Toys ?