On 10/9/2019 at 9:26 AM, Thinwheat said:Same base buck as Catwoman looks like. This is an easy pass. Hardly any soft goods on the figure itself, I can't stand Mezco's female buck, she looks like she's wearing a diaper, and there definitely isn't $90 worth of toy here. Until recently, I've picked up every Mezco exclusive, but these last few have really missed the mark in my opinion.I bet this is one Linda Carter fans would be all over though, as that was clearly the inspiration, the sculpts even look a little bit like her.
it really does look like a loaded diaper! also agree with the female buck being weak with mezco. design wise i do like the overall look of this figure
Same base buck as Catwoman looks like. This is an easy pass. Hardly any soft goods on the figure itself, I can't stand Mezco's female buck, she looks like she's wearing a diaper, and there definitely isn't $90 worth of toy here. Until recently, I've picked up every Mezco exclusive, but these last few have really missed the mark in my opinion.I bet this is one Linda Carter fans would be all over though, as that was clearly the inspiration, the sculpts even look a little bit like her.
I have to agree, love the figure overall except the head sculpts, its back to the drawing board on those mugs.
Wow! She looks so gorgeous and cool! The only thing that bothers me, and that seems to bother many, are the faces, I don't know, I just don't like them that much, really makes me question if I should get this figure or not
She looks fantastic, love this reveal as a Wonder Woman fan. The cape gives off a regal look, like the design of her suit. My only issue would be the facial expressions, she looks to angry wish a nutral looking face was included. Overall an instant pre-order from me!
At some point Bugs Bunny is going to ask for his teeth back.
The figure looks very cool overall, but those head sculptsare not working for me at all.
2 hours ago, Jeddostotle7 said:The other version you're referring to is the Rebirth-inspired version with a skirt and removable armor that was revealed either during SDCC or Toy Fair earlier this year, and has yet to go up for order.
Ahh okay good to know good to know! personally waiting on the gambit figure , but figures like this are super cool to see. A gal Gadot figure would be epic too!
3 hours ago, Robpozeart said:Looks Fantastic! though wasn't there a different version shown at NYCC, with some armour on the shoulders? that one looked fantastic in-person too! Anyway glad they're making her!
The other version you're referring to is the Rebirth-inspired version with a skirt and removable armor that was revealed either during SDCC or Toy Fair earlier this year, and has yet to go up for order.
Looks Fantastic! though wasn't there a different version shown at NYCC, with some armour on the shoulders? that one looked fantastic in-person too! Anyway glad they're making her!