On 7/15/2020 at 4:35 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:yeah lets not place the HasLab sentinel into the position of "this is the way figures should be scaled" it's not like that is going to be the new standard, also can we stop suckling at the teet of the new crowdfunded figure that is sentinel I get it, it's cool and new and the hot rage but stop everywhere I go sentinel sentinel ... shut the door man
No offense meant...I am not a 'fan boy' of the sentinel, I am a bit critical on how over priced it is when sold overseas...I'm just saying maybe it would be nice to have a larger King Kong that you can pose with your 6 inch scale figures...then again, like haslab...it may get overpriced.
On 7/14/2020 at 6:34 AM, andoy24 said:Agree...Hasbro has taken the game to another level with their27 inch sentinel. This King Kong will look like a fly to that.
Yeah I love Marvel Legends more than any other line but it's not a fair comparison, two different things.
20 hours ago, andoy24 said:Agree...Hasbro has taken the game to another level with their27 inch sentinel. This King Kong will look like a fly to that.
yeah lets not place the HasLab sentinel into the position of "this is the way figures should be scaled" it's not like that is going to be the new standard, also can we stop suckling at the teet of the new crowdfunded figure that is sentinel I get it, it's cool and new and the hot rage but stop everywhere I go sentinel sentinel ... shut the door man
9 hours ago, Batfreak87 said:Looks awesome. A bit small for my taste.
Agree...Hasbro has taken the game to another level with their27 inch sentinel. This King Kong will look like a fly to that.
Looks awesome. A bit small for my taste.
I glanced at the Neca one after this reveal, and I think they still manage to have their own nitches. Despite not having plans to pick up either per-se...I pre-ordered this one ??????????
I don't particularly care for Mezco or Kong for that matter but that woman accessory really adds to the figure.
6 minutes ago, Mr_Scary92 said:Just a re-release, however this time around its price is $49.99, the first one was priced $34.99.
oh so this is just the price gouge deluxe edition, featuring nothing but the additional accessories of you spending more money...gotcha
wait is this just a re-release of the older one? or is something different I can't seem to tell, I can't keep track of the Mezco Kongs, wasn't there also not long ago an 18"' one? I know in like 05 there was a 15'' one, either way cool, also wasn't there a black and white deco version of this as well..seemed exactly the same, I feel confused
anyways It's cool but it's old, would have been radder if it was flocked or something, I guess nice to be able to get it again for those that didn't