5 Points Monsters Figures Revealed By Mezco

by Jay Cochran
July 25, 2020
Mezco has revealed images for a new set of 5 Points Monsters figures.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
icecreamman - 2020-07-26 @ 4:22 pm

If a toy company would create a 5POA figure, the sculpt better be good to compensate for less articulation. Mezco nailed it, these monters look great

Belmont13 - 2020-07-25 @ 9:54 pm

I really like the look of these. I was never a big fan of the designs from Universal. I might get these depending on more details.

Nosferatuman62172 - 2020-07-25 @ 8:20 pm

These are nice. I like reaction for what they are, although aI wish they were a little cheaper. But these things are beautiful.

Lord_Scareglow - 2020-07-25 @ 7:28 pm
8 minutes ago, Mr_Scary92 said:

That's right, I think it is because here Mezco is not trying to adapt the characters to the minimalist style that vintage Kenner figures used to have, they just came in with some new design options and they are simply giving them 5 POAs.

Yeah honestly I am not on board with ReAction, it's totally a cheap looking figure line for the most part solely hooking people in for nostalgic value.. they are ridiculously overpriced , 20 $ for a thing that looks dollar store nuh uh , those new ninja turtles are hideous, I can't lie though I have been the guy who purchased the Music figures to keep on card? (so I am a bit of a hypocrite,, but when you see Agonist Front and Slayer in figure form..you have no options)

these figs I want to get though, if they are priced reasonably

Lord_Scareglow - 2020-07-25 @ 7:15 pm
1 hour ago, Mr_Scary92 said:

I'm going to repeat myself again: miles away from S7'S ReAction, well, I think it's great that they are not an exact copy of the Universal designs that we have seen so many times in the past.

I think these are so much cooler looking than Super7 ReAction figures, they have far more sculpting going on, I'm into these figures

TheChosenPrime - 2020-07-25 @ 6:08 pm

Look good so far. Waiting for more pics to decide.

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