On 8/17/2021 at 3:27 PM, Batfreak87 said:Do many mezconians really dig this kind of stuff? I love mezco but not sure I'm a fan of these types of figs or at least this character family. But the red does look great, cool looking figure overall.
I would if it was affordable.
Do many mezconians really dig this kind of stuff? I love mezco but not sure I'm a fan of these types of figs or at least this character family. But the red does look great, cool looking figure overall.
Doh. I missed it. I like this better than the other Doc Noc too
I'm so sick of these damn Rumble Society super limited edition drops. Put the damn figures up for 2 days preorder so people who want it can get it. Mezco has literally left thousands of dollars on the table just from me because of this super exclusivity BS with Rumble Society. I thought they had changed because they were doing 2-day preorders and I was able to get all of the recent SDCC content easily, but now they've reverted back to the nonsense. I wanted this effin' figure because it's a reissue of Doc Nocturnal except in a cool red costume, and no I can't have him now because Mezco made 10 of them.
You know what, Mezco? I'm out. I'm canceling my Rumble Society preorders, so say good-bye to $600+ in sales in the blink of an eye. If more people would do this, you'd perhaps get the point and make everything an open preorder LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!! You mustn't like money or happy customers. You're lucky I don't cancel all of my 5-Points preorders.
This dude is cool as the other side of the pillow.
Oh man this is a sweet set up! He's got all that 1930s pulp flavor going on....figure's a bit on the small side though. Still, its a beautiful piece of work!!