That's the best Damian Wayne Robin figure ever made. The problem is, I'm not interested in buying Damian Wayne.? I hope Mezco will do 90s Tim Drake Robin soon. It would be a dream come true to pair Tim Drake with the upcoming Batman 1989 edition, just like I used to do with my Kenner figures.
Wow, Mezco going wild and making something for almost every collector out there!
So cool. I have to start saving now!
Man if that Scooby Doo set includes the van, house and ghosts I regret getting the full set from a few years back.
I love that Scooby-Doo set and 1:12 Robin is long overdue.
Want to like those Scooby Dos, but 5POA is a bummer. Give me 9 at least.
One:12 Collective Spider-Man figure for their final Toy Fair reveal of the day. Check back tomorrow for more.
For Mezco's third Toy Fair reveal of the day they have shown a new 5 Points Scooby-Doo & Mystery Inc Boxed Set. Already for today they showed a Static-6 Silent Hill 2: Red Pyramid Thing and One:12 Collective DC Comics Robin figure. Look for one more reveal today with more to come tomorrow.
One:12 Collective Robin revealed