Thanks to
Wired, we now have a nice look at Lego's upcoming mini-figures based on the "Fellowship of the Ring" movie. Shown are the following figures:
- Legolas
- Boromir
- Aragorn
- Gandalf The Grey
- Merry
- Frodo
- Samwise Gamgee
- Pippin
- Gimli
- Uruk-hai
- Gollum
- Ringwraith
- Moria Orc
- Mordor Orc
Check out the images below.
Other sets we learned about last week during the UK Toy Fair include the following:
- 9469 Gandalf Arrives
- 9470 Shelob Attacks
- 9471 Uruk-Hai Army
- 9472 Attack on Weathertop
- 9473 The Mines of Moria
- 9474 The Battle of Helm’s Deep
- 9476 The Orc Forge
These should start hitting shelves by August 2012. Finally here is a look at a cool character poster for Gollum.
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