According to a report on the BBC's website, BBC Films has a number of projects in the works, including the previously announced but thought dead-in-development Doctor Who theatrical film. In an announcement at the Cannes Film Festival, BBC Films boss David Thompson confirmed that BBC Films is pushing ahead with its plans for a Doctor Who feature. The statement went on to say that those plans depend on how the new Doctor Who TV series is received in the US. It seems nobody has told Mr. Thompson that it isn't running in the US yet.
The Doctor Who theatrical film has been in the works for some time and has had a variety of names attached to the project, from SF hack director Paul Anderson to actor Sylvester Stallone, who already has the destruction of one UK SF icon, Judge Dredd, under his belt. At one point, a rumor even had the galaxy's coolest Jedi Knight, Samuel L. Jackson, playing the lead role.
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