Hollywood actor Bruce Willis on Friday announced filmmakers are ready to start shooting a fourth Die Hard movie, and they hope to have it in cinemas next year. Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival in France, Willis - who stars as policeman John McClane in the Die Hard films - revealed the highly-anticipated sequel is expected to start filming soon. He said, "We're as close as we've ever got to getting Die Hard 4 started. It won't be called Die Hard 4 but that will be the story. Hopefully it will be out next summer." The movie's plot had to be rewritten after last year's Hurricane Katrina tragedy - the original screenplay involved an oil tanker explosion that sends huge waves flooding into New Orleans, Louisiana. Die Hard was released in 1988 and made Willis a star. Two sequels followed - Die Hard 2: Die Harder in 1990 and Die Hard With A Vengeance in 1995.
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