Title: The Punisher
Starring: Thomas Jane
Released: 7th September 2004
SRP: $27.98
Lions Gate Home Entertainment has officially announced The Punisher which stars the likes of Thomas Jane, John Travolta, Will Patton, Roy Scheider and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.
The film, which brings one of Marvel's most popular and best selling comic characters to life, will be available to own from the 7th September this year. Retail will be set at $27.98.
As well as an anamorphic widescreen presentation and English Dolby Digital 5.1 track, the disc will include a War Journal: On the Set of The Punisher featurette on the making of the film, an Army of One featurette which outlines the character's place within the Marvel Comic Universe and includes an interview with Garth Ennis and a Drawing Blood feature which includes an interview with artist Tim Bradstreet that includes a showcase of his art for The Punisher. Completing the package will be a Keepin It Real featurette that includes an in-depth look at the film's stunt work and a selection of deleted scenes.
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Punisher DVD Cover and thanxs to
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