Superman: The Animated Series - A Little Piece of Home
Timeless characters and innovative storytelling unite to create a powerhouse collection of episodes as Superman faces off with four formidable foes to defend his adopted home. Mild-mannered Clark Kent and his alter ego Superman take on a government conspiracy, a lunatic scientist known as the Weather Wizard, the fiery villainess Volcana and of course, archnemesis Lex Luthor all in the name of Truth, Justice and the American Way in these thrilling stories from the acclaimed TV show! Experience a universe of hard-hitting excitement with The Man of Steel!
The second episodic release from season one of the popular TV animated series: A Little Piece of Home, Speed Demons, The Late Mr. Kent, Where There's Smoke. Extra-heroic DVD extras, including Superman: A Little Piece of Trivia pop-up trivia, Postcards from Metropolis: A Guide to Superman's City fast-paced tour of Superman's stomping grounds, and Metropolis Challenge menu challenge.
The release date is 10/19, and the cost is $14.97 SRP. 85 minutes, 1.33:1 video, English audio, and English, French and Spanish subtitles.
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