this line seems to be doing very well. my local TRU and walmart's tmnt shelves have been barren for days. i dont know what the show's ratings are, but i've watched every ep with my kids and we've enjoyed them all. this already has a better feeling of longevity than the t-cats did.
It's not only different colors for the skin but it's different sculpts for each Turtle. It says on Mikey's card that he's the smallest of the four, and his figure is noticeably smaller, too. It's pretty cool. I think Leo looks the best of the four. He just looks cooler for some reason. Mike is pretty slick, too. Raph is my favorite Turtle, but I think his shade of green is so dark it doesn't look as good as the others.
I picked up Raph & Donnie this weekend from Target. Here in Central Iowa the Turtles have been very hard to find, out of the 4 Wal Marts I frequent in the Des Moines area, only 1 of them has any Turtle stuff, and that just showed up this week. It was about half of wave 1 that they had out thats it. They only had Raph, April, Splinter, and Kraang. No sign of the other 3 turtles, foot ninjas, or Shredder. Target on the other hand has had all of wave 1 out for a while, but of the 3 Targets I check, no sign of Wave 2 yet.
I really like the articulation the figures however the paint apps are pretty horrific. Of the figures I've seen, you really have to examine each carded figure carefully, I've seen the hand wraps completely unpainted on some or terribly painted, and many of the paint jobs on the head bands have about an 1/8 of an inch area both above and below where they painted the skin orange, purple, or red, and I've also seen some of the elbow pads only half painted. There is some spotty QA on the quality of the paint application to these figures, which is too bad. The figures really are pretty great poseability wise, and I'm pretty pleased that they are the same height as the original Turtles from Playmates. I also really dig the green shade used on Donnie's skin and also the color of Mikey. I haven't come acrossed a Leo yet, hopefully I'll find one this week. I'm glad they went with different colored skin on the toys for each of the turtles.
I had no intention of collecting this line or any other lines really anymore (I haven't bought an action figure in over a year I think), but tonight I bought Raphael and Michelangelo because I've enjoyed the cartoon and the figures looked too cool not to buy. After opening them, I was really, really impressed. My first thought was it's smaller than MOTUC but just about as good in terms of sculpt, articulation, paint, and accessories, and I can get all four Turtles for about the price of one MOTUC figure with cost, shipping, and tax. At $8.88, they're well worth it. I don't know if I'll get anyone other than the Turtles because of the lack of articulation, but I'm definitely gonna get all the Turtles, and maybe doubles of each for repaints.
It's really great to see such a quality line at retail. It's been a really, really long time since there was another.
Went to TRU tonight and saw that the Sewer playset is now $139.99, up from $119.99. Man, TRU is such a ripoff.
I've spotted them at TRU, Target, and Walmart here in SoCal. I picked up Metelhead last week at TRU.
Love the new turtle figs. I want Metalhead but I have not spotted one in Philly yet. If anyone can throw me suggestions, that would be great!
Keep hitting Walmart. They seem to be the best source for the three newer characters. That's where I found mine. I have been hearing of others finding them at Target and even TRU, so hopefully you'll be able to find them soon. Good luck!
Love the new turtle figs. I want Metalhead but I have not spotted one in Philly yet. If anyone can throw me suggestions, that would be great!
I spotted Metalhead tonite at Terget. He looks cool but yes the lack of articulation just kinda kills it. I've picked up Leo but and will prolly round up the the other 3 turtles as well. I didn't know that Shredder and the Foot Soldier are also still stuck in 80s mode. Thanx for the heads up......excellent wash job LJ, it's very kool how you've transformed and brought out the attitude the Turtles exude.......
Of course he doesn't look that good out of the box. You have to do some work to him first.
TMNT Metalhead wash with production piece. by TheLegoJoker, on Flickr