On ?12?/?18?/?2018 at 7:38 PM, Dewonscott89 said:Is this figure still available, if so where can I find it ?
I forgot where I got mine. If anything you can always try ebay or amazon
On ?11?/?27?/?2018 at 8:27 AM, Chainclaw said:Is this the same company that made that big Krang figure?
It is the same company
Is this figure still available, if so where can I find it ?
This fig looks pretty friggin rad! I saw a Shredder a while ago that was like this but alittle more mechanical(altho this actually may be it, I feel like it was quite a while ago that I saw it tho). If only I had all the money in the world to grab anything I wanted.
Is this the same company that made that big Krang figure?