The figures look good and I wonder if they are bases on a new animation...??
What kind of price point are we guessing? I want all of them. Love the Figurise-Standard DBZ kits.
Can't wait to see the outcome....
Mecha Rules!!! =^)
I'm definitely into these. If I can I could see myself getting all of them. If they do a Baxter Stockman something based on his fly form would be cool, but I think it'd be awesome if they went with the 03 series since he has so many cyberneticenhancements throughout that show.
these look aweosome. I hope the articulation is pretty good for some decent dynamic posing .. that Shredder one looks cool I hope we get a few bad guys too like a bebop and rocksteady mech or footsoldier
Oh that Shredder is the best of them all, but also seeing these prototypes, these figures look really rad. I'd probably buy that Shredder. I'd like to see this line do well, because seeing something like Hothead, Slash and perhaps how cool it could be to get a Armaggon, War & Famine could be crazy, but obviously those last 3 are long shots, just thought mech version would be insane.
They look very detailed so I'm discarding Transformers...
I'm in for these. Loving Leo and Ralph...but Don is a sleeper and I'd probably grab him as well
These look pretty cool, but Certainly not for me, I'm sure tons of people will be very interested in getting these, they remind me of those Mech Wrekkers from the past, which were kinda cool I guess, but were just trying to capitalize off the popularity of Exo Squad.