3 hours ago, RobertD said:The price definitely stings but I really love the look of them. Like, they're ideal in my view. I'll probably only do one unless they randomly show up on sale down the road (which feels unlikely, but never impossible).
Yeah I'm eyeballing Donnie as my "one"
4 hours ago, toynewman said:I love these and the Lingjihun ones but not for $100 each. I'll have to see prices on these first.
The price definitely stings but I really love the look of them. Like, they're ideal in my view. I'll probably only do one unless they randomly show up on sale down the road (which feels unlikely, but never impossible).
18 hours ago, RobertD said:Man, Leo always loses out when it comes to accessories. He's my favorite but I guess he's the most boring one to try to add stuff to. So these are about 8 inches, it seems? They look good but we all know how expensive Heat Boys tend to be, so I'll probably be slaking my larger turtle thirst with a Lingjihun or two.
I love these and the Lingjihun ones but not for $100 each. I'll have to see prices on these first.
They look pretty cool.
Man, Leo always loses out when it comes to accessories. He's my favorite but I guess he's the most boring one to try to add stuff to. So these are about 8 inches, it seems? They look good but we all know how expensive Heat Boys tend to be, so I'll probably be slaking my larger turtle thirst with a Lingjihun or two.
I'm actually collecting Neca animated, AXN BST and a few Ultimates so not buying any other brands just because I can't just buy EVERYTHING turtles in the market since as you know I collect other lines...???
Alright more turtles lol
I love Ninja Turtles as much as everyone else, but I swear not one day goes by that some company isnt producing more Turtles figures, Imagine being so dedicated to Ninja Turtles you tried to buy everything? My goodness, I at this point don't even have to ask if Turtles are the most produced figures of all licenses ever.
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