This week's TNI Cool Custom is of a Star Trek Landing Party - Death Of A Red Shirt diorama by
Hemble Creations.
Here is how Hemble describes the making of this diorama:
When I saw the Star Trek The Original Series shuttle craft I knew that I had to make a diorama with it in it and what better way of doing that is to have it landed on a planet with a survey crew exploring it's surroundings, And as we all know that whenever a Landing Party goes to a new planet the poor old red shirt (security) are always the first to get killed so with that I started to make the diorama with the Red shirt getting killed by an alien monster. I painted everything using GW, Reaper and Vallejo paints.
Base - The base is a cheap picture frame I picked up from a 2 dollar shop it was re-inforced and then I used foam to make the rocks and then covered those with 2 parts of plaster of paris and fine sand and also added a tablespoon of wood glue to the mixture. Once dry I painted over it with different shades of browns and tans till I got the desired colour I wanted.
Shuttle - The shuttle is from Playing Mantis, I pulled it apart and cut out the door using a model knife and also added minor interior such as seats and console you can't see due to the figure in the door way. The shuttle was given numerous washes of light grey and once dry I also dry brushed it with flat white and dull grey to give it a worn look, I also added some weathering to it using falt back and falt brown.
Crew - The crew are from Preiser( German Tankers and German Infantry marching WW2 which are multi-pose figures which gives you the option of different positions you can put the figures in. Once I got the look I wanted I sanded of the uniform details and painted them in the uniform colours.
The Creature - The creature is also from Preiser(zoo/circus animals) I just added a tale using greenstuff 2 part putty to it as I wanted to keep it simplistic just like the Mugato(ape suit with added detail) and it was painted in browns, tans and drybrushed with 1 part brown and 1 part white
Equipement - The equipment is again from Preiser which came from some 1/72 train figures and accessories"
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