These are so hideous. My cousin had one of these as a kid and we never once incorporated it into our play, and we mixed in EVERYTHING. Just horrifying.
8 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:They def can keep these, I'd rather buy the weird knock-offs amazon sells, 4 pack for 25 bucks and they somehow look less awful because the cheap factory couldn't be bothered with all of the off putting extra deco details, but nope, Playmates isn't winning any awards in my books for re-releasing this basura stuff, they really need to just do a highly detailed 6'' line of their old figures with modern articulation,, ah sigh but I guess Super7 is already doing that, which is really silly playmates didn't just do it themselves, because I'm sure they'd be cheaper then 65-70 bucks a pop.
Playmates own this license and have free reign to do whatever, but they do things like this...they make very little sense, it's almost like the guy in charge of this retro line just handed over the project to his dog, who pushes buttons on a giant machine and he obviously has no idea what he's doing, *woof* "haz putz dzose artikulaateed turples in duh san bax as re-paioto of bebarp fram 89, but Paiznt dem neon"
Yeah, I really like how the Super 7 figs look but only got Playmates money lol. Some stuff they do is cool tho, like the reissue of the 2012 figures, but most of the stuff they do is completely ass-backwards sadly ?
13 hours ago, McYote said:For real! I thought it would be impossible to make them uglier, but somehow they are. NOTHING will be worse than that gummy plastic tho, so these will win as long as they're real plastic (which is an extremely low bar imo ?) Still not getting them ofc, they can keep 'em ?
They def can keep these, I'd rather buy the weird knock-offs amazon sells, 4 pack for 25 bucks and they somehow look less awful because the cheap factory couldn't be bothered with all of the off putting extra deco details, but nope, Playmates isn't winning any awards in my books for re-releasing this basura stuff, they really need to just do a highly detailed 6'' line of their old figures with modern articulation,, ah sigh but I guess Super7 is already doing that, which is really silly playmates didn't just do it themselves, because I'm sure they'd be cheaper then 65-70 bucks a pop.
Playmates own this license and have free reign to do whatever, but they do things like this...they make very little sense, it's almost like the guy in charge of this retro line just handed over the project to his dog, who pushes buttons on a giant machine and he obviously has no idea what he's doing, *woof* "haz putz dzose artikulaateed turples in duh san bax as re-paioto of bebarp fram 89, but Paiznt dem neon"
8 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:yeah these figures didn't have to look so wugly, they were atrocious at the time, unncessary details like weird cheetah spots, they tried way too hard to make these look like the suits and of course they didn't, also when we were kids they were made of rubber which got all gross and oiley then started fuzzing, I;m sure these ones are just that bad plastic the newer rotocast figures are, it's wild how these look worse then the figures we had as kids, they made them wacker, Playmates continue to try to take the boat out and crash at the dock.
For real! I thought it would be impossible to make them uglier, but somehow they are. NOTHING will be worse than that gummy plastic tho, so these will win as long as they're real plastic (which is an extremely low bar imo ?) Still not getting them ofc, they can keep 'em ?
13 hours ago, McYote said:Same. They look actually scary and somehow more unnerving than the movie costumes ?
yeah these figures didn't have to look so wugly, they were atrocious at the time, unncessary details like weird cheetah spots, they tried way too hard to make these look like the suits and of course they didn't, also when we were kids they were made of rubber which got all gross and oiley then started fuzzing, I;m sure these ones are just that bad plastic the newer rotocast figures are, it's wild how these look worse then the figures we had as kids, they made them wacker, Playmates continue to try to take the boat out and crash at the dock.
1 hour ago, MagnaPrime said:Hated these when I was a kid. Still not feeling em
Same. They look actually scary and somehow more unnerving than the movie costumes ?
Hated these when I was a kid. Still not feeling em