I used to have these two...???
Loved this figure as a kid. Might have to give in to the nostalgia on this one.
Loving that they are going a little further into the archives here. Wish we could get a wave of the later figures like half court and such.
7 hours ago, Anime_blast said:We need April and Splinter from this line as well???
That'd be cool I had those two, Bebop, Shredder, Leonardo, and I THINK Rocksteady but can't remember for sure. It'd be nice just for the nostalgia.
We need April and Splinter from this line as well???
I know it's accurate to the original toy, but I kinda wish they'd give Bebop the correct colors for this reissue.
wow never realised Bebops weapon transforms from a camera to the drill gun. lol . I do hope they may reissue the foot soldier one that was always my fav.