If you’ve been following the Four Horsemen’s message boards over at their FANtastic Exclusive website (
https://www.FANtasticExclusive.com), then you can probably already guess the outcome of the second round of voting.
The second round of voting was used to decide which of the eight revealed characters from the Four Horsemen’s property, “The 7th Kingdom” would be chosen by action figure fans worldwide to represent FANtastic Exclusive 2007.
Last year, during Fantastic Exclusive 2006, fans chose “Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea” from The 7th Kingdom’s animal realm by a decisive margin to be the exclusive for the 2006 San Diego Comic Con.
This year, action figure fandom marched down that same, well-trodden path to make The 7th Kingdom animal realm’s “Elephant Swordsman” (real name to be revealed at a later date) the winner of FANtastic Exclusive 2007.
It was really no contest. From the beginning the Elephant Swordsman jumped out to an early lead, finishing up the second round of voting with more than twice the votes of each of his nearest competitors. The Elephant Swordsman’s closest challengers tied for second place (a FIRST in FANtastic Exclusive voting!), and were the Elemental Warlord and the Human Queen.
The Four Horsemen explain the next step: “So, with round 2 voting finished, and the victor revealed, where do we go from here? Well, last year we did separate rounds for “scale” and “articulation”, but this year we’re going to have to combine those two rounds into a similar round of “articulation and height”. We’ll explain the reasons behind that when the third round of voting actually begins later this week.”
And speaking of “Xetheus: Champion of Myothecea”, the full shipments of Xetheus, The Mynothecean Six and The Mynothecean Royal Guardsman have finally arrived at Four Horsemen studios! The cows have officially come home!
The Four Horsemen (
https://www.FourHorsemen.biz) are currently going through the hundreds of cases, and expect to begin shipping all of the items out by the early next week!
Although the Mynothecean Royal Guardsman and The Mynothecean Six have all sold out, Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea is still available in limited numbers at Store Horsemen (https://www.StoreHorsemen.com)! If you haven’t picked yours up yet, do it quick because they’re going fast!
FANtastic Exclusive 2007. C’mon by and join the zoo!
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