The Four Horsemen have just received from the factory the first hand painted sample of one of their upcoming Gothitropolis: Ravens figures - the Screamin Eagle: Eagalus. His cape isn't shown in the images but he WILL come with one. Now, when looking at this please keep these things in mind...
- This is their VERY first pass at painting this figure.
- It's completely hand painted at this point and a combination of hand painting, spray masks and tampo printing with be used to paint the final product in order to create beautiful paint applications.
- They painted this initial sample using only turn around photographs and without the 2-up paint-masters in hand.
There are obviously some missing and incorrect paint applications here and some of the sloppiness will have to be refined, but they're pretty darned happy with the results of this first pass and they wanted to share their excitement with all of you.
This figure and all of the other Gothitropolis: Ravens figure will be up for pre-order through within the next couple months.
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