Mattel Q&A Round-Up For March 1, 2010

by Jay Cochran
March 2, 2010
In order to make it easier for you to check out all the different Mattel Q&A's that are posted around the Internet, we have gathered up all the questions with links to the actual sites where you can easily go to and see the answers. Here is the round-up for March 1st batch of questions. Click here to check out the TNI ones.

1) Count Marzo is amazing and it was surprising to see how accurate he is to the 200x look. Based on all your past comments regarding how you would approah these characters with a classic touch, did the fan demand lead you to un-alter the 200x look of the character?

2) There have been rumors that Mattel will be attending C2E2. Can you confirm or deny Mattel's involvement with the show?

3) When can we expect an announcement for DCUC Wave 15?

4) When can fans expect to see images of the entire Green Lantern gift pack?

5) Why does Tytus feature less articulation than the regular size MOTUC figures?

Kestors Korner

Kastor: With all the Golden Age figures, and all the legacy type characters in the DCUC line, one character has left some fans wondering, does DC/Mattel have the right to do a Dan Garrett/Garret figure for the DCUC line? He would be a nice way to finish up the Blue Beetle family.

Kastor: I know this question can be a sore spot, but in the light of the JLU Lobo, is a certain character with a thing for green still a 100% no go? Would the new movie help or hurt that cause? *Editors note: We were referring to Hal Jordan.

Kastor: The Satellite era of the JLA has such a unified look in the DCUC line, and the JSA looks to be following suit, but the Titans are all over the place with both costumes and scale. Are there any plans to give the fans a more unified Titans team going forward in the line?

Kastor: A little guy missing from Toy Fair was Orko, is he still on target for 2010?

Kastor: All the different colored accessories in the MOTU accessory pack has some fans wondering what was the inspiration for the color choices? Do they some basis in the mini comics, or other source material? and any ?details on timing and price point?

The Fwoosh

1. Okay, I have to ask how the heck do pronounce “Kreann’ot n’Horosh”?

2. Why the change to the DCUC 13 modern Cheetah, what was the motivation for the black costume being added?

3. What is the hand print symbol on the back of Gy-Gor’s cape? Does this represent a new Preternian faction?

4. With only one real new Ghostbusters figure being shown at Toy Fair (Lab Coat Ray), a lot of fans are starting to get worried that the line doesn’t quite have the steam of the other collector lines. How is the line doing? Getting the four ‘busters in their normal un-slimed gear and some of the more famous characters and ghosts is VERY important to collectors, we hope there is a strong commitment to getting these done

5. Wanna give us an idea of how long the New Gods will be on hiatus in DCUC? There is still a LOT of work to do!

1. SilntAngl asks: This may be totally out there, but has Mattel ever looked into taking some of the He-Man vehicle designs into the Hot Wheels realm? A die-cast Attak Trak or Wind Raider could be sweet.

2. Manekochan asks: Is there any new developments on Mxyzptlk, Doctor Pyscho, or Detective Chimp – all characters that can’t use the current bucks and are too small to be build-a-figures. Has there been discussion about how to get them in the line?

3. Mr. Rant asks: Any update on any Matt Mason product? I was hoping to see something at Toy Fair.

4. Vault asks: Last time we asked if JLU accessories could be repurposed for DCUC. Since they can’t, can some room be made in DC Classics for some of the important DC artifacts? The shelves won’t be complete without Kandor, the Spear of Destiny, the Hero dial, etc.

5. Noisy asks: On the Matty Forums, Toy Guru deemed the 200x Skeletor sword unneeded since it didn’t fit in continuity*. That got me thinking, do the weapons in the weapons pack have any cool backstories? What brave warrior had purple Zodac armor? Who does the green deco 200x Power Sword belong to? We love all the weapons, but what, if anything, inspired the color choices?

Pendragon's Post

1. Battle Cat & Trap Jaw both sold out in a record amount of time and due to multiple technical issues many MOTUC fans are feeling left out in the cold because they couldn’t get their figures. After 14 months of operation, something needs to be done. One popular idea is to limit the number of figures people can buy at a time, for example making the limit two instead of ten. Is this at all possible or are fans out of luck until the re-release?

2. What went into choosing a character like Mo-Larr, who debuted on Robot Chicken, as one of two SDCC MOTUC items?

3. Since you cannot comment officially on licenses you do not have, in a scenario where you already own the rights to, manufacture, and distribute figures for an intellectual property that you obtained the rights to from a company, can you provide a general list of barriers and obstacles that make it difficult or perhaps impossible to acquire the rights to other unique intellectual properties owned by the same company?

4. Will the coupons issued out to subscribers for Battle Cat carry over to other items in the future as many couldn't use them to order?

5. Is She-Ra's cape removable?

1) Some lines such as Star Wars have done a fan request for figures. Will this ever happen to MOTU Classics?

2) Will you be accepting Paypal anytime soon, as some people get concerned about changing credit cards?

3) Due to the scarcity and after market prices of the DC Direct Hal Jordan, does Mattel have any plans to release their own versions in the DCUC format, or to repaint any of the previous figures as Blackest Night characters in upcoming waves (Flash as Blue Lantern, Wonder Woman as a Star Sapphire, etc..) or does DC Direct have exclusive claim to those characters for production?

4) Battle Cat seemed to cause quit a bit of problems for ordering from Digital River on the site. What is Mattel doing to get these issues corrected and to ensure that ordering these figures is as smooth of a process as possible. IT seems several people missed out because of time outs, errors, and bogus credit authorization failures.

5) Battle Cat sold out fast! Do you know if we will be getting larger deluxe figures such as BC reissued?


1. Great reveal for the Wal-Mart exclusive Green Lantern 5-pack. Some quick questions: Is that Tomar Re or Tomar Tu? Is John Stewart’s Mosaic costume the one that matches Katma Tui’s from Wave 11? Will GL Sinestro have a mask, and if so, is it sculpted or just painted on?

2. A lot have people have commented about Wave 13’s Blue Beetle’s articulation, because double elbows and knees are different from what we’ve seen from the start of the line. How do you feel about the aesthetic and the movement of the new joints? Are we going to see them incorporated into more DCUC figures over time? What will determine which you’ll use for each character?

3. Alternate heads on Masters of the Universe Classics figures are always welcome, and thanks for making two heads for Whiplash. One of the great things about the San Diego Comic-Con MOTU 200X Keldor from a few years ago was a head in mid-transformation to Skeletor – any chance to get that included with the MOTUC Keldor?

4. I think the plan was to have 6 figures released in the 6-inch Ghostbuster line. With Peck and Venkman pushed back a couple of months, are we still going to make it to 6 figures? Aside from Peck, are any of the remaining figures for the year supporting characters versus the 4 main Ghostbusters?

5. There were a lot of new products announced and as well as some shuffling. Can you provide us with the latest planned release dates for DCUC, MOTUC, and Ghostbusters?

Q1. Mattel, Can you fix the scale on the teenage male heroes for DCUC and DCIH? Robin,Kid Flash and Beast Boy look like they are 12.The teenage female bodies are perfect, but the males are way to short. The 1st Robin you did in the DC Superheroes line was perfect. If you would have used the current teenage male scale for Zan, he would have been looking at Jayna’s belly button. I am glad you used an adult size scale model for Zan instead.

Right now when I pose my Titans together, Starfire,Cyborg and Nightwing look like they are baby sitting a bunch of 12 year old’s dressed up like Robin,Kid Flash and Beast Same for the DCIH line, Ravager,Raven,Supergirl,Wondergirl who are on the same Titans team, look way taller then Robin. He looks like he is 10 years old in that line.

Q2. How is that the Mattycollector JLU 4 packs have not sold enough units to continue when they are all sold out? Is it really the speed of the sales that is more important than the units moved?

Q3. What are the chances of seeming some DCUC re-releases for characters in the old Super Powers line in with their classic Super Powers paint jobs? Characters like Penguin, Red Tornado and Kalibak as well as more SP accurate versions of Mr. Freeze, Lex Luthor, Robin and Orion?

Q4. With the reveal of the Nightwing/Batgirl/Penguin 3 pack in JLU, alot of fans are excited about those characters, but disappointed in the sculpts. Is it too late to alter this pack in any way so they are more in line with the typical JLU line? They just don’t fit in.

Also, are more figures planned using any of these sculpts? Please no! While we applaud the intention to get these characters out, I think we’d rather have a smaller wave and have them done correctly than cheaply..

Q5. Since wave 14 is the WM exclusive wave and not 15 how will this affect future DCUC waves? Does this mean wave 15 will be out before the WM wave? Or does it mean that the WM wave will be out earlier this year?


BZZURKK - Now that DC has decided to let you do a JLU Lobo, might we see a more "in scale" Lobo for the DC Universe Classics line down the road?

BZZURKK - I know this like beating a dead horse but, we still have fans that ask us why can't my Wal-Mart carry DCUC. We have begged and pleaded with our local wal-mart stores/managers/district managers and get the same answer each time. We cannot carry that item because it isn't in our system. Only larger stores can carry it. When will Mattel fight off the Hasbro shelf space so the fans can get the figures?

BZZURKK - Is there any hope that Mattel will sell obscure DCUC characters on the MattyCollector website? For example sell someone like Manga Khan, The Scarlet Skier, Executrix for the $25.00 price-point?

BZZURKK - Is Jonah Hex a character that could be done for the DCUC line? Or does the movie affect his availability?

BZZURKK – Are we going to be seeing DCUC waves 1-10 on Matty Collector for those that are just now or missed out the first time?

1) Many fans are asking why yellow was chosen for the vest on Zatanna. We understand that there are comic appearances of her with that vest, but what goes into a decision like that? As in, was an overall black and white outfit deemed too plain?

2) Any chance we could get this little guy as a pack in for a GL in the DCUC line soon? ;)

3) What inspired the changes to the DCUC Modern Cheetah? She now has a black outfit on and when we previously saw pictures, she did not. Was this a retailer request?

4) Please tell us more about the upcoming MOTUC accessory pack? Price, when it will be available, and some of the highlights of that set that you guys are excited to make available to the fan base?

5) Now that we know more about why the DCUC Hawks 2 pack was not released, is there any chance this pack could be fit into case assortments later this year?

1.) Extremely nerdy question: Now that we’re getting a He-Man/Superman 2-pack at retail, does that mean the events of DC Comics Presents #47 are canon in the MOTUC universe–or is this a “What If?” scenario?

2.) Is there any chance of other DC/MOTU collaborations now–perhaps a trade paperback reissue of the original DC 3-issue MOTU miniseries, or even a new MOTUC comic series?

3.) DO4M asks: We were told that a “200X” He-Man redeco would get a painted harness and the 200X sword from MAA/Weapons Pack, but no “200X/MYP” head. Does this mean that He-Variants that have a different head (hairstyle) like NA He-Man or Laser Power He-Man will get the “vintage hairstyle” MOTUC He-Man head instead of a head based on their toy?

4.) Nik asks: In regards to the 6″ Ghostbusters line, I am looking forward to slimed Peter and Commercial Ray, but when can we expect some villains? I really would like a Vigo figure and an in-scale painting if possible.

5.) Barbecue17 asks: In a recent interview with Fwoosh, Toyguru commented that fans did not purchase enough of the Mattycollector DCUC 2 packs to warrant more being made. Here’s my question: If these figures aren’t sold out, and Matttel is concerned with the sales numbers, why are they removed from Mattycollector so long before the summer conventions? It would seem logical to continue offering fans a chance to purchase these figures at their convenience rather than limit sales to a designated period. With the high cost of shipping, I can certainly understand fans who would prefer to make a quarterly purchase from Mattycollector and save on some shipping. We see there are plans on re-releasing the big name heroes in the DCUC all stars line-up, can we expect to see some of the sought after villains like Harley Quinn or Sinestro? Can we expect to see new sculpts and articulation for female characters in DCIH? Considering Mattel's relationship with Warner Brothers/DC Comics, might it be possible for Mattel to acquire toy licenses of other popular properties now owned by Warner Brothers, such as Thundercats and Silverhawks? Can we expect Movie Masters figures based off of the Tim Burton Batman movies series? Does Mattel have any plans to release characters based on live action DC television properties like Smallville, Birds of Prey or 60's Batman?

If you don't see your site listed and have a Mattel Q&A Round posted and would like to see your site added to our Round-Up, just shoot us an email at The next round of questions for Mattel are due in by Februar 1, 2010 with answers due back by February 15, 2010. If you would like to send in a question to possibly be chosen for the next round, CLICK HERE.


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