New Masters Of The Universe Origins Sun Man Based Character Figure Images - Plus The MattelCreations Sun Man Delayed

by Jay Cochran
February 28, 2022
While Mattel gave us a glimpse of these figures earlier this month, they have released more hi-res images of upcoming Masters of the Universe Origins Sun Man based figures. Shown are Digitino, a Latino computer wizard, Space Sumo, an Asian telekinetic ninja and the evil Pig-Head. Also shown is a second version of Sun Man himself. Mattel has yet to officially come out and said when these figures will be released, but as we reported this weekend there are some indications Digitino will be in the 9th Origins wave.

It should also be noted that those who pre-ordered the Deluxe Sun Man figure from the Mattel Creations website which includes myself have been getting emails from Mattel stating the figure's release has been delayed. Mattel is requiring people to respond with an email confirming they still want the figure or they say the order will be canceled. If you pre-ordered the figure last year then you may want to keep an eye out for that email if you haven't gotten it already.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Uki - 2022-03-02 @ 1:38 pm

I pre-ordered 4 Horde Troopers; I keep telling myself that I don't need more. (We'll see how long I hold out.)

Looks like the Exclusive Sun-Man is not coming until May, so I will probably grab this version too.

hainrs - 2022-03-01 @ 7:06 pm

Masterverse was never supposed to be the line strictly for Revelations. It's supposed to be a catch all line and it's beginning was Revelations. There's plenty of product coming out for all of the lines.

kILLMonger - 2022-03-01 @ 3:18 pm
On 2/1/2022 at 11:15 AM, Flounnderr said:

Its funny, eventhough these are official Mattel releases... they still feel like knock-offs. Especially the ninja design. Sun man has an odd history and was pretty unknown before the internet. I hope the original makers made a buttload selling to Mattel!

Sun Man was quite well the community. There were articles in magazines and everything. I can agree Sun Man wasn't as well known outside the community...and that was for a good number of reasons. Milestone (as a good comparison) had the same issue. It just wasn't covered by "mainstream" media for the same...reasons (I'll say no more). I'm just happy Mattel is folding the MOTS folks in. I would LOVE to see a Revelations style Sun-Man...even a animated MOTU one from the Netflix series. They were designed to fit right in with MOTU from their inception in the 80s. They just added some much needed color. But HARD to find (I wanted one as a kid and never got/saw them). Glad that won't be a issue in 2022.

Now if Mcfarlane can give Milestone some love lol.....

MagnaPrime - 2022-02-03 @ 2:03 am

I totally support having more of the rulers of the sun officially in MOTU. The villains alone are great! And I like the history.

ChrisMOTUFAN - 2022-02-02 @ 11:15 pm

True. But personally, I'll wait until mattel announces new masterverse figs passed merman and teela. Passed those characters it's been pretty quite for masterverse news. They could just continue the line without a Revelations toon but hard for me to even see that happening since all 8 of my targets don't sell masterverse as well as they do origins. I've bought doubles and triples of most characters to support the line so I hope it does stick around.

Roadpigmaster - 2022-02-02 @ 8:03 pm
2 hours ago, ChrisMOTUFAN said:

Jaaaaaaaay! Hope all is well w ya! Hmmmm. I only heard of Netflix renewing the cgi kiddie one. I'm only guessing and hopefully I'm wrong because I love the figs .....but if I was a betting man I'll be surprised if revelations gets a second season. But hopefully the put out ram man and roboto. I wish mattel put out some news on masterverse. Villians definitely outweigh the heroes on my masterverse section.

I seen new Masterverse figures stocked at my local Target ? so I don't think this is going away anytime soon... I pre-ordered King Grayskull yesterday at target ? online.???

ChrisMOTUFAN - 2022-02-02 @ 5:00 pm

Jaaaaaaaay! Hope all is well w ya! Hmmmm. I only heard of Netflix renewing the cgi kiddie one. I'm only guessing and hopefully I'm wrong because I love the figs .....but if I was a betting man I'll be surprised if revelations gets a second season. But hopefully the put out ram man and roboto. I wish mattel put out some news on masterverse. Villians definitely outweigh the heroes on my masterverse section.

JayC - 2022-02-02 @ 1:05 pm
5 hours ago, ChrisMOTUFAN said:

February should determine the fate of masterverse. Origins seems intact but after decades of target shutting down poor lines it'll be amazing to see if target decides to keep masterverse. I have 8 targets and haven't really seen much support for the line most likely due to the divided fan base. Personally, I hope the line continues as it's my favorite retail line. We haven't heard of any new additions passed masterverse teela and merman plus the heman skeletor variants so been pretty quiet on the masterverse front.

As long as there is entertainment properties pushing the toys Target will likely continue to carry the stuff. We already know the CGI series is getting another season and there is a live-action movie coming to Netfix and possibly another season of Revelations, so my guess is these lines aren't going away anytime soon.

ChrisMOTUFAN - 2022-02-02 @ 7:41 am

Oops forgot about king grayskull target exclusive....wish we had a roboto deluxe too!

ChrisMOTUFAN - 2022-02-02 @ 7:35 am

February should determine the fate of masterverse. Origins seems intact but after decades of target shutting down poor lines it'll be amazing to see if target decides to keep masterverse. I have 8 targets and haven't really seen much support for the line most likely due to the divided fan base. Personally, I hope the line continues as it's my favorite retail line. We haven't heard of any new additions passed masterverse teela and merman plus the heman skeletor variants so been pretty quiet on the masterverse front.

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